It really cannot be said that those people are not strong enough, but it is indeed two different ways.

People who have no understanding of space, naturally cannot pass through the barrier and enter the cave.

"Tianyu, did she set up a trap?" Lan Qian asked again worriedly.

"No!" Ji Tianyu didn't want Lan Qian to worry all the time.To be honest, Ji Tianyu was not completely sure that this place was not set up by Fairy Lingbo, but in order not to worry Lan Qian, he still took Fairy Lingbo out.

Whoever it was, having such a mother and mother-in-law at the booth would be enough.But everything in this world can be picky and picky, but the parents can't make decisions by themselves.What kind of stalls, what kind of have to bear.

Of course, in the world, there are many parents who love their daughters, but those who really treat their children as tools are always a minority.But unfortunately, Lan Qian and Ji Tianyu had such a situation.

With Ji Tianyu's words, Lan Qian's mood was stabilized.She was really scared by the design.

It is true that Fairy Lingbo is too scary. Her ability to calculate with one hand can be regarded as unprecedented and unprecedented. As long as things are not too deviated, they cannot escape her calculations.

Sometimes, Lan Qian even thought, was she really killed by them?Thinking of Fairy Lingbo, Lan Qian always felt uneasy.

Fortunately, with Ji Tianyu by her side, she has the backbone, and she won't really worry about Fairy Lingbo all day long.

After Ji Tianyu entered the barrier, he turned around and came out again.

"I can take you in, but I found that there is danger inside. I don't know what kind of danger there is. Everyone think it over!" Ji Tianyu reminded.

It wasn't that he was alarmist, but that he really felt the danger.

Ji Tianyu is not their elder, and they still have to decide whether to participate in this kind of expedition.

"Master Ji, don't be afraid of danger. We have a lot of people, and everyone has a support. Besides, this cave has been around for many years, and I finally have the opportunity to enter. This opportunity cannot be given up."

Seeing that everyone was like this, Ji Tianyu stopped persuading them.

Everyone looked at Ji Tianyu eagerly, and played a few tricks on the invisible barrier.

In the passage opened by Ji Tianyu, more than [-] people crowded in.

If it was in other places, knowing that there was danger, no one would jump in so recklessly.But it's different here, that passage was opened by Ji Tianyu for them, so they naturally couldn't slowly walk in it like they were walking on the street.

"Why is this place different from the cave we thought?" After the last person came in, Ji Tianyu also withdrew from the passage, and then followed in.

"This is actually not a cave, but a small special space." Ji Tianyu explained to these people.

"We have never seen such a place, such a strange place, who left it?"

space!They know that they all have space on their bodies, but they all have storage space, and the space area is not too large. If the large one can have [-] square meters, it is high-level storage space out.

Their space is not only small, but also has the biggest limitation, which is that they cannot hold any living things.

Things that are out of breath can't be put into the space at all.But now this place, which Ji Tianyu also called space, has opened their eyes. It turns out that there really is a so-called room where people can enter, and it can be like a normal space!

"Everyone, be careful, if you're looking for treasure, don't act together!" Ji Tianyu kindly reminded.

Everyone agreed with Ji Tianyu's words.Whether there is any treasure here, they are not very clear, but thinking that this place is left by the ancestors, there will always be something left behind.

Can a person who can have such a space have nothing?

Looking at Ji Tianyu and his wife again, with these two people around, what else can they get?So, without Ji Tianyu and his wife, they might get something good.

After everyone dispersed, Ji Tianyu and Lan Qian stood silently for a while without speaking.

"Tianyu, let's go out!" I don't know if it was because she remembered Fairy Lingbo just now, or if this space really gave her a feeling of uneasiness, Lan Qian felt that her whole body was screaming and uncomfortable.

"Sister Qian, no matter who left here, we still have to face our future life, how can we be uneasy because of her?"

Ji Tianyu held Lan Qian to prevent her from shrinking away.Fairy Lingbo is a thorn in their hearts, and now they have pulled out the thorn, but the wound from the thorn has always been there, and it has not healed because of the passage of time, but it will appear from time to time. Come out and let them suffer.

"I always feel that she didn't really die that easily!" Lan Qian said with frowned eyebrows.

"No matter what she is, we will not be puppets played by her. Don't say she is dead, even if she is not dead, if we meet her again, we must let her die again back."

If Ji Tianyu's words were heard by an uninformed person, they would definitely think that Ji Tianyu was a bloodthirsty person, even wanting to kill his own mother-in-law, wouldn't he be a vicious murderer?

"I know I should get rid of her shadow!" In fact, Lan Qian didn't need Ji Tianyu's explanation, she also knew what should be done is the best.

In front of Ji Tianyu and Lan Qian was a patch of trees, which didn't look too big.The people who came in with him have dispersed and gone to nowhere.

Ji Tianyu's spiritual consciousness was released, but immediately, he discovered that his spiritual consciousness was restricted here.

After walking into this forest, which may not be too large in size, I realized that it is not so peaceful here!

Weird!This is what Ji Tianyu and Lanqian felt the most deeply, but as for what gave them the strange feeling, the two of them couldn't tell for a while.

Looking into the woods without any problem, quiet is the theme.

"Death!" Such a word flashed through Ji Tianyu's mind.

Quiet!In the woods where no one haunts, there is no problem with being quiet, but the problem is that from what they see, except for the occasional movement of the leaves, the whole forest is like a static painting.

In this forest, there are both trees and grass, but there are no insects.Not to mention the noisy ones, even the small insects that only lie on the leaves and eat the leaves, there is not a single one.

Lan Qian glanced around, but didn't find any traces of those people who entered the woods before!

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