Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2215 kill these bastards

Chapter 210, kill this group of bastards

"Jiang Hao, if there is such a business in the future, if you are here, you can trade by yourself. As for the goods, there are enough hoards in the factory, and I can't stay here all the time!" Ji Tianyu confessed to Jiang Hao with.

"Brother, when I'm here, of course it's okay, but I can't stay here forever! Haoming also needs me to go back and manage it!" Jiang Hao said in embarrassment.

"Well, that's right. Let's leave this matter to Johnson & Johnson! Now that most of Johnson & Johnson have moved to Ethiopia, they will be stationed here for a long time. There should be no problem."

"Brother Qiang is doing things well, so you can rest assured that this business is entrusted to him!"

Ji Tianyu and Jiang Hao were discussing about handing over the arms + fire deal to Johnson & Johnson, the driver in charge stopped the car.

"Brother, those people in front are the ones who trade with us!" Jiang Hao squinted his eyes and said to Ji Tianyu.

"Boss Long, right? Did you bring the goods?" Before Ji Tianyu got out of the car, those people surrounded the car,

"The goods are here, where is the money?" Ji Tianyu signaled Jiang Hao to take out the firearms in the car for the other party to have a look at.

The other party showed the money to Ji Tianyu.

"Boss Long, since this is the case, let's pay the money and deliver the goods!" The other party closed the suitcase and said to Ji Tianyu.

Jiang Hao stepped forward and took the other party's cash box, and Ji Tianyu signaled the other party to remove the guns from the car.

"Boss Long, how about this, you take one of our cars away, and I will take yours away too!" The other party suggested.In this way, a lot of time was saved, and Ji Tianyu had no objection to this.

The accident happened after the other party drove the truck away.Just as Ji Tianyu and the three got into each other's car, these people suddenly took out their guns and shot at Ji Tianyu and the three of them randomly.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Hao roared back angrily while bending over to avoid the bullet.

"Boss Long, I'm sorry! At first we didn't plan to do such a black-and-white business, but a friend suggested that this business is not a loss! We received the weapons, and we can save the money by doing it with you. At the same time, no one else will have such a good weapon! At that time, we will have an advantage!" The man headed by the opponent laughed proudly.

"Depending on your mother, I have taken so many businesses, you are the first ones who dare to do this black-and-white business!" Jiang Hao cursed bitterly.

When the other party saw that Ji Tianyu and the others had only come three people, and because they also received funding from another mysterious person, they became more daring to do so!

It's a pity that they only saw that Ji Tianyu's side has a small number of people, but they don't know that having a small number of people does not mean that the combat effectiveness is also low!

Jiang Hao's sharp gun, the bullets will not be empty, and Ji Tianyu's marksmanship is also poor, but compared with Jiang Hao, there is still a little gap.So, he decided not to compete with Jiang Hao whose marksmanship is more accurate.

Although the small flying knife that Ji Tianyu casually threw was small in size, its sharpness would not be reduced by half.

The guy who was laughing wildly proudly a moment ago was dumbfounded in an instant. The person who should have been beaten into a sieve by them now turned out to be half of their people in just a few blinks of an eye. Judging from the situation of the companions who fell on the ground, I am afraid that they are all dead.

After all, injured people would still struggle and cry out in pain, but they didn't make a sound at all!

This scene made those who were still alive tremble with fear.

"Aren't you coming out to help? Take advantage of the small number of them and get rid of future troubles!" The leading man suddenly yelled loudly.

"Brother, this was premeditated, and there are accomplices! It seems that we were careless! If it were someone else, I would have to give my life here today!"

"Isn't it just right, let their accomplices come out together, so we can see who they are?" When he heard that the other party still had helpers, Ji Tianyu was not in a hurry to fight back.

"Quick! They're out of bullets!" After the man in the lead yelled, he didn't see anyone coming out to help, so he yelled again hastily.

Under Ji Tianyu's signal, Jiang Hao put the gun away, and this trick really worked.After the gunfire stopped for a while, a group of people rushed over from a distance. Ji Tianyu and Jiang Hao glanced at them. There were about ten people.

"Brother, how do you do it? Dead or alive?" Jiang Hao stared at these people, his eyes full of cold killing intent.At this time Jiang Hao, although his handsome face has not changed, it is believed that no one who sees his current expression will be able to adore him.A cold killer who is ready to kill someone at any time, who would dare to think about him?

"Leave one or two alive, and clean up the rest!" Ji Tianyu remained expressionless, as if what he said just now meant cutting a few Chinese cabbages in the kitchen.

"Understood! What the hell are they thinking? What are they thinking? Their brains are confused by money?" Jiang Hao sneered.

"What's the reason? Don't we know when one of them is left alive? It's just a pity that this brother came out with us and ended up like this in the end!" Ji Tianyu sighed.The driver sitting in the driver's seat, after being shot several times, has now returned to hell!

Although Ji Tianyu can be cruel to himself and his enemies, but he treats his own people, he is the most unsightly person who dies in front of him.

"Kill these bastards to avenge my brother!"

"Jiang Hao, let's do it!" Ji Tianyu said to Jiang Hao seeing the two groups of people coming together.

The car that Ji Tianyu and the others were riding in had been baptized by the opponent's bullets, and it had long been unable to play any protective role.

"Jiang Hao, get out of the car, hurry up!" Ji Tianyu told Jiang Hao, opened the car door, and rolled out.On the other side, Jiang Hao also jumped down without hesitation.After the two jumped out of the car, they quickly found shelter.

Right here, the car exploded with a bang!

If Ji Tianyu and Jiang Hao stayed 30 seconds later, even if they jumped out of the car, they would still be unable to escape the damage of the shock wave after the explosion!

The people on the other side also knew how powerful Ji Tianyu and Jiang Hao were, so naturally they didn't dare to expose themselves to their eyes.

"Be careful, everyone, but they don't have any weapons anymore!" The man at the head said to his group.

"Look at what this old man is, please eat your fill!" When Jiang Hao was angry, his pirate temperament was exposed.Listening to Jiang Hao's words, Ji Tianyu shook his head.Living in the major general Baojian, it is almost impossible to not be infected with a little bit of ruffian.

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