Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2606 Request

Although Ji Tianyu was still timid in his heart, his body recovered very well, and he no longer had the weak symptoms of being severely frightened.

Dong Guoxun and Dong Xinping, although they also love to be shocked, but no matter what, they are always two big men, and they will not really be so frightened like Ji Tianjiao.

"Brother, this is really scary, it's almost time for a horror movie!" Dong Guoxun saw that his wife was alive and well, even better than him, so he couldn't help but look at it curiously.

"Uncle, you are so handsome, can I learn from you?" Dong Xinping looked at Ji Tianyu with bright eyes.

This man who is more powerful than the protagonist of the novel, and coquettish, is actually his uncle!This is a living novel plot happening before his eyes!

If he doesn't cherish such a good opportunity, it may be impossible for him to encounter this situation again in the future.

A character like Ji Tianyu is no longer an ordinary person in this world.People like them always have room for their lives.And that space, from the space they live in, is completely different.

Although he has never seen this uncle since he was a child, his memory is full of stories about this uncle.

Although Ji Tianyu is not his real uncle, he treats their family better than his real uncle.

Speaking of his own uncle, Dong Xinping wished he could kick Ji Tianci into outer space.

That man, who is good, doesn't want to learn, but just follows his grandma. Grandpa learns. He learns selfishly, and there is nothing remarkable about it.

As long as Dong Xinping thought of Ji Tianci, his heart would get angry, that uncle who was a shit, actually brought harm to their family.

He had already made up his mind that as long as they could go back, he would never associate with that fucking superb family again.

Let others say what they want to say, anyway, this family, he has had enough.

Dong Xinping didn't understand, the same uncle, how could Ji Tianyu be so different from Ji Tianci?

"If you want to learn, I will help you find a good master. Whether you are learning secular knowledge or cultivating immortals, the master will lead you in, and the practice is up to you.

Shinpei, if you really have perseverance, you will definitely learn useful knowledge.

Ji Tianyu didn't bring Dong Xinping with him directly, but planned to introduce him to Tian Cangzong.

He could take away Grandpa Ji, Lan Qian and Cen Hanning, but it didn't mean that he would take away all his relatives and friends.

Of course, if Ji Tianyu really did this, Ji Tianyu could also do it.But this is always against the general trend of heaven and earth.If this kind of thing is done too much, it will have an impact on himself.

But if you introduce them to the cultivation sects in the mortal world, as long as they are willing to do well, they will always achieve something.For example, like Qingquan Taoist, he is a person who ascended from the human world to the fairy world.

Compared with Ji Dahai and Ji Dahai, Daoist Qingquan's cultivation base is much stronger than Ji Dahai and his wife.This is the solid footprint that comes step by step from the foundation.

Dong Xinping thanked Ji Tianyu for his words.It never occurred to him that he would be the one who cheated with Ji Tianyu.

For Dong Guoxun's son, Ji Tianyu seems to like it quite a lot.

Speaking of it, Dong Guoxun's appearance is really not handsome. Of course, if the truth is told, it can only be called attractive.But Dong Guoxun's son concentrated all of Ji Tianjiao's advantages on himself, and he didn't inherit Dong Guoxun's distinctive features. This has to be said to be a kind of luck.

"Thank you uncle!" Dong Xinping was very happy to thank Ji Tianyu when he heard Ji Tianyu's words.

It's awesome, it's awesome, the plot in the novel is about to happen to him, but I don't know how far he can go in the end.

Cultivation is something that requires a lot of patience.

Cultivation is a gradual process, and many people can't persevere even if they get the method of cultivation.

In today's society, all the emphasis is on effective results, and it is best to see the results quickly.If it takes a long time, no one will be willing to wait for such a process.

Therefore, Dong Xinping 1 supports Ji Tianyu's arrangement.

Comprehension too!How is this something to brag about?

Dong Xinping really took this matter of cultivation to heart, not for anything else, just because of his uncle's cool appearance and young appearance, he also has to practice hard!

Seeing Dong Xinping's happy appearance, Ji Tianyu couldn't help but smile.Tianjiao's son is several years younger than his son, but because his son grew up in Chenxianjie, he didn't grow into a young man like Dong Xinping.

Maybe it's the psychology of loving Wu and Wu, anyway, Ji Tianyu looks at Dong Xinping very pleasing to the eye.

Since Dong Xinping wants to cultivate, Ji Tianyu will naturally help the leader.Anyway, this is his nephew.

Ji Tianyu took out a few pills and handed them to Dong Xinping.

"Xinping, take these pills, and it will save a lot of time and energy when you really start to get started and build a foundation." Ji Tianyu explained to Dong Xinping.

The main reason why not many people take the path of cultivation is that it takes a lot of time but sees very little effect.

For new cultivators, it takes several to ten years for the foundation building period alone.Just imagine, in this era where the pace of life is fast and everything is fast-paced, if it takes several years or even more than ten years to build a foundation, there are not many people who can persist.

After all, in the foundation building period, there was not much change in terms of strength.And if there is no effect for a long time, it is doomed that only a small number of people will persevere.

Of course, if the talent is outstanding, this foundation building period will not last too long.

Dong Xinping wants to enter the path of cultivation, what Ji Tianyu can help him is to help him shorten the time of the foundation building period.

After Dong Xinping heard Ji Tianyu's words, he hurriedly reached out and put away the pills that Ji Tianyu handed him.That's great, with his uncle taking care of him, he will soon be able to achieve results in his cultivation.

Although he didn't dare to imagine Ji Tianyu's extraordinary strength, becoming a master would certainly not be a problem.

Seeing his son's excited look, Dong Guoxun's mind moved.

"Brother, can Tianjiao and I learn?" Dong Guoxun was so envious of Ji Tianyu's youth that he slapped him in the heart.Ji Tianyu is obviously older than Ji Tianjiao, but now it seems that Ji Tianjiao's appearance is almost catching up with Ji Tianyu's mother!

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