If you take a few prostitutes with you in small troubles to earn some living expenses or something, you have no reason to conduct a thorough investigation with such great fanfare. 【 】However, all state cadres were involved, making the state's rights a tool for them to seek interests!This is completely unacceptable to Gu Jingwen!

Gu Jingwen didn't expect that Zhou Huali's fierce words annoyed Zhou Huali, making this deputy secretary of the municipal party committee who already felt that there was no way out decide to take the risk!Since you, Gu Jingwen, are unwilling to stop and are determined to investigate to the end, there is no way for you, the deputy secretary, to stop it!Is it possible to be so helpless?no!

Zhou Huali patted the table, "Susan, come in!" Zhou Huali called to his secretary.

"Secretary!" In response, Susan entered the office.

"Sit down!" Zhou Huali patted the seat beside him, motioning for her to sit down.

"You also know about the big earthquake in Binhai this time!" Zhou Huali patted Susan's little hand.


"Just now I went to that stinky woman Gu Jingwen. I wanted her to stop the investigation of this case, but I didn't want her to pretend to be serious with me, and wanted to investigate to the end! This time there is a big commotion in Binhai!"

"Is there no other way?"

"As long as this woman is here, she will never give up! If the investigation continues like this, I will also be investigated by her! Hey, there is really her without me, and me without her!"

"I understand!" Susan stood up and walked out.

"Susan, you can take care of my affairs! Also, don't tell your brother and sister-in-law about my situation, so as not to worry them."

"I see!"

Zhou Huali watched Susan leave the office and knew that the girl had gone to do things for him.In this field of power, she is probably the only one who can trust me!It's just that this girl sticks to her duty the most, and never gets close to herself in public places.Only when the two are alone, will the posture of the little daughter be revealed.

Zhou Huali understands, so don't blame Susan for being so cautious.She is the younger sister of his son-in-law!If you talk about it from your daughter, you are still your own son and nephew!

Gu Jingwen was targeted by Zhou Huali and wanted to get rid of her to protect herself!On the other side, there are also people who are plotting to get rid of a person.

The president of the car was very trustworthy and allocated a huge sum of 2000 million yuan for the Chen family!Although this is not the maximum amount of the authority of the chief executive, for a company that can be said to have gone bankrupt, with this 2000 million, it is two completely different situations.It would not be an exaggeration if the metaphor becomes life and death!

After receiving the money from the bank, Chen Jiaze solved the company's urgent needs first, and then began to think about Ji Tianyu!

If you take other people's money yourself, you have to do things for them!Doing Ji Tianyu is also what Chen Jiaze desires most.This person surnamed Ji dealt an indelible blow to the Chen family.

His only son is still lying in the hospital. Although the trauma on his body is fine, his lifeblood is still in the process of cultivation.The best andrologist in China was invited for the Chen family, but the Chen family was still worried, wondering if Chen Yunting would return to his former glory.

I haven't been to the hospital to see him recently.It's not that I don't feel sorry for my son, but that I don't want to see his irritable and depressed appearance.

Although the doctors had tried their best to promise that the operation was a success and the broken corpus cavernosum had been reconnected intact, but their guarantee could not have any effect on Chen Yunting.

If a person's bone is broken, it can be connected. Whether the function can be fully restored depends on the degree of injury, the doctor's technique, and the individual's ability to recover.Even the bones with the strongest recovery ability of the human body will have unsatisfactory conditions, let alone that place?Can the injury there have no impact on the future married life?It's not just the Chen family who don't believe it, I'm afraid the attending doctor will also have doubts when he says this.

Chen Jiaze stroked his head and pondered, where would he find someone to kill Ji Tianyu?Ji Tianyu's skills are good, which is almost known to all.Then I'm afraid that ordinary people really can't deal with him!

Suddenly a name flashed through my mind: Shadow!A world of pure darkness!The people there are real killers who don't know right and wrong, and only obey the boss's orders!

They are different from those who are in the underworld. The hooligans in the underworld can still reason. When they go to war with you, they still have a reason.But the person in the shadow is a desperado who only recognizes money and doesn't know people!

After Chen Jiaze remembered, he acted immediately.He had heard from former friends that people from this organization would not be in direct contact with these employers.In Binhai, Chen Jiaze only knew one person who could contact Shadow, and that was the owner of the Degenerate Bar!

Thinking about it and doing it, Chen Jiaze drove to the Degenerate Bar.It's not dark yet, and the bar hasn't opened yet.After entering the bar, Chen Jiaze said to the waiter sitting at the bar, "Little brother, is your boss there? I have an urgent matter with your boss!"

"The boss is not here! It's only open at night, so the boss will come back at night!" The waiter didn't even roll his eyelids.

"I'm serious, why don't you call the boss, little brother?"

"No phone call! Come back tonight if you have anything to do! What are you in a hurry for a drinker? Urge for your life?"

Chen Jiaze was taken aback for a moment, he came here to remind him to die!It's just that it's someone else's life that's being urged.

I came to send money by myself, why did this person ignore me?Could it be that I remembered it wrong?No, I remember very clearly that this is the bar called Degenerate!

Is it because I didn't say my purpose?

"Little brother, I really need to find my boss! You can find it for me!" Chen Jiaze deliberately bit hard on his life.

The waiter's eyes flashed, and he finally looked up at Chen Jiaze in front of him.

"What's the matter?"

"Human life!"

The young man sitting at the bar stared at Chen Jiaze for a while, "Who introduced you?"

"I only know about it from my friends!" ㊣(5)

"Biaozi, come and bring the guests up!" The young man at the bar shouted to the corner.


By the time Chen Jiaze came out of the depraved bar, he had already lost 300 million yuan!This made him curse unceasingly, Ji Tianyu, just a small high school student, why should he ask himself for 300 million yuan?If it wasn't for his inability to deal with Ji Tianyu himself, he really didn't want to hand over the money to these group of cannibalistic executioners.

Ji Tianyu didn't know that he had also become someone else's target, and a target who was about to die!

Before Ji Tianyu left Lan's, he bumped into Yu Tianhong's phone.

"Brother, brother, tell you something!"

"Brother Yu, what's the matter?" Ji Tianyu wondered, since Fei was fine, Yu Tianhong would not take the initiative to call himself.

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