"Grandpa, of course we're fine, but I feel sorry for those drivers, who were used as tools, and a collision would cause a lot of damage!" Ji Zeming was still thinking about the fate of those drivers at this time.

"You mean, Tong Xin's mother is with Tian Yu?" Lan Qian knew that Ji Tianyu was going to pick Dong Yu up, but she didn't hear the news about Dong Yu. Lan Qian always thought that Dong Yu was coming back. home.

"No! They've been together all this time. But it's normal not to see Yu's mother. Dad must have put her in a safe place."

Lan Qian nodded, Dong Yu was just an ordinary person, not to mention a fight between monks, even a fight between ordinary hooligans, she couldn't stand it!

Ji Tongxin quietly looked at Lan Qian's face, and saw that her expression did not change when she mentioned her mother.

From this point of view, either Lan Qian's belly is big enough, or she is used to such things, so she is so indifferent,

"If Tianyu was not plotted against, he was deliberately captured by King Xi! Next, everyone will monitor the actions of King Xi, Zhu Xing and the others. If something is wrong, act immediately to rescue Tianyu."

Lan Qian is indeed not a selfish person, she will care if ordinary people are killed by King Xi and Zhu Xing.But compared with Ji Tianyu's safety, she cared more about Ji Tianyu's safety.

No one can put any big hat on her head, she just puts her man's safety first.

Tian Cuizi also pursed his lips and remained silent, obviously agreeing with Lan Qian's opinion.

Others came here because of Ji Tianyu's reasons. They were originally outsiders, so they naturally had no objection to Lan Qian's actions.

When Ji Tianyu was not around, Lan Qian realized how important it was for him to exist.

Now, she and Tian Cangzi are all self-cultivated and cannot be used. The only one who is not affected is Jintang, and that is because his dragon body iron has high enough attack power and defense power.

Others are different, without their cultivation base, their strength is as good as seven or eight. With Ji Tianyu here, Ji Tianyu can still subsidize them with some talismans, but now that Ji Tianyu is not there, the talismans in their hands are pure consumption Products, use one less one, and it will really run out if you don’t use it.

Tian Cangzi is still relatively good, even if he doesn't use his cultivation, he can still send out the Thunder Jue, that's because of his real ability.Without a thorough understanding of Lei Fa, it is absolutely impossible to use Lei Jue in this way.

Lan Qian's physical attack and defense level are not high enough, so in this case, her safety cannot be ignored.

As a son, Ji Zeming is naturally obliged to follow Lan Qian and protect Lan Qian's safety.

Seeing her son's small stature, Lan Qian felt warm in her heart.Although this little thing is still young, it already knows how to protect its mother.Compared with Ji Zeming, Lan Qian is indeed far behind.Ji Zeming's body was second only to Ji Tianyu's, how could he be able to deal with it casually?

King Xi lifted Ji Tianyu out of the dragon-locking iron cage. At this moment, Yuan Xiu led a dozen people and filed in. When Ji Tianyu looked at them, he realized that these people came here to give gifts!

It is indeed a ritual, this, what is he, is the instrument of torture that was used in the Yamen before!Although the blood stains on it had been cleaned, once it was carried in, the evil spirit of injustice rushed over.

How generous, in order to punish himself, he even took out the real thing!These things should have been displayed in the museum, but Zhu Xing used his privilege to take them out.

Although it has been a long time ago, there are no grievances wandering around these instruments of torture, but the spirit of grievances is still there.Obviously, those grievances have been integrated with these instruments of torture.

Originally, it could only bring five points of damage to people, but because of the evil spirit on the torture tool, the damage value may be increased to seven points!This is the additional damage value, with an increase.

"Ji Tianyu, you know that there are still people who want your life. I won't let you die in my hands. It's just a small punishment. It's always okay!"

Ji Tianyu looked at the instruments of torture placed in front of him, some of which he could name, and some of which he really didn't recognize.

"You should thank that person for naming you, otherwise, these instruments of torture would not be prepared for you!" Xi Wang seemed to have given Ji Tianyu a great gift.

To punish myself, so that I have to thank her?

"Give that to Ji Tianyu and see the effect?" Ji Tianyu followed Xi Wang's finger to look, and he recognized this thing.It is a kind of pinching punishment, which is used to pinch fingers, and it is officially called pinching punishment.

Generally speaking, this instrument of torture is used for female prisoners, but now it seems that Xi Wang wants to use it for himself!

With King Xi's order, Yuan Xiu walked towards Ji Tianyu with those wooden boards, and naturally someone beside him held Ji Tianyu to prevent him from struggling.

Ji Tianyu had a sad face, which pleased King Xi.What she wanted to see was Ji Tianyu's expression.Since Ji Tianyu couldn't be killed, it would naturally bring him pain and shame.

But in fact, King Xi really thought too much. Ji Tianyu's sour face was not because he was afraid of being punished, but because he was thinking about a question. Should he be punished himself, or should he use illusion to replace himself?

Ji Tianyu is really not worried about these instruments of torture. His dragon power is forbidden and cannot be mobilized, but his body is a dragon body. Whether the dragon power can be mobilized or not, it will not affect the body's ability to resist blows.

"Boss, what are you thinking about? Hurry up and use the illusion. No matter whether we can hurt ourselves or not, we can't suffer this punishment. It's just such a small zombie who wants to torture the boss, she is so beautiful!"

It's useless for Ji Tianyu to make a decision, Qian has already started roaring!

Yuan Xiu didn't feel at all that he was already in an illusion, and the torture instrument in his hand didn't even apply to Ji Tianyu.

Xi Wang seemed to feel a little strange, but she felt it carefully, and found that there was nothing. At this time, Yuan Xiu had already started to torture Ji Tianyu.

The rope tightened, the wooden sticks clamped on the fingers shrank together, there was the sound of boards rubbing against each other, and the sound of finger bones being squeezed to the point of cracking, but there was no miserable cry from Ji Tianyu, which made King Xi very dissatisfied.

King Buxi was dissatisfied, and Yuan Xiu was equally dissatisfied. With a violent lift of his hands, the sound of finger bones being crushed came from Ji Tianyu, who only mumbled softly.

"What a tough temper!" At this moment, without waiting for King Xi to explain, Yuan Xiu had already thrown the instrument of torture aside, and took out a bunch of knives.It's just that this knife and the real knife is not a dagger, but similar to a stab. This is really the first time for Ji Tianyu, and Yan doesn't know how to use it.

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