Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2245 Help Her

Lan Qian felt that when she talked to Ji Tianyu, she no longer had any grievances in her heart, and she felt much more at ease.

The people in Dantang left, but the people around outside did not decrease.

Elder Dan's greeting earlier spread far and wide, and it was difficult for others to know.

"Fu Tang pays homage to the leader Ji!"

Before Lan Qian left, such a voice came from outside.

"Why are the people from Futang here?" Lan Qian was taken aback. Just as Dantang was sent away, Futang came to the door so quickly. Thinking about the past, when she wanted to have a relationship with Futang, he was not happy .

"Is this Fu School useful to you?" Ji Tianyu looked at Lan Qian first, then frowned and asked.

Ji Tianyu doesn't care about Dantang or Futang.

In the eyes of others, alchemists and talisman makers who are superior are nothing special in the eyes of Ji Tianyu.

Dantang came to visit and wanted to ask for Ji Tianyu's alchemy secrets, but Ji Tianyu agreed without any objection, that's because his alchemy is a wild way, there is no real inheritance, and there is no such thing as keeping secrets.

But Fu Dao is different, Fu Dao Ji Tianyu got it from Shenfu Sect!Although he hasn't passed on all the Talismans to the Shenfu Sect, it's because the foundation of the Shenfu Sect is too shallow, and they can't learn it even if he teaches them all.

Rice is eaten little by little, and no one can become fat with one bite.

He himself is a special case, but that is also because he has the heart of talismans.If he didn't have the heart of talisman, it would be impossible for him to keep all the inheritance of talisman in his heart in just three years.

Now, it was Fu Tang who was visiting from outside, and Ji Tianyu could guess what he wanted to do even if he didn't ask.Fu Tang's subordinates who were defeated by him, this meeting is coming, either to demonstrate, or to show favor, there is no other way than these two.

To be honest, Ji Tianyu was not afraid of the demonstration, everyone put on airs and just had a competition.

But if it's a show of favor, it's not as simple as just pulling your face and hitting him out.

Ji Tianyu could tell that even the two people who competed with him did not have a high status in Futang, but their strength was not weak.Talisman masters like them are more than enough to take the position of suzerain in the Shenfu sect.

Fu Shang is only an eleventh-level talisman master.This eleventh-level talisman master was only upgraded after he raised some points.Originally, he was only a tenth-level talisman teacher.

Although he hasn't seen the talisman for a while, even if he entered the realm quickly, he is a twelfth-level talisman master, and he can only be a beginner.

The mediocre hand of the talisman is the talent of the suzerain to get the talisman sect. Does Ji Tianyu dare to mention something about such a talisman hall?

Really reminded, the strength of Futang has greatly increased, whether it will be a blessing or a curse in the future, it is not yet known 1

Ji Tianyu can't understand the nature of the evil emperor. Most importantly, Ji Tianyu knows that the evil emperor has laid out a big picture. It can be said that the chaos in the fairy world is not just as simple as the catastrophe. The evil emperor is among them. It is also a lot of effort.

With the strength of the Evil Emperor, if he stepped forward, would he still be able to have it?Who else can overwhelm the evil emperor?Ji Tianyu felt desolate in his heart.

Therefore, this Futang's visit is a problem for Ji Tianyu, a big problem.

Lan Qian was overjoyed when she heard Fu Tang's visit, she looked at Ji Tianyu with beautiful eyes.

Facing such eyes, Ji Tianyu knew Lan Qian's thoughts and plans.

For Lan Qian, no matter how unwilling Ji Tianyu was, he still wanted to say hello to the people in Futang.

"I don't know what the meaning of the people from the hall of talisman is here? Young master, I have to trouble you to go out and ask yourself. My defensive cover uses a formation disk, but the foundation of the formation disk is a talisman. Now the outside is using a talisman. Expert, I dare not be careless!"

After hearing Ji Tianyu's words, Lan Qian said nothing, and immediately responded, and got out of Ji Tianyu's defensive shield to negotiate with the people in Futang.

After Lan Qian left, Bei Wu looked at Ji Tianyu.

"Tianyu, why are you in trouble? From the looks of it, you don't want to meet people from Futang!" Bei Wu raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Wuling, you know that my talisman comes from the Divine Talisman Sect. Although I am the son of the Divine Talisman Sect, I can't give the inheritance of the Divine Talisman Sect to others, right? Especially The evil emperor's people!

When I say this, I don’t know if you can understand it from now on, Xiehuang is never simple, not only his cultivation base is high, his manpower is many and strong, but most importantly, his heart!

The reason why the fairy world is in such chaos has something to do with the evil emperor.Such a person, I dare not pass too many things to Fu Tang.

It's okay for Dan Tangna to say that alchemy is just my hobby, and I do it occasionally, there is no inheritance, and whoever I want to pass it on is naturally up to me.

But talismans are different from alchemy. You know the power of talismans without telling me.

The strength of their talisman has already exceeded my imagination. If I add another fire, wouldn't that be a raise for the enemy? "

Ji Tianyu said with a sad face.

He is also in a dilemma now.Helping Lanqian is most likely helping his opponent.But if she doesn't help, Lan Qian won't be able to gain a firm foothold at the Nine Levels Pass.Although she can't remember her now, the relationship between husband and wife is always in his heart. She is the mother of his son, and this will not change at any time, whether he remembers it or not.

"Tianyu, I think you should help Xiaoqian. It's better for Xiaoqian to gain power than Xiehuang alone. You have also seen that Xiehuang, who is unstable, and we have to guess what kind of plan he has. It’s not clear, but one thing is for sure, he definitely didn’t hold back any good farts!”

It can be said that Bei Wu hated the evil emperor deeply.It's no wonder that Bei Wu hates the evil emperor so much, who would be willing to be nice to a man who robbed the woman of his heart?

"Wuling, I feel relieved when you say that. Forget it, let's fool them first!" Ji Tianyu sighed.

He met the people in Dantang and gave advice to the people in Dantang. If he left Futang in the cold, even if the people in Futang had nothing to do with it, wouldn't they vent their anger on Lan Qian?

He can go, leave the Nine Layers Pass, this is not his territory after all.But Lan Qian, she wants to live here,

After a while, Lan Qian came back and explained Futang's intention, which was similar to that of Dantang.

"What do you mean?" Ji Tianyu looked at Lan Qian and asked.

"I listen to you. They also want to discuss talismans with you. They have been stuck in that realm and have been motionless for tens of thousands of years. Now I heard that your guidance to Dantang has the effect of opening up a new path. Why don't they come to you? Come, I also hope to discuss talismans with you, hoping to solve the predicament of tens of thousands of years!"

Lan Qian looked at Ji Tianyu while talking, and she also knew that whether it was Dantang or Futang, they were digging at Ji Tianyu's wall!

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