Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1863 Good Explanation

Ji Tianyu chatted with Fei Nan and his wife for a while, and a servant who looked like a servant came to Jones and said a few words softly.

"Honey, dinner is ready, shall we invite Ji to have dinner together?" Jones said to Feinan.

Obviously, before Ji Tianyu arrived, Fei Nan had already ordered the servants to prepare the meals.Otherwise, it would be impossible to prepare meals so quickly.

Ji Tianyu had nothing to refuse, so he said thank you, followed Feinan and his wife to the restaurant, the guests and hosts were seated, and the dishes on the table were all the special foods of the country of Egypt, but to be honest, Ji Tianyu really didn't think How delicious.But under the kindness of others, it is not easy for him to refuse. Fortunately, his stomach is strong enough, and he will not suffer from stomach problems if he eats something he doesn't like.

After dinner, Jones exited politely, leaving room for the two men.

"Ji, I know, you will definitely come to me!" Feinan said to Ji Tianyu.

"Feinan, I have to thank you. Without your support, the contract with Haoming Company would not have been successfully signed. I must thank you for this matter!"

"This matter is a reciprocal matter. Ji, you don't have to thank me! You may not know the situation in our country. There are very few freighters in our country. Speaking of it, it's all a joke, and it costs a whole country. We don’t even have as many ships as a decent-sized shipping company! This is the situation, we simply don’t have the ability to undertake our country’s import and export transportation!”

Feinan sighed, Ji Tianyu could tell that Feinan really had feelings for this country, and his words were full of sadness for the country's backwardness.

"Our country is a landlocked country, and it is also a desertified country. The land area is not large, and the only some land may be swallowed up by moving sand dunes from time to time! Resources are scarce, food, daily necessities, most of them are It depends on imports. Our country’s sea transportation is underdeveloped, but how can this large amount of imports be transported to the country? Airline? That is a simple and convenient mode of transportation. How much money does it cost? Items are shipped to the country , How much will the cost become? Therefore, although our country is a landlocked country, we are not afraid of the port. It is undeniable that sea transportation is the most cost-effective mode of transportation!

Ji, you really don't have to thank me, even if we don't cooperate with Haoming Shipping Company, we will find other shipping companies to undertake our transportation!It's just a coincidence, since Jiang is always your friend, it's better to leave the matter of cooperation to Mr. Jiang than to others! " Feinan explained, and elaborated on the situation in their country.

After hearing Feinan's narration, Ji Tianyu sighed.It is really not easy for a country to reach such a point.What a helpless thing it is to lead someone else's port to serve as a distribution channel for one's own country!People are happy, everyone lives in peace, if people turn their backs, it will be fun!If you can't say it, you have to be kicked out by others, and you are no longer allowed to transport supplies at their ports!

"In any case, I have to thank you! Jiang Hao is my brother, his affairs are mine affairs, I must thank you for your great help on his behalf."

"However, Feinan, I still have some doubts, and I need you to help me answer them!" Ji Tianyu changed the subject.

"Ji, I know what you want to ask. You don't have to ask, I'll tell you about it!" Feinan was also a straightforward person, and he immediately answered after hearing Ji Tianyu's words.

What Ji Tianyu wanted to ask, of course Feinan knew in his heart, even if it was another person, he would have doubts about this matter.Ji Tianyu was able to wait until this time before asking himself, which already surprised Feinan.After all, without knowing what he was thinking, he was able to stay safely in his own country and on his own territory for such a long time, which is really courageous to say the least!

Ji Tianyu nodded, since he took the initiative to confess to him, he just listened attentively.

"Oil extraction, in our country, has been exploited for a long time, but the scale has not been large. Because of what, I don't think I need to elaborate, it is all caused by money. Our country itself does not have that much money. You can vote on this matter.

In the international arena, everyone knows that oil is a good thing, but we have no investment, how can there be any return!What's more, the distribution of oil fields is not regular. If you want to know where there are oil fields, you must do a good survey.

We cannot afford the large amount of manpower, material resources, and financial resources required for surveying! "

Fei Nan sighed as he spoke. After talking for a long time, if we sum it up, the current situation of Egypt is that money is tight!To put it bluntly, there is no money, poor!

"In our country, the announcement of underground oil fields should be very wide. Foreign geologists have confirmed this point. When we decided to develop underground resources, the oil and gas company in country m immediately heard the news. presented us with the intention to develop."

"Yeah, if you leave it to them, things will be safer and more reliable." Ji Tianyu said simply.

"You're right, if I go to Huaxia and don't see you, 80.00% of this cooperation will fall into their hands. When I went to Huaxia, the shy secretary Wu Dongyu talked to me about this issue , and expressed their cooperation intention very clearly.

Regarding the matter of cooperation, I originally thought that I would come back and discuss it with everyone before making a decision.But to be honest, even if it is a discussion, it is not in our plan to hand over the cooperation to the oil and gas company in Huaxia! "

"Feinan, may I know why you decided to cooperate with me? I'm very curious about this. I don't know what I have, it's what you need!" Ji Tianyu asked, without deviousness, After all, in the face of the matter of cooperating to develop oil, it is ridiculous to talk about feelings.In the country, in the face of the interests of a large group, personal feelings are pitifully small.Besides, Ji Tianyu didn't feel that there was such a deep friendship between them that he could rely on.

"Ji, our country is a small country, and the national economy is not developed. Whether it is industry, agriculture, education, or medical care, it can be said that it is extremely backward in any field. The reason why country m proposed to cooperate with us is that It’s nothing more than being optimistic about our underground resources. Speaking of it, it’s the same with whoever you cooperate with, but you also know that country m has a bad reputation, and they will not hesitate to start a war in order to plunder resources!”

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