Campus flower heart master

Chapter 19 Punishment by the school

Looking at the chattering students below, the Chinese teacher slapped the table, "Quiet, now, let's talk about this set of questions in the second half of the class. 【 】" Pulled out Ji Tianyu's test paper, and put the other papers After sending it out again, Dong Yu, who passed it down in order, got his own test paper and passed the rest to Ji Tianyu. After seeing that there was no test paper of his own, Ji Tianyu passed the roll paper in his hand to the back.

"Ji Tianyu, where's your test paper?" Dong Yu looked back at Ji Tianyu's empty desktop.

"There's nothing here for me"

"Oh, it may be that you have been assigned to another group. We will know after a while." Dong Yu turned around.

"Okay, let's start the topic."

"Teacher, Ji Tianyu's test paper has not been handed out." Dong Yu waited for a long time, but no one sent Ji Tianyu's test paper.

"Oh, his paper roll is here!" Hearing what the teacher said, all the students couldn't help but glance at Ji Tianyu, "This guy's paper roll must be as clean as it was printed by the wind."

"The only student in our class who finished all the test papers in such a short time is Ji Tianyu!"

The entire classroom was silent, and everyone looked at Ji Tianyu with a sense of disbelief.Dong Yudu stared back at Ji Tianyu with a trace of astonishment.

"Teacher, it doesn't mean that all the answers are correct?" A boy said to the teacher.

"Let's talk about the topic first, and I'll critique this paper after class!"

The time of half class is very fast.After class, the Chinese teacher not only didn't leave the classroom, but instead sat in the seat of Shi Lei who didn't come to class today, and lowered his head to review the roll paper in his hand.

Some lively students gathered around the teacher and watched the teacher marking.The questions were posed by myself, and the answers were naturally familiar, and the subordinates naturally approved them very quickly. It took 15 minutes between classes to approve all the questions except the composition.Then he looked at the composition again, glanced at the main scoring points of the composition, and nodded in satisfaction.

He took the roll paper and walked to the podium, "Students, I just approved Ji Tianyu's test paper. Except for the composition, he didn't deduct a point for the previous questions. I roughly scanned the main points of the composition, and the points were very bad. Alright, let’s make a rough judgment on the score. For this set of test papers, Ji Tianyu can score at least 140 points.” There was a slight smile on the face of the Chinese capital. When the college entrance examination is approaching, it is a great achievement for his students to make such progress. The teacher is naturally very proud.

Ji Tianyu, who was sitting in his seat, still looked the same, and all the students looked at him as if they were looking at a monster.

"Ji Tianyu, you can do it! I didn't expect you to be so strong? Did the previous disguise really fool us all?" Dong Yu turned around and said to Ji Tianyu with a smile.

"The forest is really big, and there are all kinds of birds. If you study well, you are afraid that people will know?" Qin Xue muttered in a moderate manner.

To this woman, Ji Tianyu is not in the mood to say a word to her now.Dong Yu didn't talk to Ji Tianyu either, and turned back with a smile to Ji Tianyu.

The calm Chinese teacher walked to the office with the lesson plan in his hands.In the corridor, I was surprised to find that there were a few people who looked like parents walking upstairs aggressively, and vaguely heard them. "Let's not take this matter lightly. On behalf of the reporter, you have to uphold justice for us..."

The Chinese teacher shook his head. I don't know what it was for. Now that the parents have learned that they are alone and alone, they also bring in the public opinion media, which makes the school very powerless.

Inside the principal's office

"Principal Ding, our child is still in the emergency room of the hospital? The assailant is still in class, how is your school going to deal with it?" A woman in her 40s asked Principal Ding.

"Our school doesn't know about this matter, please calm down and let me investigate."

"Your children are in your school, and you have the responsibility to supervise their personal safety. You say you don't know what happened at school? Could it be that we sent the children to the bandits' lair?" A man wearing gold-rimmed glasses Said. "Our child is in the hospital. The reporter has already learned about these situations."

Principal Ding glanced at the man carrying the video camera, "Comrade reporters, we have the right to ask you not to record the video."

"Principal, we are working with the parents to solve the problem, not to intensify the problem." Dai Shuping said to Principal Ding with a smile. "We videotaped the video. If your party disagrees, we won't play it. Don't worry."

Knowing that it would be useless to say anything else, he picked up the phone, "Director Liu, go to Class [-], Grade [-] and call Ji Tianyu to my office!"

who?Ji Tianyu?Dai Shuping was taken aback for a moment.After reporting in the morning, I was sent by the editor-in-chief to do an interview on the school violence incident.After contacting the victim's parents, I didn't hear the name of the beating person they said.

I was anxiously waiting for the boy named Ji Tianyu to appear.

Ji Tianyu who was called out of the classroom did not know what happened. "Director, what does the principal want me for?" Following Director Liu, he asked wonderingly.

"You'll know when you arrive! You better be mentally prepared! Xiong Wang's parents are waiting for you in the principal's office."

Hearing Director Liu's words, Ji Tianyu immediately understood.

Pushing open the door of the principal's office, he saw a group of middle-aged men and women glaring at him.

He didn't even glance at them, and walked straight to the headmaster. "Principal, are you looking for me?"

I usually know the problem students in the school. How could this boy who has never heard of trouble beat Xiong Wang like that?Principal Ding was suspicious for a while.

"Tianyu!" Dai Shuping exclaimed in surprise.How could Tianyu, who looks gentle and gentle, be the one who beat up that burly boy to that extent?

Hearing someone calling him, Ji Tianyu turned around and saw Dai Shuping with a concerned face. "Sister Shuping, why are you here?"

㊣(5) "I was sent by the editor-in-chief to do this interview as soon as I arrived at the TV station today. How could it be you? Tianyu!"

"Reporter, do you know this murderer?" Xiong Wang's mother asked sensitively.Originally relying on connections, I planned to take advantage of public opinion to intimidate the school and severely punish the murderer.But it seems that they are familiar with each other?

"This is my younger brother." Dai Shuping explained with some embarrassment.

"Ah? He's your brother? What's your TV station doing? How could you be allowed to do this interview?" Xiong Wang's mother felt annoyed for a while, and it was too late to find another reporter.

Leaving aside this reporter who thought he would be of great help, he aimed directly at the principal. "Principal Ding, the murderer is here now, you have to give our parents an explanation."

"What do you want to explain?" Ji Tianyu snorted without waiting for the principal to speak.

"Xiong Wang is still in the hospital for first aid? We want to punish you as a murderer severely?"

"What kind of severe punishment?" Ji Tianyu laughed.

Dai Shuping, who was left on the sidelines, pinched his waist angrily.No matter what time it is, this kid is still in the mood to laugh.

"I have nothing to say to you." Bypassing Ji Tianyu, "Principal Ding, as far as our family's injury to Xiong Wang is concerned, we can give a serious injury even if we call the police, but we don't want to bring bad things to the school. Fame and influence, now we just want the school to punish this murderous student."

Principal Ding pondered for a while. If this matter really broke out, the impact on the school would be quite bad.The student in front of me is just an ordinary boy, thinking of this...

"Ji Tianyu, did you hit Xiong Wang?" Principal Ding asked.

"Yes" Ji Tianyu replied calmly with his hands behind his back.

"Right now, the parents don't call the police. They just ask our school to punish you. If the fights cause serious consequences, we will punish you with expulsion according to school regulations."

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