Campus flower heart master

Chapter 827 The line is right

"George, I know you are a good man, but I am pregnant with someone else's child, how can I marry you? Don't mention this matter again!" Lan Qian rejected George's kindness.

"Qian, you have to trust me! I'm not just kidding, I'm sincere to you! Although the child is not mine, but he is your child, that is, my child!" George thought Lan Qian was worried that she could not Treat the child as if it had been born.He leaned forward and hurriedly explained to Lan Qian.

"George, you know my temper. If you talk about this again, we may not even be friends in the end!" Lan Qian looked at George coldly, without blinking her beautiful eyes.

Looking at Lan Qian's cold eyes, George sat up straight helplessly.It seems that Lan Qian has not recovered from her injuries. If she pursues too quickly, she may not be able to achieve the desired result, but it will backfire and make Lan Qian farther and farther away from her!

"I see, Qian! We are still good friends, right?" George asked Lan Qian tentatively.He is still very clear about Lan Qian's character, and he is really afraid that Lan Qian will do what she says and break up with him from now on.

"Of course, George, you are my friend!" Lan Qian's face softened a little.

"George, I haven't congratulated you yet. Congratulations on your tenure as CEO!" Manr Group is not a family business, and important positions are awarded to those with the highest ability, and have nothing to do with relationships.After all, George is just a senior wage earner now.

Manr's final wealth has nothing to do with him. What he gets is a super high annual salary and a certain amount of corporate dividends.Because the salary is linked to the profit of the company, the boss doesn't have to worry too much, these gold-collar workers will not care about the business.

"This is the result of my hard work! I believe that under my leadership, Maner will develop even better!" George accepted Lan Qian's congratulations without humility, and made bold words, making Yi Xiangdong's thinking mode Ji Tianyu is very uncomfortable.

Differences in thinking and culture make people in the East and the West have fundamental differences in thinking about issues.In the East, if a woman is pregnant with another man's child, very few men are willing to marry such a woman!Even if you really love her, you may give up this relationship due to the pressure of public opinion.

Westerners are different, for example, George in front of him, knowing that Lan Qian is pregnant with another man's child, he enthusiastically proposes to Lan Qian.And it can be seen that he really wants to marry Lan Qian.

Perhaps in the east, many people are willing to marry Lan Qian who is pregnant with someone else's child for the sake of the Lan family's property, but in front of George, this temptation becomes very powerless.

Although George does not have the strong family background of the Lan family, he is not a man who needs to work hard for money!

Judging from George's performance, the psychological thinking of Western men is very different from that of Eastern men.George's unceremonious rhetoric just now was a bit too arrogant in the eyes of the humble Orientals.

"I believe that your ability will develop Maner better!" Lan Qian nodded, and she still praised George's ability.When Lan's and Maner first cooperated, it was George's status as a department manager who negotiated with him.

Now Lan's has also cooperated with Meyer for four or five years, and now George has also become the executive president of Meyer Group. It can be said that Lan Qian watched George achieve today's success with her own eyes.

"This cooperation was originally for the subordinates to discuss, but since Director Lan came in person, I can no longer neglect this cooperation matter, let's discuss this cooperation in person!" George said to Lan Qian with a smile.

That's true. Lan's and Maner are old partners. Although they are negotiating projects, they are just adding some new projects on the basis of the original ones. George has already told his subordinates to handle these matters.

Now that Lan Qian came suddenly, of course, George could no longer let his subordinates receive Lan Qian.Because no matter whether it was public or private, George couldn't neglect Lan Qian.

"George, you're busy with work, so you don't need to take care of this project yourself. As long as you can spend more time with me and Tianyu in New York after get off work!" Lan Qian's coming or not has no effect on this negotiation .Her task is to help Ji Tianyu use George's influence to quickly enter the upper class social circle.

"Qian, don't worry, since you and your brother-in-law have arrived in New York, I should treat you well! You should have a good rest, New York is very lively these days, I will show you around!"

In front of the woman he likes, George wished he could immediately report all the fun places in New York, and bring up all the things Lan Qian might be interested in.

"Is there anything lively going on in New York?" Lan Qian asked following George's words.

"Qian, you just arrived in New York, and you didn't know it. During this period of time, a group of treasures appeared out of nowhere, all of which belonged to your Huaxia Kingdom. It set off a wave of enthusiasm in the upper class of New York."

Seeing that the indifferent Lan Qian was interested in what he said, George secretly sighed that he had found the right topic.

"Something from China? What kind of treasure can set off a boom in New York?" Lan Qian asked suspiciously.

"Qian, don't you believe it. A friend I know, he likes to collect some old things of antique calligraphy and painting on weekdays. A few days ago, he suddenly sent a press conference, announcing that he would get three pieces from Huaxia Kingdom Treasures, donated to the National Museum for a fee!"

What George said made Ji Tianyu and Lan Qian happy.It seems that it is correct to put the lead on George.

George and Siri who threatened to donate were acquainted, and Long's intelligence personnel did not investigate this point.

It's not that the intelligence personnel of Dragon Soul are too helpless, but that George is no longer the object of their investigation, nor is they their target person. When Lan Qian noticed George, it was when Lan Qian asked to help Ji Tianyu as a cover. of sight.

"What kind of treasure? Why do you have to pay for donating to the country?" Ji Tianyu interjected at the right time.Previously, George had been talking about personal relationship issues with Lan Qian, but Ji Tianyu, as a "brother-in-law", wanted to intervene, but he couldn't do it!

How can a "brother-in-law" intervene in the emotional problems of the aunt!This identity made Ji Tianyu feel aggrieved!

"This is country m. It is already a very good thing if someone is willing to donate their treasures to the country for a fee. Free donation? This may only be in your country of China, this ancient country with a deep-rooted national complex The country will appear!"

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