Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2719 Xi Wang Appears

Zhu Xing was taken aback for a moment. If he had mentioned other names, he might not have had an impression, but the name Tong Xin had a deep impression on him.

He likes this girl named Tong Xin, and his son also likes this woman, because of this woman, his son even ran to him to express his position.

But wasn't Tong Xin sent to the basement by his people?

"Zhu Xing, you said that it's not good for you to fall in love with any woman. You insist on looking at Ji Tianyu's daughter. Isn't this looking for trouble? In southern Xinjiang, you haven't seen Ji Tianyu's ability yet?" Speaking of this matter, Yuan Xiu There is anger in my heart.

If Zhu Xing wants to play with women, he won't care, but if something happens because of playing with women, and they are all abducted in, then it will definitely not work.

"Tong Xin was not recruited by me. When I saw her, she had already sneaked into the capital!" It's a woman's fault, okay?

"Anyway, you, Zhu Xing, are extremely responsible for this matter!" Yuan Xiu glared at Zhu Xing angrily, thinking of making excuses in front of King Xi, isn't this just looking for it yourself? ?

Zhu Xing didn't know about King Xi's methods, but he, Yuan Xiu, did.It seems that when I want to be fine, I should inform Zhu Xing of these things first.

"Yuanxiu, it's hard for you. I didn't expect that Qimu would get involved with Ji Tianyu. If I knew there would be today, I should have thought of something else and killed him directly!" Xi Wang Obviously not wanting to talk nonsense with Zhu Xing.

"Prince Xi, my subordinates will go through fire and water for King Xi, and they will die!" Yuan Xiu would not dare to hold him up in front of King Xi. Hearing what King Xi said, he immediately expressed his loyalty.

Standing aside, Zhu Xing looked at Yuan Xiu silently, a little confused about the sudden emergence of King Xi.

Originally thought that after being transformed by Yuanxiu, he would be a person with great strength, right?But looking at it now, I have little ability, but it's not enough to see anything!

Not to mention Ji Tianyu's unsure enemy, even the Xi Wang in front of him, he was also unsure about the opponent's strength.

Most importantly, what exactly do Xi Wang and Yuan Xiu want to do?With his hand, to rule the world?Although being treated as a puppet is not pleasant, if Xi Wang and Yuan Xiu really have such thoughts, he, Zhu Xing, really doesn't mind being a puppet.

Even if it is a puppet, being able to sit in that position is also very beautiful.

People live for more than a hundred years, but now he has a lifespan of hundreds of years. If he doesn't seek something to fill his emptiness, he really doesn't know what he will do?

It can be said that he has struggled with power all his life, and if he is really asked to distance himself from power, he is really not used to it, nor can he accept it.

"Ji Tianyu, this king will definitely settle with him for destroying the corpse cave! Unexpectedly, some people are born enemies. No matter how the world changes, this point will never change!" Xi Wang smiled. The sound made Zhu Xing's back covered in cold sweat.

When Xi Wang spoke, he was not much different from normal people, but the effect of this smile was obvious.

That's not a smile, even if it's a night owl laughing, it's better than her laughing voice, right?It was laughter, but if Zhu Xing told the truth, it would be a ghost cry!Harsh and creepy.

"Zhu Xing, now Ji Tianyu has also been eyeing you, and he and other people are going to deal with you, you must know your identity now!" Xi Wang stopped the ghostly laughter, although he heard her laugh The voice made people feel creepy, but she suddenly didn't even have any warning, she stopped as soon as she said, and Zhu Xing flashed for a while.

That feeling was like dragging the car to 180 miles, suddenly stepping on the brakes, the car stopped, but the person continued to fly.

"Prince Xi, my subordinates know what to do! We have to act first, and we can't wait for them to deal with us." Zhu Xing immediately expressed his loyalty.

"That's good! Now let's discuss how to deal with Ji Tianyu!" Zhu Xing finally understood that the most important thing in this King Xi's heart was how to kill Ji Tianyu, not how to kill Ji Tianyu. His position is preserved.

Even in front of King Xi, even if he was dissatisfied in his heart, he didn't dare to express it.

"Prince Xi, we have very few people. Except for Yuan Xiu, the others are basically ordinary soldiers. If we really fight against Ji Tianyu and the others, we have no chance of winning!" Zhu Xing reminded.

Ji Tianyu is not an ordinary person, not just anyone can be Ji Tianyu's opponent.

"Of course I have manpower, at least not less than Ji Tianyu's manpower!"

After King Xi finished speaking, Zhu Xing didn't respond. In his heart, he didn't know what King Xi's real identity was, let alone whether King Xi really had other subordinates.

But Yuan Xiu knew that when King Xi walked out of the corpse cave, he was alone. Now that King Xi said he had subordinates, did he find other zombies?

Don't blame Yuan Xiu for thinking this way, King Xi is the king of zombies, if he can submit to her subordinates, besides being a zombie, is there anyone else?

Even though the Zombie King is very powerful, that's only true in certain environments.Zombies are always heterogeneous, even if they are powerful, they will not be accepted by orthodoxy.What's more, they belong to the zombie lineage. Although they have developed their wits early when they reached the realm of advanced zombies, it can be said that cruelty and ferocity are what they have in common.

Yuan Xiu was very puzzled, could it be that the Zombie King, like him, assimilated the person in his picture into a zombie?

"Zhu Xing, the election time is not far away, you have to think of a way to make Ji Tianyu and the others succeed!" Xi Wang confessed to Zhu Xing.

Xi Wang is very clear that although her goal is Ji Tianyu, Ji Tianyu is not all that she wants to do.

Those people do not belong to the mortal world, they can pat their farts, leave, and leave this world, but she is a member of this world, even if she is not accepted by people, her origin cannot be changed.She cannot leave this world, she knows this very well.

With her status as the zombie king, if she really dared to survive the catastrophe, she would be asking for her own death.Under the catastrophe, she will end up in ashes.

Therefore, while dealing with Ji Tianyu, she also had to reserve her own hands.

With Zhu Xing here, Zhu Xing gained power, isn't it the same as she gained the power in this world?This point, she is still clear.

"Yes! The subordinates will bear in mind King Xi's orders." Zhu Xing felt at ease when he heard these words.

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