Campus flower heart master

Chapter 62 Lan Qian's Anger

"Ji Tianyu, did you hear that? What were they talking about? How can I get in their way when I drive my own car?" Lan Qian stared at the two couples who were going away. [ ] Said angrily.

"Hehe, don't be angry! This is human nature! If you have what he doesn't have, they will be jealous! How can you balance their psychology? Of course, you have to belittle you as much as possible!" Ji Tianyu patted the little girl's shoulder comfortingly.Lan Qian, who was wearing a halter top, exposed her entire shoulders.

Ji Tianyu patted it with his big hand, only feeling the stickiness in his palm.Greedy for the feeling of uploading, Ji Tianyu took a few more shots for his own benefit.However, Lan Qian, who was full of anger, did not notice Ji Tianyu's shameless behavior at all.

"What kind of quality is this?"

"It's not a question of quality. What they say will make people think that their quality is low, but those pious guys don't say it out, but they don't necessarily slander them in their hearts. That kind of quality is high?"

Hearing Ji Tianyu's argument, Lan Qian couldn't help but look at him a few more times, "Unexpectedly, you are young, and you can see through a lot of human feelings."

"Let's go!" Ji Tianyu didn't express any opinion on Lan Qian's words, and changed the subject.

"Okay!" Lan Qian responded readily, and stopped entangled in this issue.

"Let's go to the mall first!" After getting into the car, Lan Qian said to Ji Tianyu while driving.This was the time when there was the most traffic in the morning, and Lan Qian's crazy driving skills had subsided a lot, but it was still much faster than ordinary cars.

"What do you want to buy at the mall?" Ji Tianyu casually answered.

"I'll buy you clothes!" Lan Qian said as a matter of course.

"Buy me clothes?" Ji Tianyu was taken aback, "Why should I buy clothes?"

"My sister wants to see you! You are my boyfriend now!" After Lan Qian finished speaking, she felt that something was wrong, and then added, "In name! If you dress too casually, you will leave my sister behind." Bad impression."

"Am I so casual?" Ji Tianyu walked around himself twice with suspicious eyes.

"It's okay!" Lan Qian said implicitly.

The t-shirts and jeans on Ji Tianyu's body are all low-end goods that do not exceed a hundred yuan. In Lan Qian's eyes, if such clothes are acceptable, it can only be regarded as Lan Qian taking Ji Tianyu's face into consideration.

"Since you can, what kind of clothes should you buy?" It's not that Ji Tianyu doesn't understand Lan Qian's meaning, but he, who is full of pride, firmly believes that the dignity of a person has nothing to do with the clothes on his body.

"That's worth buying. You help pretend to be my boyfriend. I haven't paid you an appearance fee yet? The senior employees of my sister's company still have a decoration fee! You are my boyfriend now, and your status is no higher than that of her employees." There are many senior ones, this is a benefit, and you cannot refuse it." Afraid that Ji Tianyu would disagree, Lan Qian said a series of words in one breath.

"You think I'm a celebrity? There's also an appearance fee?" Ji Tianyu looked at Lan Qian with a smile.

"The stars can't compare to you! They are the best and they can't play my boyfriend! Now you are the only one who can play this role!" Lan Qian's small face intentionally showed that I need you very much.

Ji Tianyu smiled, and stopped bickering with her, since he insisted on buying clothes by himself, he should pay for it himself!It just so happens that the money just deposited is still intact in the card.

While the two were talking, Lan Qian's car stopped on a famous brand clothing street.Looking at the fashionable shops on both sides of the street, Ji Tianyu felt a pain in his heart.Although I have never bought anything here, of course I can't afford any of the products here.But the expensive price here is very loud, and I have heard it for a long time.

Didn't this girl say she was going to the mall?How did you park your car here?No matter how expensive things in the mall are, they are not as expensive as the prices here.

Seeing Lan Qian getting out of the car slowly, Ji Tianyu swallowed what he was about to say.

Lan Qian pointed to a men's clothing store in front of her, "You go in and wait for me, I will park the car in the parking space and come to you."

Ji Tianyu responded helplessly, and a scene of bright red hundred-yuan bills flying in the air appeared in front of his eyes.

He took the lead in walking towards the shop that Lan Qian pointed out. As soon as he opened the door, the welcome waiter standing at the door came with a sweet voice, "Welcome, sir! What would you like to choose?"

The girl at the door straightened up and saw the clothes on Ji Tianyu's body, her complexion immediately darkened.Ji Tianyu's street stalls made the girl snort contemptuously.

Dressed like this, still have the guts to come here?Do you have money to buy things here?Thinking of Xiaojuan who just received a customer, that customer generously chose a shirt worth more than 8000 yuan. For this sum alone, Xiaojuan received more than 40 commissions!Looking again, the person I received, people with long eyes will know that he doesn't have the financial strength to buy things here㊣(4)?Thinking of this, the girl hated Ji Tianyu more and more. There were six salespersons in total, taking turns to receive customers, and her chances were ruined by this ignorant boy!

"What do you want to buy?" asked Ji Tianyu with a cold face.The honorific title just now also disappeared, and you were transformed into you.

"Clothes!" Ji Tianyu didn't care too much about the girl's attitude, and walked in on his own.While walking, he used his hands to pull all kinds of clothes hanging on the hangers.

"Don't move around! It's dirty, how can we sell it to other customers!" The girl's voice was raised, and several other salesmen in the room looked over. After seeing Ji Tianyu's clothes clearly, They all laughed softly.

"No wonder Xiaoyan is so angry. What kind of clothes can this tattered bumpkin buy?"

"Yeah, look at the guest I received just now. They were very generous. They picked out more than 8000 shirts without looking at them." Xiaojuan, who had just sent her guest away, also interjected.

Because the boss has a rule, the more each salesperson sells, the more commissions he will receive.If you receive three or five generous guests a day, your daily bonus will be higher than your basic salary.With the existence of such a relationship of interest, every salesperson secretly competes with each other.

Hearing the words of several other colleagues, Xiaoyan's face became even uglier.After Ji Tianyu heard the words of several people, he just smiled slightly.

"You guys who sell clothes don't let customers choose clothes?" Ji Tianyu raised his thick eyebrows.

"Of course you can choose, you can still try it! But can you afford it?" Xiaoyan's evidence became sharp in an instant, and she picked up the T-shirt that Ji Tianyu had just seen, "This is the cheapest in our store A piece of clothing from 1580, can you afford it?"

Originally, Ji Tianyu still had psychological resistance to the high price here, but under the bitter tone of the girl, he was firm in his decision to buy some clothes here.

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