Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2277 Promise

Ji Tianyu went up to meet Tian Cuizi, and learned the situation from Tian Cuizi.

"I have pity on my precious grandson, who has to endure such humiliation!" In Tian Cuizi's heart, Ji Zeming is the most important.

"Father, don't worry, Ze Ming's safety will be guaranteed, and Lan Qian will not let him be in any danger!"

Ji Tianyu is back, and it didn't take long for the people of the Tianmeng to know that their leader is back!

The crowd tossed about Ji Tianyu for a while, and finally calmed down.

"This is the Tianmeng. If it was in other places in the fairy world, where would there be such a harmonious atmosphere?" Tian Cuizi sighed with emotion. He was always worried about Ji Zeming in his heart, so, for this extravagance and waste, Tian Cuizi I don't like it.But he can't sweep everyone's face, can he?

After the crowd dispersed, Ji Tianyu was exhausted too!

Dealing with these people is more tiring than fighting.

Especially these people, besides his subordinates, are also his friends, how can he be harsh on him?

After Ji Tianyu got Tian Cuizi's answers correct, he went to Tian Cuizi's place.

"Father, don't worry, Xie Huang knows about Ze Ming's background, and he treats Ze Ming very well. It can be said that with Xie Huang around, Ze Ming's safety will not have any problems.

Ji Tianyu painstakingly comforted Tian Cuizi for a while.Finally got out.

When he was old, he cared about his grandson very much, especially when he found out that Ji Tianyu had thrown Ji Zeming by Lan Qian's side, he was so annoyed that he hummed.

"Tianyu, why do you think you are so big-hearted? Although Lan Qian is his mother, isn't it that Lan Qian doesn't engrave him now? If Lan Qian has bad thoughts about Ze Ming, what about Ze Ming's safety? Assure?"

Tian Cuizi's face stretched to a length of one foot, obviously extremely dissatisfied with Ji Tianyu's arrangement.

"Father, don't worry, I gave Zeming two formation disks and some talismans, his safety will be safe." Ji Tianyu knew that if he didn't explain, Tian Cuizi wouldn't be able to worry anymore , will you really go directly to Ji Zeming and bring Ji Zeming back?

"I know that Ze Ming is the son of your son and Lan Qian. It's not easy to think of you, and I don't want to make any fuss! But one thing, if there is any news from Ze Ming, you have to bring Ji Zeming back! " Tian Cuizi wanted Ji Tianyu to reassure him that Ji Tianyu would not dare to delay any longer, and immediately and honestly provided bail, which made Tian Cuizi spare Ji Tianyu.

"Cai'er, I'll take you to see the people of the same clan!" Ji Tianyu released Cai'er, but when Cai'er appeared, Ji Tianyu was shocked.

When Ji Tianyu took Cai'er into the space, Cai'er was still a baby, but now, Cai'er has grown into a big girl!

"Cai'er, you're growing too fast, right?" Ji Tianyu stared at the girl in front of him, stunned.

Ji Tianyu knew that Cai'er was beautiful, he knew it when Cai'er was just born.But Cai'er was a little girl back then, but it's different now, Cai'er is a real woman.

Cai'er is dressed in colorful clothes, with a smile in her bright beautiful eyes, her curved willow eyebrows are black without any trace, her lips are red without a trace, her face is like a melon seed, her skin is fair, and the blood vessels under the skin can be seen.

When Cai'er grew up, she turned out to be a beautiful woman. Compared to Xinxia, ​​the number one beauty of the Golden Dragon Clan who committed suicide, she was even more beautiful.

As soon as Cai'er appeared, the title of the most beautiful woman of the Dragon Clan would definitely change hands.

"Master, Brother Gan has supernatural powers to make me grow up quickly! Master, aren't you happy to see Cai'er grow up?" Seeing Ji Tianyu's silence, Cai'er panicked and hurried to Ji Tianyu In front of him, asked Ji Tianyu in a low voice.

"How is it possible? Cai'er has grown up, I'm too happy!" Ji Tianyu grinned.

When Ji Tianyu saw Caier appearing in front of him in the image of an adult, Ji Tianyu's heart was not at peace.

Most importantly, Cai'er's beauty shocked Ji Tianyu's heart.

Ji Tianyu is not a kid who has never seen the world, but when he saw Cai'er's slim figure appearing in front of him, Ji Tianyu's heart beat faster.

But Ji Tianyu, who reacted, spat on himself fiercely!

Cai'er was hatched by him, that is to say, he is Cai'er's adoptive father.But he, a man with a human face and a beast's heart, actually has strange thoughts about his daughter!

Ji Tianyu regained his composure, and looked at Cai'er indifferently.

"Cai'er, you also know that I once said that when you grow up, you will choose a husband-in-law from among the Dragon Clan! I will introduce you to a young man from the Golden Dragon Clan in a while. If you Tell me which young man you like.

Whether the future of the Golden Dragon Clan can be passed on, the responsibility rests on you! "Ji Tianyu hardened his heart and said to Cai'er.

He is Cai'er's adoptive father, how could he have such thoughts for his own daughter?The most important thing is that it has only been a few months for Caier to go from famous brand goods to now.

Ji Tianyu's mind still flashed the appearance of Cai'er just hatched from the eggshell. It was a little doll carved in powder and jade, and the storage was still in front of him.

No, Cai'er in front of his eyes is no longer a newly born pink baby, but a stunning woman who can make any man's heart beat!

"Master, everything is up to you to arrange, but if I don't like it, please respect my decision! Although Cai'er knows her identity, she still wants to find a husband who is like her, and I hope the master will make it happen!"

Cai'er lowered her eyelids, looking at Ji Tianyu timidly, but Ji Tianyu accepted all the eyes that fluttered from under her eyelids.

In Cai'er's eyes, there were grievances, resignation, hope, and pain.Ji Tianyu didn't know why, but those few eyes made Ji Tianyu firmly remember it in his heart.

Cai'er lowered her head, revealing her perfect neck in front of Ji Tianyu's eyes. The graceful curve made Ji Tianyu want to reach out and touch it several times.

"Okay, you don't match, I will never force you! No one in the Dragon Clan can force you either!" Ji Tianyu gave Cai'er a promise!

"Cai'er, thank you Master for your mercy!" After hearing Ji Tianyu's promise, Cai'er raised her head, and Ji Tianyu saw the faint gleam of a traffic card in Cai'er's eyes.

Ji Tianyu's heart tightened, Cai'er is also a human being, a normal person, who would want to be treated as a childbearing tool?

Cai'er obtained her promise, obviously leaving a way out for herself.

Ji Tianyu also understands that if he doesn't protect Cai'er, as Cai'er, Cai'er's fate may only be spent in constant childbirth!

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