Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2900 Women are not easy

Cen Lun still has feelings for Gu Jingwen. Although he said it was not a relationship between a man and a woman, after so many years, he married Gu Jingwen and brought her home. He failed to fulfill his duty as a husband, and instead threw his daughter to Gu Jingwen.

Gu Jingwen took his place in Cen's house, there were old ones and young ones, and Gu Jingwen raised her daughter by herself. He naturally wanted to keep this kindness in his heart.

Zhang Kun also knew about Cen Lun's feelings for Gu Jingwen, so when he heard Cen Lun ask about Gu Jingwen, he didn't mean to be angry or jealous.

After more than 40 years of getting along, the two old men not only did not break up, but they have actually lived through it. This relationship cannot be cracked casually.

Although Cen Lun cares about Gu Jingwen, he also knows that the person who can make decisions for Gu Jingwen is not him, but this guy in front of him.

Thinking of Ji Tianyu's identity, Cen Lun felt teeth ache.You say that Ji Tianyu is his son-in-law, it must be correct.His only daughter followed Ji Tianyu with all her heart, and it was useless whether she wanted to admit it or not.

But if we look at it from Gu Jingwen's point of view, no matter whether he and Gu Jingwen are innocent or not, between him and Ji Tianyu, they can be called "brother-in-law" by the common people's joking name!

If Cen Lun looked at Ji Tianyu and panicked, he couldn't blame Cen Lun entirely, if it were anyone, he wouldn't feel at ease.

Ji Tianyu glanced at Cen Lun's constipated expression, knowing that he was still struggling with something, but Ji Tianyu was not in the mood to talk about it with Cen Lun.

What kind of negative emotions such as dissatisfaction and resentment are prepared for losers. What is the difference between him, a winner, and Cen Lun, a loser?

"Then, when will you and Han Ning have a baby?" After struggling for a while, Cen Lun remembered another question.This question is not just for Mr. Cen Dongye, but also for Cen Lun.His daughter is not young anymore, she is in her early forties, no matter how you count, she is an advanced maternal age.

If it is delayed for a few more years, it will be super old.How dangerous is it to give birth to ions? Although Cen Lun has never given birth, has he never eaten pork or seen a pig go away?

Those child-bearing materials frightened him so much that his hands and feet became cold.terrible.So where is having a baby?It is clearly the death penalty!Thinking of those scenes, Cen Lun looked away from women even more.

He didn't like women in the first place, and seeing such a horrible scene again, his fragile little heart was severely traumatized, so much so that he was terribly afraid when he thought of entering the graduating class.

Although Cen Lun is not a person of faith, he expressed his understanding of the words in the Buddhist scriptures.

"If there is a woman who hates the body of a woman, she wholeheartedly makes offerings to images of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and images of earth, stone, glue, lacquer, copper and iron, and so on, day after day, and she always makes offerings with flowers and incense, food and drink, clothes, silk colors, banners, money and treasures. It is a good woman who will repay her body as a woman for hundreds of thousands of kalpas, and she will not be born in a world of women, let alone receive it again? Unless it is due to the strength of her compassionate vows, she will take the body of a woman and liberate all living beings.”

Cen Lun didn't understand this passage at first, but after he saw the scene of a woman giving birth, he finally had some understanding.

This woman is not easy!Rou originally just didn't like women. This was a matter of his own orientation and had nothing to do with women.But after seeing such a scene, he realized how easy it is to be a woman!

Cen Lun originally thought that Buddhism also had gender discrimination, but it turned out that it was not the same thing.What people say is just a compassionate heart, vowing to save all women who vowed to leave their female bodies.

It's understandable, but he can't just beat Cen Hanning back to her original shape and let her be reincarnated as a man, right?

Therefore, the matter of having children should be done or must be done.

Besides, he, Cen Lun, is also an ordinary person. When he saw other people of his age, most of them enjoyed the fun of having grandchildren, but he didn't even see the shadow of his grandson, so he was somewhat unbalanced.

Now seeing Ji Tianyu, this imbalance naturally emerged.Even though he was still terrified of having a child, the thought of wanting to hold a grandson forced him to suppress that fear.

With today's science and technology, there shouldn't be much difference between having a baby and laying an egg.Cen Lun comforted himself irresponsibly.

If Cen Hanning knew that her father compared her to a chicken laying eggs in her heart, I don't know how she would treat her dear father.

"The child's business is not urgent!" Just as Ji Tianyu said something, Cen Lun angrily snatched the words away.

"You kid can't be so irresponsible, don't be in a hurry? Have you forgotten how old Han Ning is? Don't be in a hurry when she's over 40, and you want her to have another child in her [-]s? At that time, even if you have the will, I'm afraid she won't be able to give birth!"

The corner of Ji Tianyu's mouth twitched.Whether he is determined or not, it has nothing to do with him as an old man, right?Should my father-in-law care about this kind of thing?

Ji Tianyu has only heard of the wonderful mother-in-law who cares about the sex and happiness of her daughter and son-in-law, and even if she is worried, she has to personally guide her.He had never heard of a father-in-law who cared so much about his son-in-law!

Speaking of the wonderful mother-in-law, Ji Tianyu wanted to know very much, if the mother-in-law sat aside to guide, could that son-in-law still do it?How big is that young man's heart to be able to stand up in front of his mother-in-law?

Of course, he was even more curious about what the mother-in-law was thinking?If it is for guidance or something, with the current level of information development, if you want to learn this, how can you not need the mother-in-law to guide you personally?Those thousands of movies and so on will definitely be able to teach a pure young girl to become a theoretical master.

Besides, when the mother-in-law watched her son-in-law and daughter doing that, wouldn't she feel sad?

In short, Ji Tianyu just felt that the mother-in-law had ulterior motives, otherwise, a normal mother-in-law would not do such a thing.

But now, as an old man, he is really good enough, and he can even say whether he has the will or not!He was really convinced.

"Well, Dad, I think I should remind you that although Han Ning's progress is still not very great, but now she has no problem living for three to five hundred years. So, what you said It's really no problem to have a baby at 500!"

After Ji Tianyu was speechless, he still kindly explained to Cen Lun.

Three 500 years!Although Cen Lun believed in his heart that Ji Tianyu was no longer an ordinary person, he never expected that Ji Tianyu would say that Cen Hanning would live for three to five hundred years.

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