Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2222 Don't learn from him

Chapter 220 Don't learn from him

Natyusha has returned home.Before leaving, she made an agreement with Ji Tianyu and Cen Hanning that she would go back to Haosheng to discuss with Ivanov, no matter what the result was, she would give Ji Tianyu and the others an answer!

"Natyusha, if your father has been refusing to agree to the matter between you and my brother, why don't we come to help you convince your father?" Cen Hanning asked for Natyusha's opinion.

"Then I'll be waiting for your arrival!" Naqiusha looked at Ji Tianyu firmly, and nodded heavily.

"Ji, if father insists on refusing to hear about our affairs, I am willing to give up everything!" This is Naqiusha's promise to Ji Tianyu!

"Eh? Naqiusha, our relationship is very important, but we must also take care of your father's feelings! Otherwise, even if we are together, our conscience will be disturbed!" Just when Ji Tianyu was about to nod, There was a sharp pain in his waist, and he didn't need to look to know that it was Cen Hanning's instruction on his body with his little hand stretched out.

Hearing Ji Tianyu's answer, Cen Hanning let go of the force on her fingers in satisfaction, and gently rubbed the place where she had twisted just now.

Ji Tianyu really has nothing to do with Cen Hanning, this little girl, she is just slapping a sweet jujube!I pinched myself hard just now, and now I started to rub myself gently like water. Could it be that after rubbing myself, I forgot the pain I pinched myself just now?

Na Qiusha's attention was all on Ji Tianyu, and she didn't notice Cen Hanning's very subtle trick at all.So she had to be ignorant that Ji Tianyu's words were said at the behest of Cen Hanning.

Naqiusha left, and after Lovsky gave Ji Tianyu a demonstrative look, he also left with Naqiusha.

Lovsky only saw that Natyusha obeyed Ivanov's order and returned home obediently, but he didn't know that Natyusha and Ji Tianyu had already made an agreement!

"Girl, do you want to murder your husband?" When Na Qiusha walked away, Ji Tianyu asked Cen Hanning, clutching his waist.

"Brother, if I don't remind you like this, you must affirm Naqiusha's words! I know you like Naqiusha, but when you like her, you can have additional benefits, why not? A huge Jun-Fire Kingdom, no matter how many people want it, they can’t get it! Now that Na Qiusha can take the five kingdoms as a dowry, do you still want to push it out?” Cen Hanning wrinkled her little nose at Ji Tianyu’s question, turned her head and walked away .

"If Naqiusha finds out about this, why shouldn't she think that we are going for her family's wealth?"

"Wealth? Is her family rich? Do you have no money? Or do I have no money? My sisters, which one is the one who has no money? If we talk about military-fire weapons or something, maybe their family can still have an advantage." , but if it's about money, then we can't blame us for not giving him face!" Cen Hanning walked in front, and after hearing Ji Tianyu's words, he threw a sentence at Ji Tianyu without looking back.

"Girl, since we are not short of money, why does Natyusha have to take Ivanov's family business?"

"Natyusha can get everything from Ivanov, so why give up like this? If she gives up everything that should belong to her, it can only be said to be cheaper for her other brothers and sisters! What's more, if Natyusha Obtaining Ivanov's army-fire kingdom is a beneficial and harmless thing for us! Of course, Natyusha has her own career, even if you rarely have time to accompany her in the future When the time comes, she can have something to rely on!"

After Cen Hanning finished her last sentence, Ji Tianyu stopped talking.

Speaking of this, Ji Tianyu had to admit that he really didn't do enough for his wives.Which woman doesn't want her husband to be by her side, but what about herself?Even when his wife gave birth, he couldn't be by his side. When facing his wife, he knew that he owed too much.

"Brother, you don't have to worry. If Ivanov insists on not agreeing to the matter between you and Natyusha, it doesn't matter. I'll help you settle this old man!" Seeing that Ji Tianyu didn't speak, Cen Hanning naturally knew that he It's eating my heart out of what I said.

Cen Hanning made such an assurance, Ji Tianyu couldn't say anything more, not to mention, he still had great trust in Cen Hanning's ability.

"Han Ning is so tolerant towards Tianyu! I really don't know what kind of good deed Tianyu did in his previous life, to allow him to have these magnanimous wives!" Ao Yuan looked at Ji Tianyu and Cen Hanning, and said with emotion.

He forgot for a while, saying this kind of words in front of Huang Shan, wouldn't that mean that he felt uncomfortable?

"If you think Tianyu's life is good and envy you, then you can do like Tianyu! I think there will definitely be girls who like you, a half-old man!" Huang Shan said indifferently.

"My wife, I don't like anyone except you! In my heart, you are the most beautiful woman in the world! Look at those beauties now, their glamorous appearance, but if you wait another ten or twenty years, then Let’s take a look again, isn’t it that old people no longer have the beauty they have today? A hundred years ago, it’s just a skeleton! I think a white bone will still attract men’s attention?”

After hearing Huang Shan's words, Ao Yuan immediately came to his senses!He almost said the wrong thing, and when the topic changed, he started to praise Huang Shan.

Huang Shan was quite satisfied with Ao Yuan's words, so she didn't make things difficult for him anymore.

Seeing that Ao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, Qiuqiu laughed unconscionably.No matter how high this man's status is, in front of the good woman he loves, he can't escape being short of heroic breath and loving his son and daughter!

"Son, when you grow up, don't be like your father. There are too many women, and it will cause too much trouble! Look, if Han Ning is not there, your father will be in trouble!" Huang Shan borrowed Take this opportunity to educate Qiuqiu!This kind of thing, or when the child was young, began to instill in him this kind of loyalty to feelings!

"Feng Ma, don't worry, I really think that too many women are not good to anyone! But let's not say this in front of my dad, he will be unhappy!" Qiuqiu smiled.

Ji Tianyu is already troubled by women's affairs, if he hears Qiuqiu say that again, he will definitely take Qiuqiu as the object of venting.

Several years later, Ji Tianyu also had to admit that his experience had a profound impact on Qiuqiu.When a handsome guy in his twenties still had little interest in women, Ji Tianyu really started to worry.

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