Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1783 Those things of concern

Feinan explained what he meant.Hearing Feinan's words, Ji Tianyu understood in his heart that it's not that Feinan doesn't mean to cooperate?

"Feinan, if that's what you mean, then I can go to Secretary Wu and tell him what you mean, and ask him to correct the conditions again!"

"Ji, you don't need to go. To be honest, I don't have much confidence in your officials. By the way, Ji, I know that you have a lot of property now. If you are interested, we can talk about it!"

"Let's talk?" Ji Tianyu couldn't keep up with the speed of Feinan's thoughts. Just now he was talking about Secretary Wu's cooperation with Feinan. After a few words, Feinan pointed the finger at him. What about yourself?Do you want to do this business yourself?To be honest, Ji Tianyu was not indifferent, but he felt that if he agreed, he would not be able to explain to Wu Dongyu.After all, Wu Dongyu was the first to discuss this matter, especially Wu Dongyu is the son-in-law of Chairman Wan!

The reason why Ji Tianyu didn't want to do this was because he didn't want to form an enmity with Wu Dongyu!

"Our national strength cannot support large-scale mining, so it is necessary to find someone to cooperate with, and what kind of person to cooperate with is now the question I have to think about! Ji, think about it, and cooperate with you, I I'm more at ease and don't have too many worries."

Obviously, Feinan really wanted to find Ji Tianyu as a partner.

"Feinan, I have to think about this again. Also, if I can cooperate with you, then we will send people to investigate on the spot." Ji Tianyu thought for a while, this temptation is really too great Yes, although Ji Tianyu hesitated, he still didn't directly reject Feinan's invitation.

"That is necessary, and we will follow the normal steps to discuss this cooperation."

When Ji Tianyu and Fei Nan met this time, nothing was actually settled, but it seemed that some things were settled!

After Ji Tianyu and Fei Nan met, they broke up. Before Ji Tianyu arrived at the hotel where he was staying, he was invited away by Wu Dongyu's subordinates!

"Secretary Wu, you are too dedicated. I just met Fei Nan, and you called me here. Why don't you let me rest?" Seeing Wu Dongyu, Ji Tianyu immediately questioned road.

Usually, everyone thinks that the leader does not do things, but now I really meet a leader who does things, and it will make people feel annoying!

"Xiao Ji, am I thinking about it? When you met Fei Nan, what did he tell you? Did you mention the cooperation?" Wu Dongyu asked urgently.

"He mentioned it himself..." Ji Tianyu learned what Fei Nan said from Wu Dongyu.Then he sat aside and waited for Wu Dongyu's reaction.

"This is all in my expectation. From seeing your performance today, I feel that he will have this will! Now, since he thinks so, I think you might as well do it! Now No matter whether they cooperate with the government or you, the final benefits are still for our country!" Wu Dongyu analyzed Ji Tianyu with an open mind.

It would be fine if Wu Dongyu didn't explain, but Ji Tianyu was not happy with this explanation.

"Secretary Wu, what you said is wrong. The country belongs to the country. I can't pay for it myself, and then the results still belong to the country? Is this confiscation of personal property?"

"Well, oh, I didn't make it clear! What I mean is, even if Feinan asks you to go, in the end, you just need to sell the oil to the country at the market price! It's about confiscating property, but never No! That's the old society in the old days, when people said property raids!" Hearing the displeasure in Ji Tianyu's words, Wu Dong and Cai figured it out, and it turned out that he had said something wrong!

"Uncle Wu, in this way, I have to agree to Fei Nan. After all, even if you have money, you can't find a chance for this matter!" Ji Tianyu had already made up his mind. The reason why he said this was nothing more than Wu Dongyu had nothing to say.If Wu Dongyu's identity was just that of a municipal party secretary, then Ji Tianyu would have nothing to worry about, but unfortunately, his father-in-law is the most powerful one in China, only for this point, Ji Tianyu Tianyu had to take care of his face.

Now that Wu Dongyu said so, Ji Tianyu felt reassured!

In this world now, whoever owns the resources is the boss!In China, resources are not owned by the state, and individuals are not allowed to exploit them without permission.As for joint development with outsiders, it is even more impossible!Now in terms of resources, it is already in a hurry, but there is no way to do that, only a large amount of imports.

Ji Tianyu knew that if he took over the hazy list business, he would definitely need to invest a lot of money in the early stage, but the return would definitely be huge.

"Xiao Ji, when the time comes, you can't just sell it to other countries for high profits!" Wu Dongyu reminded Ji Tianyu.

"Uncle Wu, don't worry about this! If this is done, I will only ship the oil back to China and not sell it to other countries!" Ji Tianyu promised.

"That's good! Xiao Ji, think it over, and settle this matter with Fei Nan! Don't let other people snatch this good thing away!" Wu Dongyu reminded Ji Tianyu.Now is such a realistic situation, even if you hold the money, if someone chokes the output pipeline and refuses to sell it to you, then you have nothing to do.

A situation like this hasn't happened before.Although China is a big country, ordinary small countries dare not deal with China so blatantly, but some big countries with bad intentions are not afraid, and they will make troubles for you from time to time.Their joy in life may be watching them stumbling others and watching others solve problems in a panic.

"Isn't Feinan right to decide this matter? Will there be any changes?"

"For such a big matter, although it is said that Feinan has the right to say, you should also think about it. If there are many political figures in their country who oppose it, can Feinan still persist? Don't forget, before they , the person who is interested in cooperating is country m! How can they be willing to have such a piece of ready-made pastry eaten by you?"

After Wu Dongyu's explanation, Ji Tianyu thought about it. With their domineering temperament, they might not be able to accept their fate so willingly!After all, just because of resources, they just made up a reason, set a date, and broke other people's countries and overthrew the ruling government!

"Uncle Wu, you're right, then I'll go and talk to him earlier!"

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