Campus flower heart master

Chapter 774 New Discoveries During Exploration

Because Dai Shuping gave her the spirit pill himself after the oozz.So after falling asleep, Dai Shuping didn't have a single thread on her body, knowing that she was absorbing the effect of the medicine, Ji Tianyu didn't dare to touch her, but just gently covered her with a quilt.

During the five days, apart from watching Dai Shuping's physical changes, Ji Tianyu, who had nothing to do for the rest of the time, also calmed down and reset the energy in his body.

In the past, all the energy was obtained from the outside world, from his own woman, and there was no energy in his body.After eating the pill refined from bone beads, Ji Tianyu faintly felt that his body was different from before.

Because there is no time to seriously feel the specific changes in the body, this time, taking advantage of Dai Shuping's deep sleep, Ji Tianyu got acquainted with his body.

Ji Tianyu calmed down, and his consciousness sank into his body. This time, it was much smoother than when he practiced the kung fu given to him by his grandfather last time, and his feelings were completely different.

At that time, when he first practiced the Ji family's kung fu, Ji Tianyu felt rather astringent. , Naturally, there was no such feeling at that time, and this condensed feeling was the conclusion obtained after comparing with the state at this time.

This is like, a person who lives in a deep mountain has to walk on foot all his life. One day, when he can ride a bicycle, how many old and young neighbors will be envious of this speed?Just when he thought this might be the fastest speed, he got on the motorcycle again!

At this time, if you think about it again, the speed of the bicycle will naturally be said to be slow!

At this time, Ji Tianyu was also at a speed that changed from the speed of a bicycle to the speed of a motorcycle.

Overjoyed, Ji Tianyu found that his body was a map of the city's quasi-energy extending in all directions, and the criss-crossing roads spread out in front of Ji Tianyu.

Ji Tianyu looked at it curiously for a while, is this the legendary meridian?When I was practicing the family-inherited exercises, I didn't notice that there were such meridians in my body!At that time, there was only a faint heat flowing through the fixed position of the body.

Thinking about it now, that should be the meridian route of the exercises!

Then Ji Tianyu found some air mass-like things of different colors scattered between his chest and abdomen.What are these things?

Ji Tianyu wondered, when did there appear so many things in his body that he didn't understand?

Ji Tianyu tried it, controlled it, and gathered these air masses together. However, although he forcibly gathered them together, Ji Tianyu found that some colored air masses seemed to be enemies by nature. force, there is some distance between them.

The restriction on them was loosened, and these air masses returned to their original positions.This made Ji Tianyu somewhat understand that the positions they chose must have their own reasons.

Ji Tianyu didn't figure out these air masses, and he didn't have the heart to observe other changes.Ji Tianyu hooked a cloud of blue air around his chest and abdomen. The speed of the blue air was so fast that Ji Tianyu almost had the feeling that it was moving forward with its own consciousness.

Like walking a dog, Ji Tianyu walked for a long time.After turning around for many times, Ji Tianyu didn't understand what the purpose of this thing was.A little discouraged, Ji Tianyu squeezed the air ball as if he was choking, and by coincidence, he squeezed it into the meridian route beside him.

Ji Tianyu, who was watching inside, was taken aback. Can this thing be put into the meridian like a thing?

Everything is strange, and Ji Tianyu has no clue. In his opinion, only if he is not afraid of death and dares to tinker with it, can he find out the characteristics and uses of these unknown things in practice.

Ji Tianyu didn't think too much about whether his actions were correct or wrong, whether they would benefit him or harm him.

Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance!Even if it hurts, it's worth it!If you ignore them, they can only exist in your body and cannot play their role.

After the cyan air mass entered the meridian, Ji Tianyu urged it to advance in the meridian. After turning around, Ji Tianyu found that even if he drove it into another meridian, it was still in this meridian. Go around without crossing the line.In order to prove his idea, Ji Tianyu ran two more laps.

This thing does have its own way, you want it to change, but it will ignore you.

In this special channel belonging to the cyan air mass, and turned around again, Ji Tianyu suddenly commanded them to rush out when he was at the end of the vein.

In Ji Tianyu's consciousness, they are not even willing to take other paths, wanting to drive them out of the body?Wouldn't that be more difficult than changing directions?

Facts have proved that Ji Tianyu's idea was wrong, the cyan air mass not only really listened to his command, rushed out of the end of the vein, but also rushed out of Ji Tianyu's body.

As soon as the cyan air mass left his body, Ji Tianyu felt something strange?

How could this be a docile, seemingly inconspicuous little guy in his body!Even when he was looking inside, Ji Tianyu felt that the house had become a disaster area!

After the air mass left the body, with Ji Tianyu as the source, the wind suddenly rose, and the furnishings in the house could not withstand this strong wind.There was a clatter.

Ji Tianyu was not worried about these decorations in the room, even if they were all smashed, it would only be a compensation for the hotel.What he was worried about was Dai Shuping who was still lying on the bed and in the stage of mysterious transformation!

I dare not imagine, if at the most critical moment, if Dai Shuping's body transformation is interrupted by herself, what kind of consequences will it cause?

If it's just that the transformation failed, Ji Tianyu has nothing to worry about, and it's just a pill that wasted.What he is most afraid of is that Dai Shuping's body has not been remodeled, but there will be big problems left behind, which will kill Ji Tianyu!

Care is chaos!It's true, Ji Tianyu hurriedly forgot that he could direct the gale that raged in the house, he hurriedly came back to his senses, and looked up at Dai Shuping who was still lying on the bed!

This girl was still sleeping peacefully, not aware of the huge disaster that happened in the house.What surprised Ji Tianyu the most was not the disaster scene where the tornado passed through the house, but that in the whole house, only Dai Shuping and himself sat where there was no disaster!

What's going on here?It's normal that the strong winds don't attack themselves, because they are driven by themselves.But why is Dai Shuping immune to attacks?

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