Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2495 regret talking too much

"Ji, Ji Tianyu, why did you come out?" After Qingrong came back to her senses, when she saw Ji Tianyu standing in front of her, she was startled and hurriedly backed away.

Just kidding, at this time, Ji Tianyu is a guy who doesn't even dare to underestimate Ling Bo. Compared with Ling Bo, her strength is still a bit inferior. In front of Ji Tianyu, there is nothing to do. room for it.

"Why did I come out? Isn't it just a small enchantment? Don't you think that this small enchantment can stop me? This enchantment, speaking of it, I have to come and go five or six times Yes, every time we come and go, we walk back and forth like this!"

Ji Tianyu listened to Qing Rong's questioning, ignored Qing Rong's question, but answered Qing Rong's question as if nothing happened.

At this time, Qingrong regretted to the extreme, if she knew that this enchantment would not be able to trap Ji Tianyu at all, how could she have said so many things in front of Ji Tianyu just now?

You know, once those words are spoken, whether it is her Qingrong or Fairy Lingbo, and in front of him Ji Tianyu, they can only be enemies.

Enemy!If Ling Bo had no scruples, she would not have taken the trouble to send Lan Qian to Ji Tianyu's side.

For Ji Tianyu, Lan Qian was a restraint.Using Lan Qian to restrain Ji Tianyu, even if Ji Tianyu has doubts about Fairy Lingbo, for Lan Qian's sake, Ji Tianyu will have room for it.

But now, this idea is obviously impossible.Because she had already told Ji Tianyu about Ling Bo's purpose.

I believe that as long as Ji Tianyu is not a fool, or a fish with a memory of only seven seconds, then he will remember what she just said!

What did she say just now?Qingrong's mind turned rapidly.If I remember correctly, she seemed to have told Ji Tianyu all of Ling Bo's secrets!

Ji Tianyu already knew Ling Bo's purpose, no matter whether Ji Tianyu really believed her words or not, at least, from now on, Ji Tianyu would no longer believe in Fairy Ling Bo!

Ji Tianyu is beginning to doubt Fairy Lingbo now, doesn't that mean that Lingbo's family affection advantage has no advantage in front of Ji Tianyu?

"Ji Tianyu, in fact, what I said just now was deliberately deceiving you, you don't have to believe it!"

"Qingrong, you think I'm stupid, don't you?" Ji Tianyu raised his eyebrows and looked at Fairy Qingrong who fled far away from him.

This woman was so arrogant just now, why did she become cowardly now?

"Uh..." Qingrong really thought that Ji Tianyu was a fool, in that case, she wouldn't have to be so worried.

If Fairy Lingbo knew that she had leaked her secret, what would she do to her?Qingrong couldn't imagine it.

Although she and Ling Bo are good friends, but she doesn't know, will Ling Bo turn against her?

"Qingrong, let me ask you a question!" Ji Tianyu's eyes fixed on Qingrong.

"What's the problem?" Qingrong's heart was uneasy, she didn't have the prestige she had with Ji Tianyu just now.

"You were sent here by Fairy Lingbo to wait for me, did she send someone to the Asura Realm?" No wonder Ji Tianyu was worried, in front of Fairy Lingbo's subordinates, Sena and the others were simply not enough to look at.

If Fairy Lingbo really sent someone to seek trouble with the Asura Clan, based on the strength of Sena and the Asura Clan, it would be impossible for her to be an opponent.

"No! How could those people from the Shura clan get into Ling Bo's eyes?" Qingrong looked at Ji Tianyu, judging from Ji Tianyu's expression, he probably had no intention of killing them and then quickly.

As long as Ji Tianyu has no intention of killing her, then what's the point if she answers Ji Tianyu's more questions?He just hoped that Ji Tianyu would let her go after he finished asking the questions he wanted to ask.

Ji Tianyu's heart was relieved, as long as Fairy Lingbo didn't reach out to Sena, Ji Tianyu would feel at ease.

Anyone who has a heart can know the relationship between Sena and him. If Sena is murdered because of him, Ji Tianyu will be very sorry.

Listening to Qingrong now, Fairy Lingbo didn't do anything to Sena, which made him very relieved.

"Qingrong, you and Ling Bo are good friends, and Ling Bo also regards you as a close friend. But you have such a relationship with the evil emperor, aren't you poaching your friend's wall? This is really not good. land!"

Ji Tianyu looked at Qingrong and killed her, but Ji Tianyu had no intention of that, even though Qingrong really wanted to kill him just now, he had no chance at all.

The reason why Ji Tianyu didn't want to kill her was because Qingrong once gave Ji Zeming a brocade, and it was that brocade that saved Ji Zeming's life.If it wasn't for that Jinhua, Ji Zeming would have died in Shentan's stomach long ago.

With the powerful devouring ability of the deep pool, if Ji Zeming didn't have Jinhua's bodyguard, how could the little guy survive his father to save him?

Ji Tianyu is a person who knows how to repay his kindness, no matter whether the brocade that Qingrong gave to Ji Zeming is sincere or not, Ji Tianyu will always remember Qingrong's kindness.If Jin Hua didn't have the youthful face, his son would have been eaten up by that swine dragon in Shentan long ago.

Although Ji Tianyu wanted to spare Qing Rong's life, but in terms of words, he wanted to get some interest.

Qingrong's face turned red all of a sudden, and then turned pale again.

"Ji Tianyu, you can't just gossip, I'm Ling Bo's friend, how could I have anything to do with the Xie Huang?" Qing Rong retorted through gritted teeth.

"Qing Rong, it might be useful to tell Fairy Lingbo what you said, but it is definitely useless to tell me. If I don't know the inside story, how could I talk about this topic with you?"

Qingrong looked at Ji Tianyu with an embarrassing expression, she couldn't figure it out, why would Ji Tianyu know something that even Ling Bo didn't know?

"Ji Tianyu, this is between Ling Bo and me, it has nothing to do with you..." Qing Rong bravely said to Ji Tianyu.

"The matter between you and the Xie Huang really has nothing to do with me, but when I think of you and the Xie Huang hiding Fairy Lingbo, I feel sorry for her.

One is her best friend, the other is her husband, and the two of you get mixed up, isn't it her two closest people who stab her heart with two knives? "

Ji Tianyu was filled with righteous indignation, those who didn't know would really think that Ji Tianyu was complaining for his mother-in-law!

Will Ji Tianyu complain about Fairy Lingbo?Obviously impossible!

Fairy Lingbo did all the tricks just to kill him, and she still fattened herself up to kill him again, but Ji Tianyu hated him to the extreme.

Although Fairy Lingbo is Lan Qian's mother, Fairy Lingbo doesn't treat Lan Qian as a daughter. If that's the case, what kind of mother-in-law is she?

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