Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1841 Caring for Brothers

"Don't tell me, didn't Qiangzi say that he would take her in? Who knew that woman actually agreed, and now she's by Qiangzi's side! Don't look like she's a woman, but she acts better than a man. Simply!"

"Uh, you mean what did Qiangzi do by taking that woman in?" Ji Tianyu didn't know for a while, whether he took in her as a woman or as his subordinate?

"What to do? Isn't it just..." Sha Liang didn't understand it for a while, but when he explained half of it, when he thought about it, he laughed too.

"Boss, you can really think, of course you are a subordinate! That woman wants to put the job on Qiangzi's bed, but Qiangzi doesn't have that heart! This woman can twist, but the man is like this! No way!"

"What are you laughing at? You didn't make it clear. What's so ridiculous?" Ji Tianyu was laughed at by Sha Liang and the others. After thinking about it, he thought too much and complicated things, and then he laughed too.

"Don't blame the boss for being delusional. After all, the boss has never taken a woman under his command. The only one, sister Lin, has finally become a sister-in-law!" Sha Liang grinned happily.If he could catch the opportunity to make fun of Ji Tianyu, how could he give up such a good opportunity.

Except for Sha Liang who was grinning all by himself, the others didn't dare to smile so obviously when they wanted to. Even Cha Hongzhuo just smiled with his mouth pursed.

"Sha Liang, how is your sister Qingqing now? I haven't seen you for a while, it's strange. So, Hongzhuo, you send someone to pick up Sister Qingqing, let's get together!" Ji Tianyu said calmly. After saying something warmly, Sha Liang immediately closed his mouth.

Everyone knows that Qin Qingqing is Sha Liang's mother-in-law. This woman is even more seductive than her daughter Qin Xue. The most important thing is that this mother-in-law is much younger than Sha Liang, the son-in-law.

Of course, people with a discerning eye will know to some extent that Sha Liang has no good intentions for this mother-in-law!It can be seen from the way he looks at Qin Qingqing.Now hearing Ji Tianyu say this again, everyone laughed knowingly.

"Boss, what are you talking about about Qiangzi, what are you doing with me?" Sha Liang rolled his eyes and glanced around, the laughter of the crowd stopped.Although with Ji Tianyu here, they are not afraid of Sha Liang anymore, but they also know that Ji Tianyu can't always be here to protect them. If Ji Tianyu leaves, it's not easy for Sha Liang to play with them?

"Just kidding, Sha Liang, you, Qiangzi and Beitang will have a good relationship. In Binhai, although you have separated, this care is still necessary." Ji Tianyu instructed.

"Boss, this death is not a pity, you understand! The reason why the Beitang Society split up was not Qiangzi's idea. He followed Linlin wholeheartedly, but those old people in the Beaulieu Society always wanted to be independent. They always feel that the rules you set, Boss, are too rigid and not suitable for mafia gangs."

"It doesn't matter what they think, since they separated, it has nothing to do with us. Of course, if something happens to the Beitang Society in the future, you should fish out Qiangzi or have to." Wang Qiang and Ji Tianyu are still very fond of them.He always remembered the first time he saw Shi Lin bringing Wang Qiang and everyone from Panlong Society to see him.

At that time, Wang Qiang was so handsome that even Ji Tianyu couldn't help but praise him, he was a handsome man.If you walk on the street, you will think of him as a model, a star, and no one will think of him as a gangster living in darkness.

A person who is completely different from the image of the underworld, he and Shi Lin walk together, making people feel that the Beaulieu Club seems to specialize in handsome men and beautiful women!

"At that time, I could have stopped him, but in that case, there must be punishment. Alas, Wang Qiang's face is pitiful!" Ji Tianyu sighed.

"Boss, you don't have to blame yourself for this. Qiangzi understands your painstaking efforts. His scar is not impossible to heal, but he said, to keep this scar, be vigilant about yourself, what should be done and what should not be done Do it!" Sha Liang said seriously.

"It's good that he can think like this! I still want to see him, but when I think that his face was disfigured because of me, I..." Ji Tianyu smiled faintly, and didn't continue.

"Boss, maybe Qiangzi doesn't think so!"

"Boss, you don't have to feel ashamed of Qiangzi! In fact, Qiangzi is sorry for the boss! Qiangzi didn't abide by the rules of the boss, and it is reasonable to be punished."

"Stop talking! Remember what I said, just don't forget that he is your brother!" Ji Tianyu sighed softly.

"Sha Liang, you are too irresponsible. Hongzhuo has been with you for these years, and you have married your own wife and mother-in-law. Why don't you want to find a wife for Hongzhuo to start a family?" said some students. Ji Tianyu and the others changed the topic to the relaxed daily life.

"Boss, you have wronged me, Hong Zhuo is now the target of those famous ladies, and the woman who chases him has to talk about car clothes, so why should I come forward to be such an unflattering concubine? "Sha Liang stared at Cha Hongzhuo dumbfounded.

At this time, Cha Hongzhuo Changkuai is no longer the brat who followed behind him when he was in the Sand Gang, and took every bite.Although Cha Hongzhuo was not as handsome as Ji Tianyu and Wang Qiang, he was a good husband-in-law snatched away by many young girls when he was successful in his career and high-spirited.

"Hongzhuo, since this is the case, why don't you hurry up and find a girl to start a family with? You are not too young now, if you continue to waste time like this, you will be old!" Ji Tianyu asked Zha Hongzhuo with a smile.

"Boss, I haven't found the right girl. I can't just find someone to make do with. When I meet a girl who makes my heart beat, I will get divorced and then get married. I have had enough of the divorce of my parents. I don't want me My child also suffers the same. If I can't find a woman who suits my heart, when I am really old, I will find a woman to have a child at random, and I have completed my life's mission."

"If you can make do with it, sooner or later you won't make do with it!" Sha Liang snapped a sentence.

"I'm still young, and my heart is still too impetuous and uncertain. Normally, I can't make do with it. But when I get older and my heart is settled, I can make do with it, and I won't have any other thoughts. At least in this way, the marriage can be maintained." Stability." Cha Hongzhuo rolled Sha Liang's eyes.This animal, which even the mother-in-law would never let go of, will not understand what she is after.

"When you are old and your heart is not moving anymore, and you marry a daughter-in-law, I'm afraid you won't be able to move anymore. It's a little difficult to have children! The most important thing is, I'm afraid your heart will not be impetuous, and your wife will be irritable!" Sha Liang smacked his lips. .

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