Campus flower heart master

Chapter 53 This Woman Is So Charming

Soothe my emotions, these days, people's inside and outside are out of harmony, the more harmless the surface, the most likely to be the most terrifying. 【 】Watching Xiaoqian ignore another red light and rush straight past, Ji Tianyu asked in bewilderment. "Aren't you afraid that your driver's license will be revoked by the police for running a red light like this?"

This time, it was Dai Shuping who laughed, turned her body slightly, and looked at Ji Tianyu who was puzzled, "She is not afraid of having her driver's license revoked?" Dai Shuping paused, "Because she No driver's license at all!"

"Huh?" Ji Tianyu felt a group of crows chirping above his head. "Driving without a license?" I actually got into the car of a quasi-road killer!

Hearing Ji Tianyu's doubts about her driving without a license, Xiaoqian pouted her rosy mouth unconvinced, "It's not uncommon for me to take the test. As far as my driving skills are concerned, if I take the test, the examiner will have to treat me Assistant!" Xiaoqian proudly lifted up the small minibus.

"Yes! The examiner doesn't have such driving skills on the road!" Ji Tianyu murmured in his heart, but he expressed his agreement with Xiaoqian's words on his face.

Seeing Ji Tianyu being so upbeat.Satisfied, Xiaoqian gave Ji Tianyu a thumbs up in the rearview mirror. "Brother, you have a lot of guts. You dared to get in my car and sat in it for so long. Not only did you not scream or vomit, but you were also able to chat happily. Besides senior sister, you are the only one! You really deserve it!" It's a pair of siblings."

Ji Tianyu thought, I am a big man and you are scared by a little girl, so am I still a man?

After a while of shuttle, the car finally got out of the main road.There were a lot fewer cars on the road, and Xiaoqian's speed was getting faster and faster. Dai Shuping didn't close the windows of the car in front, and the wind brought into the car made Ji Tianyu gasp for breath, covering his mouth and nose, Ji Tianyu poked Dai Shuping's shoulder, then pointed to the car window.

Dai Shuping knowingly closed the car window.Only then did Ji Tianyu recover, and scolded Dai Shuping with a face of complaint. "Sister Shuping, you open the car window in front. The wind can't blow you, but I'm in the back seat, so I'm in trouble!"

Looking back at Ji Tianyu's suffocated red face, Dai Shuping smiled apologetically, "I forgot, before, there was no one behind, and it became a habit to open the car windows."

"I wasn't scared to death by the extreme speed, but I was almost blown dizzy by the strong wind." Hearing his muttering in a low voice, the two women in front looked at each other and laughed.

At this time, Xiaoqian's phone rang, and she kept driving without slowing down, and made a move that made Ji Tianyu terrified, holding the steering wheel with one hand, the other actually connected to the phone,

"Dangerous! Dangerous!" Ji Tianyu didn't dare to speak out, fearing to disturb Xiao Ku who answered the phone, so he said to himself in his heart.

"Hey, I'll be there right away...don't rush...ok...wait for me...don't start yet..." Ji Tianyu was confused, not knowing who Xiaoqian was talking to, and asking him to wait for her do what?

After hanging up the phone, Xiaoqian, who was obviously impatient, even raised the speed of the car to the highest level. Ji Tianyu only felt that the landscape trees on the side of the road formed a straight line in front of his eyes. Kung Fu has been left far behind and become a small point.

"Damn it, is it awesome to drive a Ferrari? The car is driving like this, and you are in a hurry to reincarnate?" A taxi driver who was almost hit by a car cursed angrily.

"That's right, today's rich people not only don't take other people's lives seriously, but also don't take their own lives seriously!" The passenger sitting in the car stroked his chest with lingering fear, echoing the driver's words.

Ji Tianyu was always thankful that he fastened his seat belt firmly, otherwise, he would have become a bouncy ball now.Glancing at the two excited women in front of him, Ji Tianyu wanted to close his eyes, but felt embarrassed.Could it be that I am not as good as two weak women?The next moment, Ji Tianyu asked himself again, "With such vigor, can these two women still be called weak?

In Ji Tianyu's wild imagination, the car braked suddenly, and the good braking function allowed Ferrari to change from extreme speed to stationary state in a very short time.Ji Tianyu was slammed against the backrest by the huge inertia.

Before Ji Tianyu woke up from the dizziness, Xiaoqian had already opened the car door, and got out of the car with her slender legs, "Fortunately, I'm not late!" Xiaoqian said to Dai Shuping with a smile .

It wasn't until this moment that Ji Tianyu realized that there was a group of people standing in front of him, and there were more than a dozen cars parked beside him, each of which looked expensive.

"Lan Qian, every time you come here in such a hurry. Let us all wait for you." A man standing in front of everyone said to Xiao Qian who got out of the car.

"Chen Yunting, I'm not late, so don't always target me, okay?" Chen Yunting rolled his eyes, "Everyone is here, how do you compare today?" Lan Qian asked half leaning on the car.

Chen Yunting's eyes turned around Lan Qian's body a few times, and when he heard the sound of the car door opening, Chen Yunting's eyes saw Dai Shuping who got out of the car slowly, Chen Yunting's eyes couldn't help but brighten, This woman is so charming.The appearance is stunning, the temperament is outstanding, and the figure outlined by the tight clothing is even more sexy and provocative.

Seeing that Chen Yunting's eyes fell on Dai Shuping's body and stopped still, Lan Qian felt disgusted in her heart. This guy has always said that he likes and pursues him all the time, but now he sees the senior sister and shows color Fascinated expression.

This scene made Lan Qian, who had no affection for Chen Yunting, feel even more disgusted.If it weren't for seeing the two family friends, and now they are also industry giants, I would have been honest with this guy with an inflated lust.

Seeing this scene made Lan Qian's dissatisfaction with Chen Yunting even higher.Similarly, his lustful eyes gave Ji Tianyu who was sitting in the car the urge to punch this guy.

I knew that if I dressed like this, I would cause trouble when I came out.Ji Tianyu complained about Dai Shuping's clothes in his heart, but right now, it's not a matter of complaining that her clothes are too sexy and provocative.

Ji Tianyu opened the car door and got out of the car.Chen Yunting did not expect that there was a man in Lan Qian's car, this discovery made Chen Yunting's hostility towards Ji Tianyu rise rapidly.

After getting out of the car, Ji Tianyu unbuttoned his school uniform jacket, wrapped Dai Shuping involuntarily,

"It's so hot," Dai Shuping wanted to take off Ji Tianyu's coat, but was stopped by Ji Tianyu's stare. "You'll sweat if you wear so much." After being stared at, Dai Shuping's voice trailed off.

"Go home and take a shower after sweating!" Ji Tianyu said excitedly.

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