But Qiuqiu is different, he is childish, he can't tell which unlucky ghost he has his eyes on!Ordinarily, being caught by the young master is a good thing no matter what, but the young master of his family, and the people who fell in love, there is no one who does not complain.

Let's talk, I can't explain Qiuqiu's fallacies.These people don't understand, how can a little boy come up with so many fallacies, even though he knows that what he said is fallacies, but there is nothing he can do about it.

Let's fight, even if they are willing to go all out and really dare to fight, they won't be able to fight this little ancestor sincerely!

Now, Nantang will have the same policy from top to bottom, that is, they can't be provoked, and they can be hidden!When you see this little ancestor, you can hide as far as you can, and try not to let yourself become a toy for him to solve.

Of course Ji Tianyu didn't know about all this, and returned to Ji's house with Qiuqiu who didn't want to leave.

After returning home, Ji Tianyu was greeted by a group of beauties.Qiuqiu was quite interesting, seeing a group of mothers waiting for his father, he said good night and slipped back to his room.

This night, Ji Tianyu can be said to have moved to all directions. Fortunately, Gu Jingwen and Cen Hanning were both pregnant, so naturally they did not participate in this purely component game.But even without this pair of mother and daughter, Ji Tianyu would not take it lightly, those are really eight daughters-in-law!He usually left his flower-like daughter-in-law at home and disappeared for many years. Now that he will come back, what can he do without his efforts?

People say that aunts are annoying.They always appear at inappropriate times, but now, Ji Tianyu is looking forward to how many of his daughter-in-laws have aunts visiting him!Poor him, he was born to be exhausted, and among the eight daughters-in-law, none of them had an aunt to visit him!

If it was in the past, some people would disagree with the eight wives sharing the same room.But after seeing Lan Qian, Dong Yu's child is so smart and cute, Gu Jingwen, Cen Hanning's mother and daughter are pregnant again, and the rest of them have no news. Although they didn't say anything clearly, they were anxious, but It's real!

Wheel battle!Women can rest when they are tired, but the only male lead has no rest time.Especially these women are full of ideas, everyone wants to incorporate the last essence into their bodies, but what's more, more wolves + less meat, and rain and dew are all covered, which must be unrealistic!

The next day, the sun was high, but Ji Tianyu hadn't appeared yet.

At the dinner table, Ji Dahai asked Gu Jingwen.

"Wenwen, where is Tianyu? Didn't see him last night? I finally went home once, where did he go?" When Ji Dahai went back to his room to rest, Ji Tianyu hadn't come back, so he didn't know Ji Tianyu The fate of Tianyu who worked hard all night last night.

"Dad, Tianyu may be a little tired and still sleeping! We eat ours, and he will come down to eat naturally when he wakes up!" Gu Jingwen smiled.If this was said by Cen Hanning, Ji Dahai would definitely think wrongly, but this was said by Gu Jingwen, a steady and mature female mayor, he really didn't think about that kind of thing.

"Did you go out to cause trouble again last night? You don't need to protect him, and you don't think of a way to keep him at home, just let him run out! Who lives in a family, and the man is always not at home?" Ji Dahai taught him a lesson. Got a few daughters-in-law.

Speaking of which, although Tian Jia and Lan Qian showed up at the restaurant on time, what they want to do more is to go back to their room and have a good sleep!Ji Tianyu is not the only one who is tired after tossing all night!

After breakfast, Gu Jingwen was the first to say goodbye and go to work.

"Dad, Mom, I'm off to work!" Gu Jingwen said to Ji Tianyu and Zhu Guiqin.

"Wenwen, don't forget what you promised us yesterday! Type up the report early and let the higher-ups choose the right person, so you can come back and recuperate." Zhu Guiqin has not forgotten this matter.

"Well, I see!" Gu Jingwen smiled warmly as always.

"Goodbye, Mom!" Seeing that Gu Jingwen was getting ready to go to work, Qiuqiu and her daughter said to Gu Jingwen together.

"Be good, baby, mom is leaving!" Gu Jingwen kissed Qiuqiu and Nannan's little + cheeks, then nodded to the sisters who were still at the dining table, and got into the car waiting outside the door.

After Gu Jingwen left, Lan Qian also got up and got ready to go to work. Although she still felt very tired, she couldn't just go on strike and rest at home for a day, right?There is really no way to explain it to my in-laws!

Regardless of whether they are willing to go to work or not, several women still leave home one by one and rush to their respective positions.

This is the disadvantage of being with the elderly. With the elderly around, they can't do whatever they want so casually!

Everyone who had to go was gone, only Cen Hanning and her two children were left at home.

"Qiaoqiu, take care of your sister, I'll go see your father!" Cen Hanning confessed to Qiuqiu.

"Little mother, go, I will take good care of my sister!" Qiuqiu promised Cen Hanning.

After listening to Qiuqiu's words, Nannai glanced at Qiuqiu.

"Brother, I don't seem to need you to watch, do I?"

"You are a younger sister, I should look at you!" Qiuqiu pretended not to understand Nannan's words, and said without shame.

Nannan looked at the ball and said seriously. "Brother, lend me your car!"

"No! You're a girl, what do you need a car for? If you're going somewhere, I'll take you there!" Qiuqiu was very shameless, and immediately rejected Nannan's proposal.

"Stingy ghost! Don't borrow it!" Nanni pursed her lips, and went upstairs to her room a little angrily.

Ordinarily, at the age of Qiuqiu and Nannan, they have already started to go to kindergarten, but these two spirits, let them go to kindergarten to be with those crying little dolls, they must be driven crazy.

Qiuqiu watched her daughter walk away indifferently.Even if she was angry, Qiuqiu would not lend her car to her.It's not that he treasures his little car, but that he is worried, if my daughter really drives the car out, will there be any safety issues?

After watching her daughter run back to the room, Qiuqiu got up and went to Ao Yuan and Huang Shan's room.Every day he would go to Ao Yuan's room to rest in peace.This habit was instilled in Qiuqiu by Ao Yuan.

In Ao Yuan's words, a son must greet his parents every day.Of course, this rule only applies between Qiuqiu and Ao Yuan.In the eyes of others, this cumbersome and meaningless form is not acceptable to everyone.

After Qiuqiu paid his respects, he sat on the ground as usual, and reviewed all the exercises Ao Yuan taught him.During this process, Ao Yuan's spirit has been staying on Qiuqiu's body, carefully observing whether he made any mistakes.

It is precisely because of Ao Yuan's daily supervision that Qiuqiu's progress is so rapid.

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