Ji Tianyu took Lan Qian back to Piaomiao Peak, and brought back the people of Tianmeng by the way.

Xu Runlong didn't react in time, and looked at Ji Tianyu leading people into the peaks of Piaomiao Mountain in a daze.

"Run away? Did Ji Tianyu run away without a fight?" Everyone in Xu Runlong hated Ji Tianyu's fleeing without a fight.

Even if Ji Tianyu returned to Piaomiao Mountain, he would know what Xu Runlong and the others would scold him if he didn't eavesdrop!

"Tianyu, we're leaving, they won't let it go!" Lan Qian obviously knew the evil emperor's subordinates very well.

"I'm afraid they won't dare to do that!" Ji Tianyu didn't have much respect for Xie Huang's people.

Lan Qian thought in her heart that Ji Tianyu was still too young to anger Xu Runlong.In Jiuzhongguan, Xu Runlong can be regarded as a number one figure.But at Ji Tianyu's place, he still wanted to provoke Xu Runlong and let them attack Piaomiao Peak.

Ji Tianyu took the Tianmeng people and quickly returned to Piaomiao Mountain. This was not over yet, he even sent some people to yell at Xu Runlong and the others.It caused Xu Runlong to groan with hatred.

Being so provoked by the Tianmeng people, Xu Runlong also forgot whether he should go back to Jiuzhong pass to report the situation to the evil emperor, but was so angry that he led the army to attack Piaomiao Peak.

None of the people in Nine Layers Pass is trash.

But even the people in the Nine Levels Pass are all masters, and they are also pumped by the popularity of the Tianmeng.

Xu Runlong was calm on weekdays, but amidst the scolding of Tianmeng people, he commanded 5 to [-] people to head towards Piaomiao Mountain.

Now it's all right, the people of Nine Layers Pass originally wanted to charge into the mountain, but they didn't expect that they would suffer heavy casualties in such a charge.

Xu Runlong never dreamed that in front of Piaomiao Mountain, nearly half of his troops were broken here.This is just a charge.

This made Xu Runlong's heart ache and his liver ached. At this moment, he finally understood why Ji Tianyu dragged Lan Qian into Piaomiao Peak. It turned out that he had already made arrangements.

Xu Runlong was ruthless and suffered a disadvantage in Piaomiao Peak, so he ordered people to besiege the other Xiangfeng.

In this way, the fourteen peaks will suffer.

When Ji Tianyu set up the formation, he naturally only set up the 22 peaks that had surrendered to the Tianmeng, and the other [-] peaks were just so naked.

Normally, this would not be a problem, but right now, nearly half of Xu Runlong's men were in Ji Tianyu's hands, how could he not hate, so he vented his anger on these fourteen peaks.

Most of the people like Xu Runlong are demon cultivators. The temper of demon cultivators is fiery. Now that Ji Tianyu has suffered a secret loss, the anger naturally spreads on the fourteen peaks.

Not to mention the 36 peaks, even the original 5 peaks couldn't withstand Xu Runlong's crazy attack.

Sitting in Piaomiao Peak, Ji Tianyu just raised his eyebrows while listening to his subordinates' report.

The people from Jiuchongtian were fighting the fire, and their action this time did Ji Tianyu a great favor.

Although Ji Tianyu has no plan to stay in Piaomiao Peak, the attitudes of the people in Piaomiao Mountain make Ji Tianyu very dissatisfied.

The 14 people headed by the leader of Qili Peak, Yu Chulue, were all gritting their teeth watching the joke of the Tianmeng.

In addition, even those people from Piaomiao Peak have a lot of opinions on Tianmeng.Although they joined the Tianmeng, they were always vassals, which made them feel extraordinarily humiliated.

Although Ji Tianyu saw their appearance, he was happy to see their success.

Idiots like them can still be anxious with Ji Tianyu.

Under Ji Tianyu's deliberate indulgence, the poor Piaomiao Peak and the peak masters all had bitter faces.

"What should we do? People have lost too much!" The people at Nine Layers Pass couldn't care so much. When they saw people, they naturally got angry and cleaned them up.

But they didn't know that the person they killed was actually not a member of the Tianmeng!But no one will tell them this.

After this incident, the 36 peaks of Piaomiao Mountain, there are not many people left for field investigation.This result is naturally within Ji Tianyu's acceptable range.

At this moment, no one will trouble Ji Tianyu any more, and no one will secretly hate Ji Tianyu in their hearts.

With so many masters, the Tianmeng didn't even come out. Just a few formations laid down by Ji Tianyu killed half of the opponents.But look at them again, if all the personnel are out, they will still be hacked to death.

Ji Tianyu fulfilled his wish.He was not an old-fashioned person, although he used some tricks, but the final result made Ji Tianyu quite satisfied.

Seeing that the result of what he wants has already appeared, Ji Tianyu naturally won't let Xu Runlong and the others continue to be arrogant.

The Dragon Clan and the Demon Clan, who received Ji Tianyu's order, rushed out like tigers descending from the mountain.

The morale of Xu Runlong's group was already low, but now they were hit head-on by the dragon clan and the demon clan. They were killed and injured. In the end, Xu Runlong was clever, and led a small group of people, and fled back to Jiuzhongguan in a hurry.

At this time, Yang Zhi and his group were truly convinced by Ji Tianyu.Look at him, that's really powerful, without even making a move, he easily wiped out nearly half of the opponent's troops.

And what happened to a large group of them in the end, they were almost dead.

Yang Zhi looked at the men who had died and few people left, and found Ji Tianyu again. This time, Yang Zhi's attitude was much softer. When he saw Ji Tianyu, he hurriedly greeted him.

In the end, Yang Zhi got what he wanted, and he truly became a member of the Tianmeng just like his son.

Yang Zhi figured it out, so what if he guards Piaomiao Peak?After a lifetime of hard work, it is not as good as Ji Tianyu's casual formation!This shows what?It shows that Ji Tianyu is really capable. Now that his subordinates are almost dead, even if he tries to recruit people again, he will not be able to recruit good people.

The most important thing is that Yang Zhi's heart is not at peace anymore, he can no longer only see things about Piao Miao Peak as before.

After Yang Can learned of his father's decision, he was very happy. He went to Ji Tianyu and brought Yang Zhi under the sect of Tian Cangzong.

Although Yang Zhi came to the sect of Tiancangzong, Yang Zhi was not forced to learn the thunder technique of Tiancangzong. Of course, if he wanted to learn it himself, no one would refuse him.

After Xu Runlong and his party made a fuss, Ji Tianyu handed over the matter of Peak 36 to Bai Ze.

In the beginning, Ji Tianyu didn't plan to stay at Peak 36 for a long time, which had an absolute relationship with Peak 36's attitude.No one would like to see someone constantly making small moves.

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