After a successful blow, the girl, without doing anything, kept on doing nothing, turned her punches into claws, and greeted He Dashan's face. 【 】For a while, He Dashan's screams were heard in the entire playground!

After succeeding in succession, Cen Hanning also took the opportunity to use his knee to pad the weakest part of He Dashan's man twice. Although he didn't hit it completely, half of the force of the impact was attached to He Dashan's little man. Enter brother.This made He Dashan even more miserable.

A group of He Dashan's friends, after hearing He Dashan's miserable cry, reacted and surrounded him, surrounding Cen Hanning in the middle.

"Little bitch, how dare you hit Brother He?" A boy He Dashan was closest to rushed to Cen Hanning angrily, and slapped Cen Hanning crisply.

It's not that Cen Hanning doesn't want to hide, but if a man makes up his mind to want a woman, unless that woman's strength completely surpasses this man, there is no way for that woman to escape the catastrophe.

When was Cen Hanning ever slapped since she was a child?This is really a breakthrough, the first time since the beginning!There was a burning sensation on her cheeks, and Cen Hanning wiped her slapped cheeks with her hands expressionlessly, and fixed her cold eyes on the boy who slapped her just now.

When this little girl was mischievous, no one could see the inherent nobility and majesty from her!But when she really put on a straight face, the aura came out violently.

The boys surrounding Cen Hanning were shocked by the inexplicable aura, they stared blankly at Cen Hanning in the middle, wondering what to do with the little girl who beat He Dashan next.

These boys all knew that as long as any one of them walked out of them, they could beat this weak little girl to tears, but now, they froze there, looking at the majestic Cen Hanning in a daze.

He Dashan bowed his waist and grinned, "Smelly girl, are you still so arrogant in the fourth middle school? Don't even think about walking out of the fourth middle school!"

The movement here has already alarmed many people. It is everyone's nature to watch the excitement. These people are all stretching their necks to see how this doll-like girl will be dealt with in the end.

By the window sill of Class 2, Senior Three, there were a few girls standing there chatting. The classroom of their class was at the top. During recess, there was no special event. These lazy guys stopped.

"Huh? What's going on down here? Why is there a circle of people?" A girl noticed the lively scene downstairs with sharp eyes.

"Ah! Isn't that Ji Tianyu's younger sister?" Hearing the commotion downstairs, the students by the window immediately stood up and stretched their necks to look down.

Ji Tianyu, who was sitting in his seat and still worrying about how to coax Dong Yu, was taken aback when he heard this.

Tian Jia who was about to walk out of the classroom also stopped.The two rushed to the window at the same time, pushed aside the students surrounded by the window, and looked down. The person surrounded by a group of boys below was not Cen Hanning, but who else?

How could this little troublemaker be surrounded by a group of boys?Ji Tianyu and Tian Jia wondered at the same time.Seeing that Cen Hanning was slapped unexpectedly, Ji Tianyu's face was covered with black clouds.The temperature on Tian Jia's body dropped several degrees in an instant, causing the students beside her to take a few steps back unconsciously.

Although Cen Hanning is a bit mischievous and a little mean-spirited, there is no doubt that she is endearing, and Tian Jia has already regarded her as his younger sister!But in Ji Tianyu's heart, her identity is a bit more complicated.A little bit of pure family affection, a little bit of ambiguous love between men and women, in short, Cen Hanning is definitely very important in Ji Tianyu's heart.

"Pick, kick, kick..." Tian Jia didn't call out to Ji Tianyu, and rushed downstairs first. After Tian Jia rushed into the classroom, Ji Tianyu came back from his own thoughts and followed behind Tian Jia. upstairs.

After seeing Tian Jia and Ji Tianyu went downstairs, the good guys from Class 2, Grade [-] also rushed down after them with a coaxing sound.Let the math teacher who walked into the classroom with the ringing of the class bell stare blankly at the few kittens in the room.

When Tian Jia rushed into the crowd, he saw He Dashan straightened his back and raised his palm to slap Cen Hanning's face.

"Stop!" Tian Jia shouted coldly!

Startled by the sudden icy voice, He Dashan stopped his hand in mid-air, staring blankly at Tian Jia standing in front of him.

Who is this glamorous woman?Why haven't I seen it myself?In this school, the number of people is fixed. If there is such a beautiful woman, it is impossible for me not to know?

"Who are you? Mind your own business!"

Tian Jiali ignored He Dashan, and came to Cen Hanning, looking at that pink and tender little face, which was already swollen and red, and a clear palm print was on Cen Hanning's little face.

"Sister Jiajia..." After all, Cen Hanning was still a little girl, and after being slapped for the first time in her life, she was able to hold back her tears, which was supported by the pride in her bones.See it now.Tian Jia appeared in front of him, and after seeing his relatives, the grievance he had just suffered was magnified infinitely in an instant.The little girl threw herself into Tian Jia's arms with a wow.

The anger was already raging, but now seeing Cen Hanning crying in his arms, Tian Jia's anger was even more uncontrollable. "Slap!" Contrary to everyone's expectations, Tian Jia hugged Cen Hanning with one hand, and swiftly slapped the boy who just slapped Cen Hanning with the other.

These boys are usually school bullies who walk sideways, but today they were beaten by two women. How can they afford to lose face like this?

"Damn it, stinky bitch, dare to hit someone? Brothers, give it to me, if I don't teach them a lesson today, how can they really think that men can't beat women?" Shouting like this is nothing more than to tell everyone that these two Women are the ones who fight first, not a group of big men beating up women!

No one knew that Tian Jia had such a coordinated movement, and he was unambiguous when fighting.From time to time someone screamed.

Ji Tianyu rushed to Tian Jia's side, protecting the woman behind him.

"Ji Tianyu, it's none of your business here, don't interfere!" When they saw that the man standing in front of them was Ji Tianyu, the momentum of these people weakened obviously.

Ji Tianyu didn't answer, he raised his hand and slapped He Dashan in front of him, this slap was much louder than Cen Hanning's slap.

He Dashan finally forgot his fear of Ji Tianyu after being beaten up by Ji Tianyu without any explanation, and began to yell at him.

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