Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1897 The Status of Women

"Hate? I don't know if I should hate him! I know he is doing it for the good of the people in the village, but I am not reconciled! I am his daughter, why am I so unimportant in his heart? Ji, you may I don’t know, I have five older sisters, and my father married them all to rich people! But what is the truth? The life of rich people may not be suitable for us!”

"How are your sisters doing now?" Yale, who had not interrupted all this time, finally asked with concern after hearing what Doris said.

"After they married, they gave birth to children, and in the end their husbands abandoned them and married younger and more beautiful women!" Speaking of this, Doris felt really uncomfortable.

Although these sisters have different mothers from her, they are still her sisters no matter what!Looking at them, Doris can outline her future.

Now she decided to go with Zhao Ran. Although it was a little risky, it was nothing to Doris.Even if Zhao Ran treats her badly, she is at most following the old path of her sisters.The worst outcome was nothing more than that, so what did she have to worry about?

"Ji, have you seen it? This is the fate of most women in Ethiopia!" Yale sighed.

After hearing Yale's words, everyone fell silent. What can anyone do with such an unchangeable fact?

Ji Tianyu and his party didn't waste too much time on the road. After returning to Addis, Ji Tianyu arranged for Zhao Ran to return home!

"Boss, don't let me go, I will follow you from now on!" Seeing Ji Tianyu let him go, Zhao Ran hastily expressed his opinion.

"Zhao Ran, you'd better go back to China! You're a prospector, what can you do with me? Didn't everything you've learned go to waste?"

"Boss, you can ask me to do anything. I can learn what I don't know how to do! Just let me follow you!" Zhao Ran insisted on following Ji Tianyu, no matter how much Ji Tianyu tried to persuade him, it was useless.

"Well, if you really want to follow me, then you should go back to China too!" Ji Tianyu changed his tone, although he agreed to Zhao Ran's request, but the result made Zhao Ran extremely puzzled.

"Boss, since you let me follow you, why did you let me go back to China?"

"I think you know the purpose of my coming here, but the problem now is that even if I want to keep you here, it is useless! Xiang Xin has given me the exploration report, and the results of the exploration It shows that it is unwise to exploit oil here!" Ji Tianyu did not disclose to Zhao Ran that he had signed a contract with Ethiopia.Although he can be regarded as being kind to Zhao Ran, that doesn't mean that Zhao Ran will treat him sincerely.After all, the data that the exploration team gave them was false.

"Boss, although I'm not an analyst, but judging from my work experience in the past few years, I think you should conduct a good exploration again!" Zhao Ran seriously suggested to Ji Tianyu.

"You mean, there should be oil here? Could it be that there is something wrong with the data Xiang Xin gave me?" Ji Tianyu asked pretending to be surprised.

"I'm not sure about this, because I just judge based on experience and intuition. They have a scientific basis, and there should not be too many deviations! However, that does not mean that their conclusions must be correct. They also There are often times when mistakes are made. That's why I think you should find another team, after all, this result is likely to be related to huge + huge benefits!" Zhao Ran's words made Ji Tianyu feel that judged.

It can be seen that Zhao Ran didn't know that the result Xiang Xin and the others gave him was a fake thing.Otherwise, he wouldn't have proposed to himself so uncertainly.After all, he insisted on following him. If he really knew Xiang Xin's secret, at this time, he should definitely tell himself that Xiang Xin's report was false.

Anyone with some brains will know that this is a good way to express yourself and show your loyalty.

"What you said, I will consider it. Even if it is true to your judgment, you are temporarily useless here! So, you take Doris back to the country first, and let Doris familiarize herself with the domestic environment. "

"How can I bring her home? If my father and mother see it, I'm afraid I can't tell clearly. I don't have a clue as to whether the old man can accept a black girl from a foreign country!" Zhao Ran heard. When Ji Tianyu said this, he immediately became anxious.If I brought Dai Lisi home, even if I said it was a big day, my mother probably wouldn't believe my words!

"The old people are kind. Maybe they couldn't accept a foreign girl at first. But if you can explain the reason fully and make the process more exciting, I think the old people will still accept Doris! After all, for the real Good girl, no matter where she is, she will like it!" Ji Tianyu cooperated with Zhao Ran in talking in Chinese, and then gave Zhao Ran an idea.

"Boss, how can I explain the reason more fully and explain the process more wonderfully?" After hearing Ji Tianyu's words, Zhao Ran was at a loss.

"Do you use me to teach this? Think about it, if you want your parents to accept Doris, you have to show her goodness! How can you show it to the fullest? The best story is the hero saving the beauty, Of course, with you, you can adapt it, and it’s the same if you adapt it into a beautiful woman saving a hero! I think the old man will definitely like a girl who can risk her life to save you in a place where there is a lot of chaos!"

"Boss, do you mean to tell me to lie?" After hearing Ji Tianyu's words, Zhao Ran was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. Even though he was beaten to death, he didn't expect that in his eyes, he was always tall and upright. Ji Tianyu came up with such an idea for himself.

"Can this be called a lie? You should say it is a white lie! It will not hurt anyone, it will only satisfy everyone! What's so bad about it? To be honest, Zhao Ran, I am I really think that the girl Dai Lisi is really nice, not only kind, but also very beautiful! Compared with those girls in China who put on make-up and are astonishing as heavenly beings, compared with those girls in China who are astonishing as heavenly beings when they wear make-up, it’s a matter of opinion! I don’t think so. Believe you can't tell for yourself!"

"Brother is right. People can't run all the way to the dark, and they can't even turn a corner! The so-called contingency, contingency, isn't it just a flexible way to deal with things? You go back and tell your family this way, they are right for Dai. Liz will definitely not have too many resistance complexes, wouldn't that be a good thing for you?"

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