Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1902 A good thing that made a mistake

Although Jiang Hao felt that his work was done a little faster, it didn't affect his efficiency!Anyway, did he finish the work for her?How could he still say that he harmed her precious herb?

"Xiaohao, you are kind, but I didn't expect that you would pull out all my herbs in just a short cup of tea! Fortunately, I remembered that you didn't know herbs, and wanted to Come back to tell you, fortunately, I came back in time, otherwise, I’m afraid these herbs won’t be able to stay at all later in the night!” Kun had a bitter face, even if he wanted to blame Jiang Hao for this matter, Kun Also feel a little dissatisfied.After all, Jiang Hao also kindly wanted to help him!

This matter was also her own negligence. She should have thought that Jiang Hao didn't understand the situation and would get confused, but she was careless. Now that Jiang Hao got into trouble, she was embarrassed and pushed all the faults to Jiang Hao's body.

"Sister Kun, you mean I made a mistake? How is that possible?"

"Xiaohao, the one in your hand is not a weed, but a medicinal herb!"

"Is this a medicinal herb? No, there are not many of this kind of grass in this medicine garden! I've seen it, and of course the most common ones in the medicine garden are medicinal herbs. How could it be wrong for me to pull out the few ones?" At this time, Jiang Hao was still defending himself plausibly.

"It's because there are few of them and it's not easy to survive. That's why I cherish them so much. Now, Xiaohao, you ruined half of his treasures at once. I don't know how to tell him about it. It's gone." Thinking of Gan's expression, Kun felt frightened for a while.

"That... that, Sister Kun, let's not tell brother Gan about this, he is doing a big thing right now, if it affects his performance because of this, then the loss outweighs the gain." Hao could tell from Kun's expression that what she said was true.I actually pulled out half of the dried precious herbs. If I let him know, then I will still be able to do well?At the very least, the freighter currently undergoing transformation in dry hands will become invisible.

If you do something wrong, even if you want to punish yourself, you have to make the freighter you want first, right?If because of his unintentional mistakes, his freighter was in vain, Jiang Hao would regret it to death.

"But this matter cannot be hidden! If he wants to know what's going on here, as long as he moves his mind, he will know the situation here clearly!"

"Sister Kun, doesn't he know now? It's only a matter of time if you can hide it for a while. It's better to die late than die early!" Jiang Hao made up his mind, he can hold on for a while, at least for a while, maybe he can do it What you want is already done there!

Kun thought that Jiang Hao was only able to delay for a while because he was afraid of seeing Qian go crazy.Because Kun felt that she was also responsible for this matter, so she didn't want to be scolded, so she agreed with Jiang Hao's idea.

After getting into trouble, Jiang Hao became quiet and stopped wandering around.Honestly, Huang waited to build the freighter he wanted, and then he could take his own freighter and leave this place that seemed to be full of danger.

When it comes to manufacturing, it is a skill that I am proud of, so when Jiang Hao wanted to turn the eight warships into a freighter, I agreed without saying a word.Although he has made a lot of things, many of which are magic weapons, but this is the first time he has made such a modern thing!

Jiang Hao and Kun were concerned for a while, and they were busy making an ingenious new type of cargo ship for Jiang Hao.Because Jiang Hao said that a freighter requires a wide hull so that it can hold more cargo, but a warship is different. A warship requires speed and does not require a large carrying capacity, so the hull must be narrower than a freighter. many.

Now, to combine the carrying capacity of the freighter with the maneuverability of the warship, you need to use some brains.In Jiang Hao's words, even a freighter must have the heart of a battleship, so that those who are uneasy and coveting them can have a good meal.

It can be said that Jiang Hao, working here, lives like years in seconds.He was eager to take the boat he wanted, and at the same time he didn't want Gan to know that he had done something bad.

But Gan Gan's current thoughts are all on building the ship. Jiang Hao walked around a few times, but did not attract Gan Gan's dissatisfaction. Of course, Jiang Hao wanted to return to Ji Tianyu's side first, but was also mercilessly ignored by Shu. .Jiang Hao began to feel a little regretful, how can this matter be resolved?If you just ignore yourself, you won't be able to contact Ji Tianyu at all.Unless Ji Tianyu wants to call him out, otherwise, he will become Wang Huanshi's second and live here for a long time.

Jiang Hao is working here, worrying about how to get out, while Ji Tianyu is in Ethiopia, but he is waiting for his first harvest.

"Ji, someone came to talk to us about oil development. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The main thing is that they are still your compatriots!" Feinan told Ji Tianyu the first-hand news he had received.

"Their actions are fast enough! Feinan, how are you going to answer them?" Hearing Feinan's words, Ji Tianyu was not surprised at all, this matter was indeed within his expectation.Xiang Xin and the others made two copies of the collected data, and gave himself a false one. Obviously, the real data, after they returned to Addis, they had already received the detailed content.

At the beginning, Ji Tianyu was also guessing who the other party was, but after talking about it with Cen Dongye, and after Cen Dongye woke up with a few words, he immediately figured it out. People, there is no one other than the dominant oil and gas company!

Although Ji Tianyu had confirmed who was behind the scenes, Xiang Xin and the others gave him false data.But Ji Tianyu's speculation was always unfounded, so he never took any action to retaliate.

Too many things and accidents have happened recently, making Ji Tianyu confused, how many enemies are behind him?Are all accidents initiated by one family?In order to get his own question answered, Ji Tianyu decided to wait like this, only to watch those people come out by themselves when they couldn't hold back.

Now one finally appeared. As for what this one did to him, Ji Tianyu was not in a hurry to know, he had enough time and enthusiasm to play with them to the end.

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