"Are you afraid I won't be able to pay the bill? Stay away, I want to order now, and now I want more!" The man shook off the waiter's hand and grabbed the table, "I want number 36..."

"Number 36, I've already ordered it, why don't you grab one?" A man on the other side immediately cursed after hearing what the drunk said. 【 】

"Haha, brother, you're wrong. Those who rob here don't have hair. If you want to rob, you're b. hair!" Hearing this man's words, the people on the side laughed viciously, and said vulgar words To make fun of each other.

"Damn bastard, don't try to take anything away from me..." With no one's encouragement and condolences, the matter might calm down so quietly, but once someone who is afraid of chaos in the world stirs up the flames , that's something to watch.

The men who are looking for pleasure here often fight because of the jealousy of the young lady.So these pleasure-seekers cooperated very well to clear out the space between the two, so that the two could see each other face to face.

When Ji Tianyu and Sha Liang came up, they happened to see Cen Hanning standing in the group, clapping his hands to cheer up the two wrestling together.The two who were supposed to be the protagonists became supporting roles, and these spectators turned their attention to this little girl.I don't understand whose parents are not optimistic about the child, let her come here, and cheer for the two fighting.

Ji Tianyu blushed for a while, looking at the eyes of those people, he was a little embarrassed to go forward and pull Cen Hanning away.Shame!A little girl came to this man's paradise, and she was still here happily, is this still a little girl?Even those women who got into a man's bed in the morning may not be able to let go of this little girl here.This scene is really embarrassing.

"Brother Liang!" The waiter stood there and tried to persuade him, but he couldn't persuade him. He stepped forward to fight, but was punched by the two of them.Seeing Sha Liang was like seeing a savior, "This drunk is causing trouble, take him away!"

Seeing someone making trouble, Sha Liang of course took the lead.Because this is my responsibility!

Sha Liang stepped forward and pulled the man riding Dong Guoxun away. The man wanted to curse, but when he saw Sha Liang, he immediately swallowed his words back.Sha Liang's looks are suitable for timid people, regardless of men and women!

Sha Liang pulled up Dong Guoxun who had collapsed on the ground, this man was so drunk, why did he come to see Miss?What else can I do after finding a lady?Sha Liang spat secretly.One piece of drunken chicken!

Ji Tianyu also took the opportunity to pull Cen Hanning out of the crowd, "You are a little girl, what are you doing here? Are you afraid that those men will snatch you away?"

"I know you will protect me!" The girl looked at Ji Tianyu with her eyes wide open, with an innocent look, which made Ji Tianyu unable to get angry.

Ji Tianyu sighed in his heart, this is another greenhouse floret who doesn't know the dangers of society, and Lan Qian is a perfect pair!

Ji Tianyu and Sha Liang dragged Dong Guoxun, who was so drunk that he couldn't walk in a straight line, to the downstairs office.Dong Guoxun slumped on the sofa, still muttering, "Hi, Miss, I want to order Miss, and I will give all the money to Miss. If I have money to give to Miss, I won't give it to you. What's the big deal, why don't I just find an associate professor?" My level is low? Now you give it to me for nothing, and I don’t want you anymore..."

Ji Tianyu was a little confused, what is this guy talking about?Why does it sound like you are taking revenge on someone who came here to find Miss?

"Hey, boy, don't say these things are useless, take out the money, and settle the bill!" Sha Liang didn't care what he said, and with him, he was only responsible for settling the troubles and making those who didn't pay the bill pay. money!

"I have money," Dong Guoxun rummaged in his pocket for a long time, took out his wallet, and threw it to Sha Liang, "I have money! Why don't you let me order Miss?"

Sha Liang opened his wallet and looked. There were only less than [-] yuan in cash, two bank cards, and a work permit.Sha Liang took out his work ID and looked at it, "Tsk, this photo is even more exciting than my own!" Sha Liang commented on the photo on Dong Guoxun's work ID.Little did he know that he was laughing at fifty steps, and he himself was not much more handsome than this drunk Dong Guoxun.

"Bh Institute of Technology Civil Engineering Department, assistant teacher, Dong Guoxun!" Sha Liang read out, "Aren't you an intellectual? Fuck, boss, what's wrong with the intellectuals? Why don't you just look for the lady? Being a puppet! How much better than our big bastard? Usually there are five people and six, isn't it the same as us when you hug the lady?"

Ji Tianyu didn't pay attention to Sha Liang's words at first, but when he heard Sha Liang say, Department of Civil Engineering, his eyes lit up!

Isn't this the lack of civil engineering personnel, but I don't want to meet a talent who understands architecture here!Or a teaching assistant!

"Boy, don't pretend to be dead, just a few cents from you, is it enough to pay the bill?" Sha Liang shook the list printed out at the bar, "You really dare to do it, you dare to pay 500 yuan. Open a bottle of more than 3000 yuan of foreign wine to drink? You even found two ladies in one go? Pay the money quickly!" He said and threw Dong Guoxun's bank card and bill in front of him.

Dong Guoxun tilted his head, ignored Sha Liang's clamor, nestled on the sofa, and closed his eyes comfortably.

"Damn it, you dare to pretend to be dead when I'm here?" Seeing Dong Guoxun's appearance, Sha Liang became angry, grabbed the skirt of his chest, and picked up his thin body.

"Sha Liang, put it down!" Ji Tianyu stepped forward and patted Sha Liang's hand away, and straightened Dong Guoxun, "Take the list away, I have something to say to him!"

"What are you talking about? I'm rich!" Dong Guoxun glanced at Ji Tianyu with his drunken eyes. "Spend all the money! Fuck it, bitch, don't even think about spending a penny from Dong Guoxun in the future!" As if making an oath, Dong Guoxun looked very serious.

Is there still a way to talk normally like this?Even if you talk about everything, will he still remember what he said when he sobers up?Ji Tianyu frowned and looked at Dong Guoxun, "Does Sha ㊣ (5) Liang have medicine to sober up?"

"Yes." Sha Liang didn't understand why, but he still answered Ji Tianyu's question.

"Bring it to him!"

"Boss, if you want him to settle the bill, just throw it out! What's the deal with him!"

"He's the one I'm looking for! Take the anti-alcoholic medicine, let him rest, and get someone to call me after he sobers up!" Ji Tianyu really has no interest in talking to an alcoholic.After ordering Sha Liang, he wanted to leave.

"Don't go, let's have a chat! Among these people, I only think you are pleasing to the eye! Looking at them, I am not in the mood to talk!" Dong Guoxun grabbed Ji Tianyu's hand.

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