Because of Ji Tianyu's mystery, the old village chief never dared to do anything excessive to Zhao Ran again.

Zhao Ran stayed in the village again as hostages, and the people who came with him also lived in the village, which made the old village chief feel pressured!Now, he felt a little guilty. Did he cause trouble by doing this?

Originally he wanted to slaughter a fat sheep, although the sheep was quite cooperative, but no matter how much he gnawed on it, he found that the bones of this sheep were too hard!

Dai Lisi was brought back to his room by Zhao Ran, and Zhao Ran saw it more clearly when he observed it closely. Fortunately, the injuries on Dai Lisi's body were not serious, just some skin trauma.But it's too insane to be able to deal with a girl!

Zhao Ran helped Dai Lisi to treat the wound. After talking, Zhao Ran found out that Dai Lisi was not only beaten by his father, but also had been hungry for two days without eating.

"Since I left, he hasn't given you food?" Zhao Ran couldn't believe it was true, you know, that's her biological father!How could he really be so cruel that he hurt his daughter and still starved her?

"Yes!" Doris seemed weak even to speak.This made Zhao Ran feel guilty.Doris would be like this, all because of herself!

"Doris, when the boss brings the things to your father, you can come with me! Although I can't guarantee that you will live a happy life, it will always be much better than here!" Zhao Ran finally Make up your mind to take Doris away.He didn't dare to imagine that if Doris was still here, would her father, who was the village chief, have his mind on her again?If it fails, Doris is doomed to live under his lewd power for the rest of her life?

After hearing Zhao Ran's words, Doris nodded meekly.Although she was asked to leave the place where she grew up and follow this foreign man she didn't know well, Doris didn't worry too much. She didn't believe that no matter how bad her life was when she left with Zhao Ran, it could be worse than that. Is life worse now?

"Well, Doris, I know I did something bad, but I really didn't know it was true at the time, I always thought I was dreaming! In the past, it was all a misunderstanding. From today onwards, we Forget about that! From now on, I will love you as my own sister. As long as my brother can do it, he will do his best for you!"

Looking at Doris' eyes full of hope, Zhao Ran had no choice but to say something that disappointed Doris.Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain!Zhao Ran couldn't be sure that he would have feelings between a man and a woman for Doris. If he didn't make it clear now, Zhao Ran was afraid that he would bring more and more serious harm to Doris in the future.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Ran finished speaking, Doris' eyes dimmed instantly. Although she was very disappointed, Doris still nodded.

Doris smiled bleakly in her heart, she knew exactly how far the distance between herself and Zhao Ran was!It was beyond Doris' expectation that he could treat herself like this.Although it is very difficult for a woman to let herself treat a man who has already had an intimate relationship with her as a brother.

Men may be able to distinguish sex and emotion very clearly, but most women can't!Many women obviously don't like this man, but because of the intimate relationship, they gradually realize that they can't do without this man!

Zhao Ran steeled his heart and finished speaking. In this way, although Doris felt sad in her heart now, it was much better than when she threw her feelings on herself and found out that she didn't love her again!

Ji Tianyu was waiting in Addis for Jiang Hao to deliver the supplies he wanted, and at the same time, he was also waiting for Cen Dongye to deliver the things he needed.

While Ji Tianyu was still waiting for news from Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao suddenly sent a message, and it was bad news.

"Brother, it's not good. Our fleet has been intercepted. The opponent's fleet is much larger than ours, and their equipment is professional, and there are still a few ships. Hidden, but it can still be seen that it should be a military ship of country m!" Jiang Hao hurriedly reported the emergency he encountered to Ji Tianyu.

Originally, Jiang Hao didn't need to go with the fleet in person, but because Ji Tianyu was in Ethiopia, and Ji Tianyu also asked him to bring some daily necessities, this made Jiang Hao very curious, not knowing what Ji Tianyu wanted What to do, that's why I rushed to Ethiopia again.

I thought nothing would happen, but unexpectedly, their Haoming Shipping Company, the predecessor of the dignified pirate, was robbed!If it was a small-scale robbery by ordinary pirates, it would be useless to Jiang Hao and the others!Robbery is their old line of work, and it is by no means an easy task to successfully rob them.It is precisely because of this that most people who do sea business know this, so not many people are willing to try their own methods and try to see how powerful Haoming's military power is!

Jiang Hao has always reminded his brothers not to be careless, no one knows if he will really meet the daring master!If you don't want any accidents, you must always be vigilant.

Jiang Hao really didn't expect that not only someone dared to rob his freighter, but also on a large scale!

Although I have complete equipment here, in general, it is only a fighter jet in the freighter. Compared with other ships that are armed and dedicated to fighting, they are a bit timid!

Of course, if the other party was just an ordinary robbery team, Jiang Hao and the others would naturally not be afraid, but when they saw eight guys who were armed as much as US warships wrap them in the center like dumplings, Jiang Hao felt in his heart No end!

Where did these people come from, Jiang Hao was still wondering, if there is such a tyrannical organization on the road, it doesn't make sense that he has never heard of it?Even if he bleached the organization in his father's hands, if such a force really appeared, he should have heard about it?Could it be that his subordinates' intelligence collection is insensitive?

What made Jiang Hao even more puzzled was that these guys blocking the way didn't play cards according to the normal routine at all.Don't even say hello, just do it!

Even if you know you can't beat them, there's no reason to sit and wait for them to beat you up?However, their weapons are too sophisticated, and their equipment is much more advanced than Jiang Hao's. Once they fight, the winners and losers will be judged.

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