"Even if she didn't call me j, I would have wanted to slap her a few times!" Out of Huang Junlian's sight, Shi Lin let go of Dong Guoxun's arm, and walked side by side with Tian Jia.

After arriving at the office of the principal of Binda University, there were already many people waiting in the room.Ji Tianyu took a glance and found that the youngest person must be over 40 years old, why is there a room full of old men!

"Ji Tianyu, welcome, welcome! Your coming to Binda University is the greatest affirmation for us at Binda University!" The principal of Binda University greeted him and reached out to hold Ji Tianyu's hand.

Ji Tianyu's face twitched, why did this word sound like he was speaking to the leader!

"Hello!" Ji Tianyu didn't know anyone in the room, and naturally he didn't know the other party's identity, so he could only reply vaguely.

"Student, this is our Binda principal Zhang, vice principal Liu..." At this time, Hua Ningyan began to introduce a room full of leaders to Ji Tianyu.

After the introduction, Ji Tianyu discovered that the dean of the philosophy department he applied for and the head teacher of the freshman class were also listed.

"Student Ji Tianyu, the Department of Philosophy is a partial subject, and there are not as many students as other departments in other colleges. Of course, if you plan to transfer to another department now, there is no problem!" Principal Zhang persuaded Ji Tianyu.

Originally, the dean of the Department of Philosophy, when he heard that the most outstanding student since the establishment of the department was going to report to his department, he was excited for several days, and he had already planned in his mind how to choose courses for Ji Tianyu, and even opened Xiaozao has all the plans, just to make a great philosopher appear in his hands.

That's great, the headmaster poached a corner in front of him?

"Xiao Dong, what's your relationship with Ji Tianyu?" The dean of the engineering school pulled Dong Guoxun aside and asked.

"He's my brother!" Dong Guoxun didn't know, so when he was working here, he had very few opportunities to talk with the dean so closely.

"You are from our civil engineering department. Tell Ji Tianyu that other departments in our college are also very good. If he changes his department, he will give priority to our college!"

"He didn't intend to change majors!"

"Xiao Dong, if you want to come back and continue teaching, our college welcomes you at any time. The absence from work before is considered a vacation for you."

"Dean, I already have a job. I appreciate your kindness. I really don't have time to come back and teach!" In the company, now I have completely cut off the idea of ​​going back to school.

"I heard from Lao Chi that you are an engineer in a small company, but you also know that in today's society, it is difficult for a small company to survive, and it may be closed down by other big companies at any time. Our school has a stable job! You also persuade Ji Tianyu, isn't being a construction engineer much better than studying philosophy?"

"Dean, our company is doing okay..."

"Xiao Dong, haven't you heard that Ling's Construction went bankrupt overnight? In Binhai, Ling's is also a big company that can be counted. It's not the same. It's not easy to work outside. Come back! Xiaodong Dong, how much salary do you pay a month now?"

"I don't know how much a month is!" It's not that Dong Guoxun is afraid of people, it's that he really doesn't know how much money he will have alone.

"Are you doing free work for others?" The dean glared, "You can't just do such nonsense just because of your relationship with Lao Chi!" The dean can also see that the relationship between Dong Guoxun and Ji Tianyu is quite good Otherwise, Dong Guoxun would not accompany Ji Tianyu to report to school.

Everyone here, except those two from the Philosophy Department, wanted to poach Ji Tianyu away. It can be said that everyone had this idea.And the School of Engineering has the convenience of Dong Guoxun, so why not use it!

"That's not true, it's just that I don't get a fixed salary, but I get shares in the company and share year-end bonuses."

"Then what are you spending now?" The dean pressed on every step of the way, only wanting Dong Guoxun to come back, or because he cared so much about him, to help him dig Ji Tianyu over.

"The company's finance team will give me some money every month, and I rarely spend money, so I don't need money!"

"How many calls do you get every month? Rather than staying in a small company, it's better to come back!"

"I won't call me too much. I should be able to call tens of thousands of my account every month. These will be deducted from the year-end dividends in the end!"

The dean was stunned, and the old leaders who were listening around were also stunned.Isn't ten thousand a month too much?With these old qualifications, their salary will not be much more than Dong Guoxun's monthly salary in a year!

"Dean, we appreciate your kindness! Although Guoxun's salary is not very high, I still hope that he can work in Huanyu. Our boss doesn't have time to take care of the company, and it depends on Guoxun to support himself in Huanyu! "Shi Lin came to Dong Guoxun's side and said.

"Miss, who are you?" This question was actually the one everyone wanted to ask after Shi Lin came in.

"I'm Guoxun's girlfriend! This is my business card, please join me if you have time!" Shi Lin was addicted to handing out business cards today, so she opened her bag again, and each had a business card of her own.

Looking at the title above, these people looked at Dong Guoxun with unconcealable adoration in their eyes.A woman who is both beautiful and has a huge fortune, even if Dong Guoxun does not work, she will not be hungry.

"Miss Shi, are you and Xiao Dong's boss the same?" Someone asked, remembering Shi Lin's words.Although the location of their school is not in the city, the matter of Binhai still cannot escape their eyes. In their memory, there is no boss who manages the construction industry and the catering industry together?

It seems that Lido has been very famous for a long time. If the boss of Lido invests, it can't be the small company that Professor Chi mentioned?

"Yes! Our boss doesn't have free time, so I take care of Lido, and Guoxun takes care of Huanyu!" Shi Lin glanced at Ji Tianyu who was calm.

"I don't know if I may take the liberty to ask, what's your boss's surname?" These people's thoughts are all different. This boss is a big fool, and his property is handed over to others, and the other party is a couple, so he doesn't have enough money. points!There is such a boss?

Completely contrary to his professional knowledge and appreciation, the dean of the business school was the first to stand up and ask.At this moment, they wanted to know who this weird boss was.

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