"Brother, do you mean that someone who bribed the exploration team will give you a fake data report?" Jiang Hao guessed after hearing what Li said.

"Is it possible that someone bought them, and if we wait a little longer, everything will become clear?" Ji Tianyu smiled indifferently.

"This is really an eventful year. Not only you have accidents here, but my fleet has accidents one after another. Is there anything related to this?" Jiang Hao seems to have a sense.

"If there are suspicious things, there are really many. Before we set off from Binhai to Ethiopia, the family was already in chaos. Not to mention the gang was attacked, even the family members were attacked one after another. How could it be an accident when all these things are connected together?"

"What kind of bastards are they? They really dare to do anything. Brother, what are your plans?" Jiang Hao asked Ji Tianyu after cursing bitterly.

"Since some people think that life is too easy, why not play with them!"

During the few days when Ji Tianyu and Jiang Hao were waiting for their enemy to come to their door in Ethiopia, the two brothers were not idle. Taking advantage of these few days, Fei Nan came forward to help find the ship maintenance Personnel, Jiang Hao's two cargo ships, if they are not properly repaired, they will definitely be eliminated.

"Oh my god...it's incredible!" When these maintenance personnel saw the appearance of these two freighters, they were all so surprised that they couldn't keep their mouths shut.It is a miracle in itself that a freighter can safely walk on the sea with scars all over its body.

"Hey, brother, this time is really a disaster for no reason. Who would have thought that he would be attacked like this for no reason!" Jiang Hao lamented.

"It's an honor for you not to throw your life on the sea. Are you still thinking about how much you spent? Are you short of this money?" Jiang Hao couldn't stand Jiang Hao's mention of his life Those few dollars are so hypocritical.

"Who is not short of money? I want to support the people of an island. If I don't save a little, how can I survive?" Jiang Hao replied happily even though Ji Tianyu was so aggressive.

"Brother Jiang, if he had given Dorona to you earlier, he might have become a rich man by now!"

"Will he give Dorona to me long ago? His wife is a cannibal hag! With such great determination, you are willing to wipe out all of Jielin's family?" Jiang Hao couldn't help but sigh when he mentioned these past events.

"There's nothing I can't understand. You are his son. If he really doesn't care about you, can you still live under the eyes of Jaylin and the others? After you contact me, I will Received his recorded message, let me take care of you! What does this mean? Father and son are united, that is an unchangeable fact!"

"But I don't understand. Since that's the case, why didn't he worry about Jiang Yang's death and Jiang Liu's disappearance? They are his precious daughters! Compared with me, they have a closer relationship with him." Get closer."

"On weekdays, Jiang Yang, Jiang Liu and the others may not be close to your father! Although they are the eldest daughters of Dorona, it depends on your father's serious attention to them. Brother Jiang is very clear about what Luo Na did, but he has not expressed his dissatisfaction because of their family power. The provocative war of the Jielin family gave Brother Jiang the determination to fight with Jielin break."

"Brother, you are right. Without his secret care, I don't know how many times I would have been killed by Jaylin!"

Speaking of family grievances like this, Ji Tianyu, an outsider, shouldn't intervene, but when he thinks of his family's future situation, he has to be like Jiang Yang's family. Each child has his own mother. This can easily happen.

After Ji Tianyu chatted with Jiang Hao about this issue for a while, Jiang Hao began to think about his boat again.

"Brother, although the few ships we put away can't be used as freighters, they are still good to be used as battleships!" Jiang Hao looked at Ji Tianyu with a look of salivation.

"If you want it, just say it, you can take all the scraps!" Ji Tianyu was not stingy, and immediately agreed to give those ships to Jiang Hao.

"Brother, I don't need them if you give them to me. Think about it, how much will I have to spend if I form a fleet of warships?" After Jiang Hao heard Ji Tianyu's words, he didn't appreciate it. , and complained a little.

"Then what do you want? You don't want me to give you this money, do you?" Ji Tianyu stared at Jiang Hao with wide eyes.As long as he dares to nod his head, Ji Tianyu will definitely sponsor him well!

"No, why would I ask my eldest brother to give me money? I mean, let me go to my brother, I want to discuss with him, let him help me remodel. This is not better than being so unskilled What kind of work is the harm much better? Besides, my ships are not from official channels, and the less people know about them, the better for us."

"Oh, that's not a problem. You have nothing to do now, so go over and discuss with Qiang how to modify your ships!" Ji Tianyu immediately agreed to Jiang Hao's proposal without saying a word.

Jiang Hao arrived in Qian's space, and Qian had been waiting for Jiang Hao's arrival.

"Brother Gan, you've got me thinking badly! Where's Sister Kun?" Jiang Hao greeted him warmly when he saw Qian.

"Jiang Hao, I think you think I'm a fake, and you want me to help you with your work, that's the truth! Tell me, how do you want me to do hard work for you?" The conversation between Jiang Hao and Ji Tianyu is very detailed He heard everything he didn't reveal, so Neilian's intentions for Jiang Hao were very clear.

"Brother Gan, can those ships be used again?" This is what Jiang Hao cares about.

"No problem. Now the ships you use to go out to sea are all made of steel, so even if they are damaged, as long as they can be repaired in good condition, they can still be used!"

"Then did you find any useful evidence on the boat?" Jiang Hao asked with concern. Although he wanted to take these boats as his own, what he wanted to know was who was going to deal with him like this ?Only by knowing who your opponent is earlier can you make yourself less passive!

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