Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2249 Description

Lan Qian couldn't figure it out, so she didn't think about it at all, and went directly to Fairy Lingbo.

Lan Qian knew that there was something wrong with her memory, but in her current memory, Fairy Lingbo was the one who treated her best.

Since she can't figure it out, she should ask her mother.She believed that her mother would give her a satisfactory answer.

"Xiaoqian, why did you ask this question?" Fairy Lingbo didn't expect that Lan Qian would ask her this question directly.

"Mother, I want to know what there is that I don't know!

Ji Tianyu is my husband?Ji Zeming is my son?Is this all true? "

Lan Qian asked stubbornly. Fairy Lingbo didn't want to tell her, so she wanted to know.These things are all related to her, of course she must know clearly.

"Xiaoqian, these things are not important, do you know..." Fairy Lingbo just spoke when Lan Qian stopped Fairy Lingbo.

"Mother, these things are my business, how can they be unimportant? If Ji Zeming is my son, I have laid a heavy hand on him, and even risked his life. This is what a mother should do." thing?

I just want to know, if these are true, why can't I remember anything? "

"Xiaoqian, I understand what you said, but how do you want me to tell you?" Fairy Lingbo smiled wryly.

"There is something wrong with your memory, because you are not the original you..." Of course Fairy Lingbo didn't really want to tell Lan Qian the truth, she was waiting for this day!

Lan Qian's memory was erased by Xie Huang herself. It is impossible for her to take the initiative to restore Lan Qian's memory, because no matter how dissatisfied she is with Xie Huang, Xie Huang is her husband!

But Lan Qian is also her daughter, so she can't disregard Lan Qian's wishes just because of the evil emperor!

Fairy Lingbo separated Xie Nian's past from how she separated Xie Nian's consciousness. The part of Xie Nian's main body was put under house arrest by her, and the part of her consciousness that belonged to Lan Qian was sent into reincarnation by her.

After being tempered by reincarnation, this part of Lan Qian's consciousness miraculously developed into a complete soul.And in this life, Lan Qian happened to meet Ji Tianyu again!

It was just an ordinary love story, but in the end it developed into the current situation.

"Concubine Mu, as you said, I am indeed Ji Tianyu's woman, Ji Zeming's mother?" Lan Qian confirmed again.

Ji Zeming was sitting on the side at this moment, with his eyelids downcast, not looking at Ji Tianyu and Fairy Lingbo, as calm and composed as if an old monk was in meditation.

Fairy Lingbo also sighed, this child is too unlike an ordinary child.If it were other children, after hearing what Lan Qian and Fairy Lingbo said, they would have run over and called their mother with their thighs hugged.

But Ji Zeming was as quiet as if he hadn't heard the conversation between Fairy Lingbo and Lan Qian.

"Mother Concubine, why did father do this?" Lan Qian felt pain in her heart, even if she changed anyone, after knowing that she was treated like this by her father, she couldn't pretend that nothing happened.

"The previous Xie Xing's temperament was the same as your father's. Maybe it was because the two had similar temperaments. Your father loved her very much. But I didn't want to see another Xie Huang born, so I persuaded her. Your father, the emperor, took Xie Xing away from the Nine Levels Pass, and separated you from the Xie Huang's body.

You can probably guess what happened after that. "Fairy Lingbo looked at Lan Qian with infinite pity. In other words, whoever's daughter is in pain, she sees Lan Qian like this, and her heart hurts too.

But the matter was done by the evil emperor. Although she can't understand it, she can't follow behind and demolish the evil emperor, right?

Of course, as it is now, when Lan Qian asked her in front of her, Fairy Lingbo would never hide it for the evil emperor again.

"Mother Concubine, I am independent. What about Xie Ning? Where is she now?" Lan Qian was confused for a while, this matter was too unimaginable.For Lan Qian, it was already a miracle that Xie Huang and Fairy Lingbo could bring the newly dead back to life.

For Lan Qian, who already has a good cultivation base, this matter is still something Zhongneng can look up to.

"Xie Xing is the main body, and you are a part of her. Therefore, although you have become an independent individual, it is very difficult to compete with Xie Xing for the control of your body!" Fairy Lingbo spoke very Be polite, not because Lan Qian is her daughter.

As for whether Lan Qian can accept it, that's not what Fairy Lingbo should care about.

Of course, Fairy Lingbo knew it well. According to what Fairy Lingbo said, she was not the opponent of Xie Ning, but in the end, she became the master of this body?

Lan Qian felt very clearly, she could feel that in this body, only she existed as the subject, and there was no subject at all as Fairy Lingbo said.

Although Lan Qian didn't specialize in the potential of the spiritual field, she still understood this bit of common sense.

In his own body, there is no existence of the evil spirit called the main body by Fairy Lingbo.

"She's gone!" Fairy Lingbo's expression condensed a bit. Although she didn't like Xie Nian, Xie Nian was always her daughter no matter what. There is guilt.

No matter how evil Xie Xing is, when facing her, she has never been fooled.When it comes to respect, Lan Qian is not as good as Xie Xing.This is also related to their personal experience.

Lan Qian, who has experienced modern society, although she also has respect for Fairy Lingbo, she definitely does not have the heartfelt, almost worshipful respect of Xie Nian.

"Not here?" Lan Qian asked suspiciously.

"Xiaoqian, the reason why you can become the master of this body is all thanks to Ji Tianyu.

Without Ji Tianyu's help, you would not be able to compete with Xie Xing at all, and your final fate would be to be swallowed by Xie Xing and become a part of Xie Xing!

When you were fighting against Xie Xing but were unable to resist, it was Ji Tianyu who helped you. He helped you erase Xie Xing's consciousness, and you naturally became the master of this body.And Xie Xing's soul without consciousness naturally becomes a part of you!

If you hadn't devoured Xie Xing's soul, you wouldn't be recognized by the Xie Huang.Because this body is the community of you and Xie Xing, if you are not united, this body will not be recognized by Xie Huang. "

Fairy Lingbo's words let Lan Qian know that behind her current life, there is too much bitterness!This hard work cannot be explained to outsiders.

At this time, Lan Qian finally understood why the evil emperor hated Ji Tianyu so much.Because Ji Tianyu killed the Xie Huang's favorite daughter with his own hands!In the eyes of the evil emperor, her accessory is not liked.

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