Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2120 Gu Nianfu...

After seeing Cen Hanning's actions, everyone except Ji Tianyu was stunned.Including Wang Huanshi, Jiang Hao and his party!

They all knew that women from the Ji family had self-defense skills, but they never expected that Cen Hanning, who was delicate and weak like an enamel doll, was such a terrifying existence.

Those in Hani were even more shocked!If Hani and the others, big men who have practiced martial arts for many years, cut off a man's arm with a knife, it might not be so surprising!Now, the person who did this is a delicate little woman, which is too unacceptable.

After Cen Hanning crippled one arm of Li Ao's bastard father, it wasn't over yet. This girl stepped forward and kicked the man squatting on the ground crying to the ground, and stepped on the other's chest .

"Beating your wife, beating your son, right? Today I'll let you taste what it's like to be beaten!"

At this moment, the man knew that he had kicked the iron plate, and he wanted to crawl out from under Cen Hanning's feet, but this little woman, like a huge boulder, was pressing on his chest, making him unable to move.

"Wife, Li Ao, come and save me, if you don't save me, you will never see me again..." After this guy sobered up, his mind became much sharper. He knew that the gang of policemen, he was counting on No more, judging by their expressions, I'm afraid that if they don't come up, they will step on their feet more, which is the greatest favor to me.

In this case, the target of his help was naturally placed on Li Ao and his mother.He knew that a woman's heart was the softest, and if he cried a few words, she would definitely help him.

Sure enough, after the bastard howled a few times, Li Ao's mother couldn't sit still, and walked towards the man.

"Mom, what are you going to do?" Seeing that his mother was going to that man, Li Ao quickly grabbed his mother's hand.

"Li Ao, he is your father, we can't just watch him being beaten to death?" Although the woman was still in pain, it was a gift from her husband!But when she saw that his arm was broken by Cen Hanning, and now he was trampled under his feet again, she couldn't bear it anymore.

Husband and wife for a day, Bai Rien, although this man has never been nice to her, but she can't really let her watch him being beaten to death.

"Mom, don't worry, the godmother won't beat him to death, she's just teaching him a lesson!" Li Ao pulled his mother to prevent her from passing.

"Li Ao, how do you know? Your wife looks like she can't wait to kill him. Although he is very hateful, we can't just watch him get killed!" Leo's mother didn't know it was because of her own body. Pain, still hurt seeing her husband being beaten like that, tears kept flowing.

The woman broke free from her son's hand, ran to Cen Hanning's side, and knelt down in front of Cen Hanning.

"Ma'am, just let him go! No matter how bad he is, he will always be Leo's father!"

"Are you interceding for him?" Cen Han was stunned, and asked the woman kneeling in front of her.

The woman nodded with tears.

Cen Hanning turned her head to look at Ji Tianyu and the others, then at Hani and his group, and suddenly felt that she had done something that was not considered a good thing!I helped her teach this unscrupulous husband a lesson, but she came to intercede for this man?

Cen Hanning let go of the man and walked back to Ji Tianyu.

"Li Ao, why didn't you intercede for him?" Cen Hanning saw Li Ao standing beside Ji Tianyu with a cold face, as if he was indifferent to his father being injured by Ji Tianyu!

"He should have been taught a lesson long ago! I also know that although the godmother seems to be quite vicious, in fact, his life is not in danger at all, he is just suffering a little bit of flesh and blood!"

"Oh? Li Ao, why do you say I won't kill him?" Cen Hanning returned to Ji Tianyu angrily, not wanting to hear Li Ao's words, her curiosity was aroused again.

"The reason why the godmother beat him, I know, is because of the injustice between my mother and me. He is my father, and the godmother will not make me feel guilty!"

"Hehe, Li Ao, but you+mother don't think so! She thinks I will really kill your father!" Cen Hanning smiled. She knew from the time Li Ao dared to come over to thank them that this was a clever move. My child, but I didn't expect that this little guy was smarter than I expected.

"Mom is a soft-hearted woman, she doesn't want to see this kind of scene! I'm worried that mom will be left behind by him!" Li Ao looked at Cen Hanning worriedly.

"He beat someone just now, you+mother will stay? What if he beats her again in the future?" Cen Hanning didn't quite believe what Li Ao said.

After all, a man is already considered inhuman, and beating his wife and children is like killing his father and enemy!With such a man, which woman would want to live with him?One day, it is unpredictable to be beaten to death by him!

"Godmother, if you don't believe me, just watch it! You see, he is already admitting his mistake to his mother!" Li Ao pouted his lips, letting Cen Hanning look over.

Cen Hanning followed Li Ao's gestures and looked over. Li Ao's father, twisting his face, was trying to talk to Li Ao's mother.Judging from Leo's mother's hesitant expression, things should be as Leo guessed.

"Leo, if you + mother really go home with him, what will you do? Will you go back with him too?" Cen Hanning asked the little boy in front of him!

"Godmother, if mother refuses to leave, I have to stay and take care of her! Otherwise, she will be tortured to death by her!" Li Ao lowered his head in embarrassment, and looked up to Cen Hanning for a long time.

Cen Hanning could tell that the child really wanted to go with them.But his mother may stay. As a son, Li Ao chooses to face the future life with his mother!

"It's okay, Leo, even if you can't go with us, you can go there at any time! Also, we will tell Chief Hani to take care of your father so that he doesn't dare to bully your mother and son!" Cen Hanning hugged distressedly I hugged Li Ao, and felt sorry for such a sensible child, but with such a fucking father.

After a while, Li Ao's mother walked up to Ji Tianyu with tears in her eyes.

"Leo, your father is injured now, I can't go with you! If we all leave, he will die!"

Li Ao looked up at Cen Hanning, expressing that his guess had become a reality!

"Mom, if you don't go with me, then I won't go either, I will stay and take care of you!" Because Li Ao had already told Cen Hanning about this, he answered his mother without hesitation.

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