Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2884 Escape

Compared with Ji Tianyu and Mike, Jin Tang and Jie Lu looked much more embarrassed.

Ji Tianyu and Mike only need to take care of themselves, there is no need to be distracted.But Jintang couldn't do it, he wanted to protect Jielu from being hurt.

Jin Tang knew that he could carry it for a while, as long as he was not noticed, he would not notice his difference, but Jie Lu couldn't, if he was shot by a bullet, it would be a real injury ah.

What's more, Jie Lu is the person Ji Tianyu wants him to protect, so he doesn't care about his negligence.

"Jintang, I can't run anymore!" Jielu leaned against a corner wall, panting.

Jie Lu is a girl who has not received any special physical training, and now she suddenly runs like this, if she is not tired, then something is wrong.

"You can't wait here even if you're tired! They have guns in their hands, we can't confront them head-on!" Jin Tang looked out, and the two men had already chased after them.

"I really can't run anymore! Or let them take me away! If I don't resist, they won't hurt my life!" Running all the way has exceeded Jielu's physical ability to bear, saying yes If you can't run, you really can't run.

"How can that be done! If you fall into their hands, they don't know how to use you to threaten your father!" Jintang gave Jielu a disapproving look.

Now, he is empty-handed, only has the strength of his body, but he has nowhere to use it.Although those two people were right in front, there was still Jie Lu beside him, which made him dare not act rashly.

Jintang looked up, his expression changed, and under Jielu's gaze, he stepped on the wall with both feet, and he jumped up like flying, and at a place four or five meters above the ground, he pulled an iron wire across the air. , As for what the iron wire does, Jielu didn't understand.

When she came back to her senses, Jintang had already landed on the ground, holding a piece of iron wire in her hand.

Jielu saw another miraculous scene, Jintang's fingers were better than pliers, the iron wire half as thick as a little finger, in Jintang's hands, seemed to be a face lotion, and was pinched into small pieces one by one by Jintang. .

Next, Jintang started his hidden weapon attack mode.

Those two were walking forward cautiously, but they didn't expect something to fly over suddenly, they were startled, and hurriedly hid aside.

The two looked at the hidden weapon flying towards them, and found that it was just an ordinary iron wire.

The iron wire was pinched to a short length and had a pointed tip.Is this something specially used as a hidden weapon?

But if that oriental man had such a thing, he wouldn't be chased by the two of them all the way.

Following the place where the hidden weapon was sent just now, the two fired two more shots.After the two shots were fired, the two had a tacit understanding of fate, one half knelt on the ground, and the other stepped on the same shoulder and jumped up to the window sill on the second floor.

From the position on the second floor, although the corner where Jielu and Jintang are located cannot be fully seen, as long as you walk a certain distance, you can see the situation in that corner clearly!

The other guy who stayed where he was, shot at Jintang and the others again under the same gaze.

Jintang really fell for it.Jintang has not had much contact with these people, so he doesn't know what tricks they have.

When Ji Tianyu and Mike arrived, what they saw was the guy already on the second floor, holding a gun, aiming at a corner, and his finger was about to pull the trigger.

"Looking for death!" Ji Tianyu snatched Mike's pistol from Mike's hand, and raised his hand to shoot.

Mike originally thought that Ji Tianyu was only good at martial arts, but he didn't expect that he was so good at marksmanship!

It was the shot that Ji Tianyu fired without even aiming at it, which made the guy on the second floor who was about to make a sneak attack fall down from upstairs with a howl.

Hearing this sound, Jin Tang looked puzzled and saw one of them lying on the ground and wailing.And the howling sound is getting smaller and smaller.

Apparently the shot had hit the nail on the head.

At first, Ji Tianyu was not embarrassed to attack, but after killing the three people on the other side, when he came here, he saw that person standing on the second floor and attacking Jintang, Ji Tianyu's anger naturally rose Therefore, Lianjiang didn't show any mercy when he started.

A shot hit the vital point, and after the man yelled a few times, he said goodbye to this world!

Jin Tang looked over in a daze, and saw the muzzle of the gun that was still blowing smoke, and then there was another gunshot.

Jintang's heart was finally let go.This job of protecting people is more tiring than anything else!Jin Tang dragged Jie Lu who came over a little bit, and appeared in front of Ji Tianyu.

"I've protected the man, what should I do next?" Jin Tang glanced at Jie Lu, and then at Ji Tianyu, obviously wanting to let Ji Tianyu know that it was very hard for him to complete this injury.

"Jintang, don't ask for praise. Look at your eyes, and you should know how much Jielu appreciates you!" Ji Tianyu said with a smile.

Jin Tang didn't know that Jie Lu was looking at him, that gaze seemed to be able to eat him.

Of course, the affection in the eyes made Jintang avoid the migrant workers for fear that he would not be able to see her.

"The other is staying here, hurry up! Someone will come later, it's hard to explain." Mike looked around and said to Ji Tianyu and Jin Tang.


After Ji Tianyu said a word, several people turned around and prepared to leave.

"Jintang, I still can't leave!" Jielu said in a low voice, tugging on Jintang's sleeve.

"Jin, hold Jielu and go!" Ji Tianyu was in front, as if he had eyes on the back of his head, and after uttering a sentence, he walked forward without stopping.

Jin Tang's face froze, but now, no matter how unhappy he was, this person was his responsibility.

Jin Tang leaned over slightly, hugged Princess Jielu in his arms, and chased after Ji Tianyu without stopping.

Jielu's face was full of surprises, and he looked more proud than winning a tens of millions of dollars.

What kind of luck is she doing, she will be hugged by Jintang once she comes out!If we get along for a longer period of time, wouldn't I have to fulfill my wish.

When Jielu was happy, she didn't think about it. How many people died just because of this little hug?

Jin Tang didn't look at Jie Lu's obsessed eyes, and quickly chased after Ji Tianyu.

"Where's Feng?" Jin Tang found out that Tai Feng wasn't here, and was shocked. Could it be that Tai Feng was injured in the battle just now?

"He's fine, he's gone to drive now, now, we have to get out of here quickly! If we really wait until the military brigade arrives and get stuck in traffic, then it will be hard to talk!" Ji Tianyu Shen Sheng said.

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