Campus flower heart master

Chapter 288 Can I Not Leave

"A few days ago, someone came to the bar to find our boss, saying that he wanted to buy your life! The boss gave me the task! The next thing is to follow you and find an opportunity to kill you!"

Ji Tianyu rolled his eyes. 【 】He said what he said and didn't say the same thing, and I can imagine it, that's the process!If it was that simple, what would you do?

"Who entrusted you?"

"I really don't know!" After Yu Qingke said this, seeing Sha Liang walking towards him with eyes wide open, he hastily added, "I just heard from the boss that I'm going to go bankrupt. Still have money to buy other people's lives? I don't know anything else!"

Ji Tianyu pondered for a while, among the people he offended now, if there is a bankruptcy crisis, then only the Chen family!Chen is too busy to take care of himself, will he still have the energy to deal with himself?

"I also heard from the person in charge of the reception that it was a man in his 40s..."

Listening to his words, Ji Tianyu felt that the person he described was four or five points similar to Chen Yunting.In this way, the client can be sure to be Chen Yunting's father or uncle!

"This time, you failed to kill me. What will your organization do?" Ji Tianyu suddenly remembered this question.

"Continue to send people to complete the task until the task is completed!"

Ji Tianyu always wanted to scold his mother, this is good, in the future, he will be waiting for someone's assassination at any time!

"There is no other way?"

"Yes! When all the well-known assassins in the organization fail to complete the mission, the organization will cancel the mission and return the client's money to the other party!"

"How many assassins does your organization have? How is your ranking?" Ji Tianyu wanted to know how many assassinations he would accept.

"There are not many people, only about [-] people! I rank fifth in terms of overall strength!" Yu Qingke was a little proud when he said this. In the contest of swords and guns, one who is not careful may lose his life!

"It's okay! In this way, I can catch you four more assassinations! I just need to be more vigilant in the future!" Ji Tianyu was somewhat relieved, and he said four times more than he said, and he said a lot less.As long as you police yourself, there should be no problem!

"This is not the only method of assassination! Any disguise is acceptable, and any situation is allowed. As long as the client's requirements are met, it is considered a success!" Seeing Ji Tianyu's expression, Yu Qingke felt uncomfortable.

It seems that if he escaped his own assassination, he can safely escape the assassination of others.

"Oh?" Ji Tianyu asked curiously.Isn't assassination just like killing the opponent?

"The second-ranked poppy in the organization is a different kind of killer. He didn't undergo strict physical fitness, shooting, and fighting training like us, but he is one of the best killers in the organization!"

Ji Tianyu raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Qingke, waiting for him to continue.

"She is a woman, and when she is acting, there is no leak of any killer! Few people can guard against her!"

Ji Tianyu understands a little bit, a weak girl without any killing intent, even he himself may not be able to guard against such a person!

"Her worth is even higher than that of No. 200 Blade. If there is no price of [-] million, she won't be able to hire her!"

"How much did you get for this mission?" Ji Tianyu also wanted to know how much he was worth.

"If I complete the task, I can get 70! But now..."

Ji Tianyu nodded clearly, this guy won't get any bounty this time!Didn't expect to be bought by someone for 70?This is too cheap, right?

Of course he didn't know that Chen Jiaze spent a huge sum of 350 million to buy his life!

After thinking about it, he didn't have anything to ask, so he said to Liu Xiao and the others. "Let him go!"

"Okay, you have been tossing around for a while, go back and do business! The task is not completed, you don't have to assassinate me again in the future! Let's go! Let's go!" Ji Tianyu waved his hand, signaling Yu Qingke to leave quickly.Seeing him like this really makes people feel very bad!No matter how you look at it, it looks like a ghost in a horror movie!

"Boss!" Sha Liang quit, "He has come to kill you, and you still let him go? Just do it to this kid, and he won't cut him much! Now throw him among the brothers, wait 10 Minutes, definitely let him die!"

Yu Qingke sat on the ground, staring blankly at Ji Tianyu who was sitting on the desk.This man who was assassinated by him wants to let him go?

"Let him go! He is a tool to obey others! This is also his way of life! In fact, he doesn't have any deep hatred with me. If no one else paid for it, he would not attack me! He really has hatred against us Yes, it is reasonable for us to kill. Let him forget it, although he has a lot of lives in his hands, let the police solve the case in the future!"

Sha Liang opened his mouth, knowing that Ji Tianyu was determined not to take this kid's life, he waved his hands helplessly to everyone, "Throw him out! Damn, what a bad luck! If you catch a killer, you have to kill him." Let him go!"

"Actually, there is another way to solve your fate of being assassinated!" Yu Qingke finally said again.

"What way?" Who would want to be highly nervous every day, always on guard against someone sneering at him!

"As long as the client revokes the commission!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? People bought the boss's life with money, will you cancel it?" Sha Liang didn't like him, and hated this guy who dared to attack Ji Tianyu to the bottom of his bones.

"If he doesn't take the initiative to cancel, won't you invalidate his commission?" Yu Qingke didn't like this guy who wanted to die himself.

"Why is it invalid?" Sha Liang rolled his eyes, and suddenly his eyes lit up, leaning in front of Yu Qingke, and asked his really terrifying face, "What do you mean?" Make a gesture with your hand.

Yu Qingke shrank his neck instinctively, why didn't this ㊣(5) bastard gesticulate on his own neck when gesturing, why did he insist on scribing on his own neck?The feeling of being pressed on the neck by Ji Tianyu with a knife has not subsided yet!

"Okay, you have a conscience! Let's go, go back to your place, find out which bastard is the client, and then tell us, today's matter, we will not care about you!"

Yu Qingke didn't move, just sat on the ground and looked at Ji Tianyu.

"Let's go! You don't need to ask for information!" Ji Tianyu thought he was worried about Sha Liang's conditions.

"May I not go!" When Yu Qingke said this, his voice was much lower.

"We haven't settled with you for assassinating the boss yet, do you still want to rely on it? Believe it or not, I'll kill you!" Sha Liang glared.

"Why?" Ji Tianyu's eyes flashed with interest.

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