Campus flower heart master

Chapter 264 Pretty Woman

"No!" From the corner of Tian Jia's eyes, he saw those students who were petrified in place, and had to reject Ji Tianyu's desire. 【 】

"Listen to you! One day, I will tell them in front of all the teachers and students that you are my woman!" Ji Tianyu knew that he would leave the school in a few days, but Tian Jia couldn't, she I still have to continue working here, if I can't let those who covet Tian Jia back away, then I will have a lot of fun.Just driving away the pervert is enough for him to be busy.

"It's terrible, Ji Daxia has hooked up with a super beautiful woman again! Are you looking at each other affectionately in the corridor?" Xiao Dianzi was lying on the door.At a glance, he saw Ji Tianyu and Tian Jia face to face, and even the blind man could feel the affection on their faces.

After hearing what Xiaodianzi said, the classroom suddenly exploded into a pot of porridge!With a coaxing sound, regardless of boys or girls, Liu rushed to the door of the classroom, wanting to see what kind of person Ji Daxia is cheating on!You know, in the morning, you were still hooking up with the big beauty Dong Yu, why did you spend so much time hooking up with other women again?

Dong Yu was the only one in the class who didn't move. From what they said, that person was probably Tian Jia!I have always felt that there is a problem between them, but now it is a good thing that a short love drama is staged in the corridor of the school?

Dong Yu gritted his teeth, bastard Ji Tianyu, don't you know how to take care of my face?You have to make out with Tian Jia and go to a place where no one is there!This is a school. One of you is a teacher and the other is a student. Do you need to pay attention to the influence?

"Go back to your seats and sit down! Don't you know that class is over?" Dong Yu patted the table twice and said to the people rushing out.

Hearing Dong Yu's voice, these people were quite cooperative and obediently returned to the classroom and sat in their seats.He stared at Dong Yu's reaction with wide eyes.

After Dong Yu called all his classmates back, he lowered his head again and began to read his own book.As for whether to see it or not, that is beyond the knowledge of others.

Dong Yu's reaction made everyone open their mouths again!What's happening here?Why did Dong Yu do nothing when he heard that his boyfriend was flirting with other women under his nose?Even scolding Ji Tianyu a few words can satisfy everyone's psychological needs, right?

No tears!Curse Ji Tianyu as a heartless person!Overreaction or no!Not even the expression changed!Dong Yu's reaction puzzled everyone.Are they boyfriend and girlfriend?How can a real boyfriend and girlfriend not care about each other's blatant derailment?

Ji Tianyu entered the classroom one step ahead of Tian Jia, and when he passed by Dong Yu, he patted her on the shoulder lightly.Originally, Dong Yu gritted his teeth and endured it, but when Ji Tianyu slapped him, tears came down instead.

Only then did everyone realize that Dong Yu was not indifferent.It's just trying to be patient.

Sitting behind Dong Yu, Ji Tianyu also saw Dong Yu's shaking shoulders.Sin!Ji Tianyu sighed, stood up, and before Tian Jia entered the room, he turned around Dong Yu's body, and kissed him precisely.

boom!Everyone falls!This is so fucking awesome!And this way of coaxing women?Learned!Keep it firmly in your heart, so that you can do the same when you encounter this situation in the future!


"Continued energy: points!"

Ji Tianyu's kiss is comfort, compensation, pity, and guilt!If a man can let go of other women and focus on a woman he loves, that is not a kind of happiness!But Ji Tianyu knew that his bland and warm happiness was long gone!

Now among these women, each of them is his favorite, and any one of them is a lovely person he can't let go of. Ji Tianyu understands that when he gives them his own love, he also passes on the hurt to them. they!

Love is selfish!Everyone wants their lover to belong to them!Don't want to share it with anyone!The current self cannot do this.While loving them, they also feel a sense of presence and threat from other women.This kind of psychological suffering is the last thing Ji Tianyu wants them to suffer!

Selfish!You really are a selfish bastard!When seeing Dong Yu's tears, Ji Tianyu cursed himself bitterly!

Dong Yu didn't refuse, nor did he cater to Ji Tianyu's kiss. After he kissed, he turned around, wiped away his tears, and sat on the seat waiting for the woman to come in.

At this moment, not only Dong Yu is waiting, but everyone in the classroom is waiting, wanting to see who that woman is and what kind of stunning appearance she has.Only Dong Yu knows the identity of the woman who is about to come in, and only Dong Yu knows that it is not a matter of a day or two for this woman to hook up with Ji Tianyu.

If she were to ask Dong Yu how she was feeling at this moment, she might not be able to explain clearly.There is resentment, there is hatred, there is anger, there is anger, and love is more.This tangled emotion made it impossible for Dong Yu to make a decisive ending to the unclear relationship between the three.

Tian Jia hesitated for a moment at the door, then walked in.

Everyone was waiting for the appearance of this glamorous beauty, but no one expected that she would actually appear in the classroom, and she appeared to be very comfortable, going to the podium without greeting anyone.

"Beauty, come down and sit down! The old aunt will come in a while, and if she sees you on her territory, she will go crazy again!" Cheng Dong yelled at Tian Jia.Naturally, he also knew that the beauty in front of him seemed to have some unclear relationship with Ji Tianyu.That's why I kindly reminded him.

The corner of Ji Tianyu's mouth twitched a few times, bro, it's not that my brother didn't save you, it's that you are going to hit the gun yourself, and my brother can't do anything!

Tian Jia's icy eyes swept over the people below, making these poor children have an illusion, as if the person standing above was the old aunt they talked about.Especially Cheng Dong, under Tian Jia's deliberate care, actually shivered.Are you going to catch a cold?It would be a joke if I caught a cold that day.

"Class!" Tian Jia began to prepare for class. "Free review! Refer to key points more!"

"Uh? Well...our teacher hasn't come yet?" Why did this beauty mess around in her class? If Teacher Tian came after a while, she wouldn't lose her temper.

"Quiet, Teacher Tian is here, what are you still arguing about?" Although Dong Yu didn't want to rescue Tian Jia, but he is now the main cadre of the class, and this is his duty.

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