Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1868 The Woman Who Delivered to the Door

Ji Tianyu lived in Yale's room, and Yale gave up his room to that young man.

"Yale, will there be any accidents if he sleeps alone in my room?" After lying down, Ji Tianyu thought for a while and asked Yale.

Jesus was afraid that he would be in danger, so he dragged himself to him, but gave up his room to the young man. If something happened to him, Ji Tianyu would feel very sorry of.

"No, even if they have any thoughts, they will see people clearly. If they really want to harm you and find that the person living there is not you, they will not embarrass him!" Jesus explained.But this explanation sounds unrealistic to Ji Tianyu's ears.

"Ji, don't worry, we have people on shift to keep watch at night. How can we rest so peacefully on someone else's territory?"

After hearing Yale's words, Ji Tianyu felt more at ease.With someone watching outside, Ji Tianyu was not so worried.

When Ji Tianyu was sleeping among Yale and the others, something unexpected happened in Ji Tianyu's room.

The girl who took the lead in dancing during the day entered Ji Tianyu's private room in the dark.Obviously the girl didn't intend to do anything good, so, without turning on the lights, she saw the man sleeping there with the faint moonlight outside!Seeing that her target was already asleep, the girl walked over gently, and heard the sound of undressing.

If anyone was there, they would have opened their mouths in surprise.The girl actually stripped herself naked at the speed of sound, then walked to the bed step by step, sat down slowly, and then got into the bed.

Zhao Ran, who was lying on Ji Tianyu's position, tossed and turned on the bed countless times before falling asleep dimly.Who would have thought that as soon as he fell asleep, he dreamed of a woman lying on his bed with all her clothes off.

This is really thinking day by day and dreaming at night. During the day, my mind is full of women, but as soon as I sleep, I dream of a woman on my bed.Since you can't vent your fire in reality, let go of the evil fire in your dreams.

Although he was half asleep and half awake, Zhao Ran still figured out the reason.Thinking about it this way, why are you being polite?The woman didn't expect that the man who was still asleep just now would start to fight back when she leaned on him and before she made any substantial movements.

Damn, it's a beautiful dream!reality!Zhao Ran was still smacking his lips in his dream, cool!Men are willing to do as much exercise and effort on women as possible!

Zhao Ran, who released the essence once, pinched the woman's soft breasts in his hands, ready to sleep.The pent-up fire has gone out, and this dream has come to an end.Chun-meng, which man hasn't done it?This dream is not always about filming a TV series. After the important things are done, it is time to change the scene of the dream!

The detached hand has been twiddling the little peas on the woman's chest. In his mind, this is just a dream. Of course, the woman in the dream will not have any reaction, so he just pinches her vitals.

If it's a real dream, maybe there's nothing wrong with it, but it's not a dream after all, what Zhao Ran is holding is not a toy, but a real, living part of a woman's body!

The woman was quickly aroused by Zhao Ran's hand=desire.Just when Zhao Ranshuang thought he was asleep, Zhao Ran felt that his dream had returned to the previous scene. The only difference was that the woman was trying her best to make her little brother follow orders again, ready to fight!

Not much to say, Zhao Ran once again raised the gun and mounted the horse, galloping freely.

Speaking of it, Zhao Ran's heart is big enough, and his nerves are really tight. Can this spring-dream be exactly the same as reality?But this guy, half awake and half asleep, tossed and tossed for most of the night, time and time again, but not once could he wake up, he was not dreaming, it was a fact that really happened!

In the end, not only Zhao Ran was exhausted and paralyzed, but the girl couldn't take it anymore and fell asleep in Zhao Ran's arms.To be honest, if Zhao Ran hadn't been running around all the year round and had been exercising so well, he would definitely not be able to hold on to this dream that seemed real or fake!

The girl did not expect that this Chinese man would have such good staying power.When she first heard her father's idea, she still firmly opposed it!In the hearts of Chinese people, black-skinned men and men all have a pair of extremely fierce tools, and although women do not have as obvious external characteristics as men, they also give most Chinese people a feeling that they can't afford to wait. a feeling of.

What kind of pot matches what kind of lid, the men in the family group all have the utensils of that type, and the women also have the same type of supporting tools.As for the Chinese, in this regard, there are really not many people who can compete with black friends! ,

It is precisely because of these ideological reasons that people hesitate to do this kind of thing with black people, whether they are men or women.Chinese people have such a feeling of inferiority, papaya is in the hearts of Africans, and they also feel that Asians, whether male or female, cannot reach the pinnacle of love with them!

If she hadn't been forced by her father, the girl wouldn't have climbed into this Huaxia man's bed!In fact, it was beyond his expectation.Although in terms of equipment, this Chinese man is still a bit inferior to the men of his own clan, but it is still very wonderful to be with him this night!

In Ethiopia, things between men and women are not something to be ashamed of. In their view, it is human instinct. Since God created men and women, it is for men and women to be together.This matter is the same as eating and sleeping.

Perhaps it is because of this kind of thinking that their AIDS has been at the forefront of the world.Facts have also proved that even AIDS, which makes people discolored, can't stop them from enjoying the joy between men and women!

The girl was very satisfied with Zhao Ran's performance, so after the two of them were exhausted, she just nestled in Zhao Ran's arms and fell asleep!

When Chaoran opened his eyes early the next morning, he was suddenly surprised what was in his arms, soft and tender, still clinging to him like an octopus.What's this?Thinking in a daze, at the same time, he also discovered that his body was also naked, and he didn't wear any clothes on his body!He clearly remembered that when he was sleeping, he was wearing a pair of underwear!But why is it gone now?

Of course, the lack of panties is not the point.The point is, Zhao Ran clearly felt that his cock was sticky, so what was in his arms at this moment?Chaoran carefully looked at the object in his arms, and he was really shocked when he saw the certainty.

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