Ji Tianyu hated Cao Zhen and Wang Pu, even skinning and cramp were not enough to vent his anger.

"Where is Shi Lin's tomb?" Ji Tianyu asked Cao Zhen and Wang Pu with a blank face.

"...Her, her ashes have been thrown away by us..." Wang Pu said with a trembling voice.

Can they not be afraid?Didn't Ji Tianyu come to them just for Shi Lin?Now that Shi Lin is dead, can Ji Tianyu keep them?

When controlling the life and death of others, there is no fear of life and death at all.Now, when it's their turn to personally experience what life and death are, they realize that death is so difficult and such a frightening thing.

As soon as Wang Pu finished speaking, Ji Tianyu let go of his aura. Wang Pu and Cao Zhen didn't notice it. Of course, they didn't have the heart to do these defenses.Everyone has already fallen into Ji Tianyu's hands, and it's a joke to think about defense.

Cao Zhen and Wang Pu were shocked by Ji Tianyu's aura, and their bodies trembled into a ball.

At this moment, Cao Zhen and Wang Pu realized that they were looking for death, who would not be easy to provoke, but they wanted to provoke such an evil star as Ji Tianyu!

Although Lord Ping has relations with them, it is only a little friendship, but they insisted on relying on their own strength, so they ran to Binhai to rebuild the Panlong Club, and brought Shi Lin over, and finally made her endure Unable to live, he committed suicide and died.

If they knew that Ji Tianyu's strength was so great, they wouldn't do it for Lord Ping if they killed both of them.

Lord Ping was already dead, they did this, but no one appreciated them.

Of course, they also have a purpose in doing so.On the one hand, he can avenge Lord Ping, and on the other hand, under the banner of avenging Lord Ping, he can lay a foundation in Binhai.

The reason why they didn't come to avenge Lord Ping after his death was because Ji Tianyu was still in Binhai at that time. Although they talked about how trash artists are, in fact, they were also afraid of Ji Tianyu.

After knowing that Ji Tianyu had been missing for several years, they felt that Ji Tianyu must be dead.Otherwise, who would not show up for so many years?You know, there is Ji Tianyu's daughter-in-law in Binhai, and she is not one of them!

Any man would never leave his wife alone and hide by himself.

It was precisely because of this thought that they gathered a group of people in Binhai in the name of avenging Lord Ping, and beat the members of the Sha Gang back again and again.

Well now, Ji Tianyu is back, stronger than they expected.And when they were not ready to fight back, they were taken into their hands.

At this time, in the hearts of Cao Zhen and Wang Pu, apart from remorse, there were no other emotions.

If he knew that today would happen, if he killed them both, he wouldn't have come to Binhai and got into trouble with such an evil star as Ji Tianyu.

"Do it!" Ji Tianyu said something to Jin Tang without the slightest return, and Jin Tang responded, a strong air flow rushed into the dantian of the two of them, and exploded with a bang.

Poor Cao Zhen and Wang Pu, their dantians were completely destroyed, just when they were desperate, another force rushed into their minds.In the eyes of Cao Zhen and Wang Pu, the look gradually disappeared.

With no external injuries, Cao Zhen and Wang Pu died quietly.

If Shi Lin knew, she would definitely thank Ji Tianyu for avenging him by killing Cao Zhen and the two bastards beside him.

And those Beaulieu Society members who were clutching their wrists, perhaps their chests, were looking at Ji Tianyu and Jintang carefully while shouting.

"Leader, what are they going to do?"

"There isn't a single good person!" These people's auras are all evil. If they were kind people, how could they have such an aura?

This time Jintang didn't use his hands, Ji Tianyu did it himself, the dozen or so gunmen all languished on the ground, and the look in their eyes disappeared one after another.

Ji Tianyu is not afraid at all that he killed the wrong good person.These people have guns in their hands, and their marksmanship is not bad, especially the aura on their bodies is more evil. Such people, even if they kill a train, they will not kill three or five by mistake.

Killing Cao Zhen and Wang Pu was not Ji Tianyu's whole plan.Beaulieu will be in Binhai, and it has become a disaster.

When there was no Panlong Society in the Abyss, the road along Binhai was already controlled by the Sand Gang. Of course, there were still quite a few small and big forces.But all their lands are added up, and they are not as big as the Sha Gang.

At that time, the law and order in Binhai was the best, there was not a single murder case, even if it was a petty theft, there were not many.

Most importantly, don't try to find drugs in the major entertainment stores in Binhai.

The amount of drugs in Binhai is very small, and there are no stable sellers in this city!

This is impossible in other cities.But this is a normal thing in Binhai.

Both officials and ordinary people still support the Shabang.

But now, the part of Binhai that is ruled by the Beaulieu Society has changed the atmosphere of Binhai in an instant.

For the Beaulieu Society, the higher-ups also dislike him very much.

With the Sand Gang, a gang organization that doesn't look like a mafia gang, as a representative, it would be strange if the Beaulieu Society could please them.

Ji Tianyu killed Cao Zhen and Wang Pu, and took Jintang to search the house for all kinds of evidence of the Panlong Society.

With these things, Panlong will not only be suppressed by their Sha Gang, but also the officials will take action.

Previously, the reason why the officials had never taken action against Panlonghui was because the strength of Cao Zhen and Wang Pu was not comparable to that of the officials.

Sure enough, Ji Tianyu found a large amount of evidence. What made Ji Tianyu hate the most was that there were records of the noodles sold in the casinos under the Beaulieu Club.

The one with the largest quantity sold more than 1000 grams in one month.This is just the sales volume of one venue in one month!If one year and all the venues of the Beaulieu Club are added together, how much business has the Beaulieu Club made?

Looking at those numbers, Ji Tianyu felt resentment.

These things are evil things that destroy the homes of people living a happy life.

Ji Tianyu didn't bring any other evidence with him. These things alone are enough for Panlong to drink a pot.For other evidence, it is better to let the officials take over.

Ji Tianyu took Jintang all the way back home.

If Cao Zhen and Wang Pu knew that they used those high-grade sound-proof materials to block their screams in the end, he would have done so at that time.The sound insulation is so good that no one on the [-]th or [-]th floor heard the sound of what happened on the second floor.

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