Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2597 The first line of life and death

Ling Bo fought against Ji Tianyu, and after Ji Tianyu let go of his hands and feet, Fairy Lingbo was no match for Ji Tianyu at all.

Ling Bo was somewhat dissatisfied in her heart, but she also knew that Ji Tianyu, who had recovered the full strength of the Dragon God, was naturally somewhat stronger than her.Therefore, it is reasonable for her to be unable to suppress Ji Tianyu.

"Ji Tianyu, don't worry! Even if you die, your son, I won't kill him! Anyway, Jin Tan saved my life back then, and I gave Ji Zeming a life to repay Jin Tan back then. The grace of saving lives."

Hearing Fairy Lingbo's words, Ji Tianyu hated her so much.If she really remembered Jin Tan's life-saving grace, how could she have killed Jin Tan and Huang Linjiao back then?

Isn't the reason for selling it to him in front of him now because Ji Zeming's strength is still very weak?Although Ji Zeming also has the blood of the Dragon Clan, compared with Ji Tianyu, Ji Zeming is much, much worse.

If Ling Bo really obtained Ji Tianyu's body and successfully refined it, her strength would definitely improve further.But at that time, Ze Ming was still a baby, even if he wanted to take revenge, he couldn't fight against Fairy Lingbo.

What's more, even if Fairy Lingbo really saved Ji Zeming's life, she would not let Ji Zeming really achieve something!No one would foolishly bring up a kid who had a hatred of killing his father in a good way.

Therefore, to Ji Tianyu's ears, Fairy Lingbo's words were just empty talk, a joke!

Ling Bo could even abandon her daughter, let alone her so-called grandson?

"Ling Bo, you don't need to worry about my son's future! His parents will worry about his future, you just need to prepare to leave this world safely!

Ling Bo, don't worry, even if you really die, I will treat Lan Qian well!I won't play tricks like you, I will treat Lan Qian sincerely! "Listening to Fairy Lingbo's shameless words, Ji Tianyu imitated her tone and replied to Fairy Lingbo.

Fairy Lingbo was extremely angry, of course she knew that even if she died, Lan Qian would not fall out with Ji Tianyu because of her!If possible, she would even kill herself with her own hands.In this point, Fairy Lingbo still believes very much.

Lan Qian is her daughter, but if it is true, the relationship between Lan Qian and Ling Bo is not that close.

Speaking of Ling Bo's daughter, the one who is really Ling Bo's daughter is not Lan Qian, but Xie Xing!

As for Lan Qian, she is only a part of the evil spirit cloud that has been shared, gradually becoming an independent soul.And the body is not exactly the physical body inherited from Ling Bo and Xie Huang.

The real Lan Qian is an ordinary person, her body is naturally obtained from the blood of the Lan family couple.From this point of view, apart from the fact that Lan Qian has some relationship with Xie Xiong in terms of soul, there is no relationship in other aspects.

Of course, within the alliance space, after Lan Qian and Xie Nian merged into one, Lan Qian could be regarded as having Ling Bo's blood.But compared with the real Xie Xing, it is still a level behind.

So, to be honest, the relationship between Lan Qian and Ling Bo is not that close.Therefore, when Ji Tianyu talked about Lan Qian, Fairy Lingbo snorted coldly in her heart.

Ji Tianyu doesn't care what she thinks in her heart, anyway, he said it out, if it can make Fairy Lingbo angry, that would be just right.If you can't, it's just gossip when you're bored.

Fairy Lingbo felt resentful in her heart after hearing Ji Tianyu's words, but at this time, she had no choice but to take Ji Tianyu, after all, to beat Ji Tianyu, her strength was still a bit weaker.

Ling Bo walked out while beating, Ji Tianyu didn't pay attention to it at first, but slowly he also realized this.

After dodging Ji Tianyu's attack, Fairy Lingbo threw herself onto the barrier of space.But when she jumped onto the barrier of space, Fairy Lingbo changed.

At this time, Fairy Lingbo, like ice cream melted by the sun, turned into a puddle of flowing water.

Ji Tianyu is a little confused, he also has space, but he can't hold himself on the wall of the space like a monster, and he can still flow like water.

But after that, Ji Tianyu's heart suddenly turned cold.He understood that Lingbo's identity like water had spread rapidly, but this range was getting bigger and bigger. Gradually, with Ji Tianyu's eyesight, he could no longer see the body transformed by Fairy Lingbo. Where did that water go?

A person can turn his body into a puddle of water and merge with the capacity barrier, which has to make Ji Tianyu terrified.

Compared with Lingbo's space, Ji Tianyu's space is many times more advanced, but he can't do like Fairy Lingbo.

At this time, Fairy Lingbo had merged into the space wall, and Ji Tianyu was the only one left in the whole space.At this time, Ji Tianyu also knew that he could not stay here any longer.

When Ji Tianyu was busy preparing to pass through the barrier and leave this strange space, something happened that surprised Ji Tianyu.

Not only did Ji Tianyu not pass through the space barrier, he was also stuck on the space barrier.

Ji Tianyu in this state is like a fly stuck on flypaper, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't get off.

What means?Can you also turn the space barrier into a universal glue?

Just when Ji Tianyu was surprised, he found that the space was getting smaller and smaller. With the shrinking of the space, Ji Tianyu felt a great pressure. That kind of pressure made his body unable to bear it. .

This is like, if the space of a widened airtight container is continuously compressed to become smaller, the pressure inside the container will be N times that of the outside world.

As the spectrum of the space becomes smaller and smaller, Ji Tianyu feels that it is very likely that he will be squeezed out in a moment.

Ji Tianyu's heart beat wildly, what kind of method Lingbo is doing, he has never heard of it before, Fairy Lingbo has such a method.It seems that she rarely uses this method to meet people!

Ji Tianyu couldn't help feeling flustered, is he going to die in the hands of Fairy Lingbo?Along the way, he has experienced a lot of life and death, but there has never been a single time, like now, that has given him the real shadow of death.

Ji Tianyu's heart tugged, what should I do?Is he really going to die here?It doesn't matter if he dies here, but those people in his space will be buried with him!

Ji Tianyu is not a selfish person, he knows that if he dies, he would survive without doing them.

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