Campus flower heart master

Chapter 832 Is This Child a Spirit?

"Son, did you hear that? It's not that mom doesn't want you, it's that your father dislikes you and wants to kill you!" Lan Qian made a painful expression, stroked her stomach, and confessed to the baby in her stomach With shape.

"Wife, your trick doesn't work! This little brat, don't say he didn't give birth, even if he did, he still has to listen to me as a father! It's useless to complain to him!" Ji Tianyu gloated and hit Lan Qian.

Both husband and wife put their hands on Lan Qian's belly at the same time, and as soon as Ji Tianyu's voice fell, the feeling from their hands made them startled.

Rao, both of them are people who have experienced big scenes, and they can't stand the protest behavior of this baby who is still in the mother's womb!This mental shock made the husband and wife no longer care about bickering and playing with each other.

The two put their hands on Lanqian's belly, and they felt at the same time that the child in her belly was punching and kicking after hearing Ji Tianyu's words, and the targets were all Ji Tianyu's hands.And Lan Qian's hand was right next to Ji Tianyu's, and she was not attacked, she just felt the child in her stomach moving wildly.

After Ji Tianyu was stunned, he quickly took his hand away, and that bastard boy kicked and kicked him several times unwillingly.Lan Qian and Ji Tianyu watched helplessly as a small bump bulged from their belly, rising and falling again and again...

"He...he...has grown up?" Ji Tianyu stammered and pointed at the bump on Lanqian's belly.

"Haha, your son is angry? It's against you! Aren't you going to get rid of him?" Lan Qian stared blankly at her belly for a while, then burst out laughing.

This child of mine is so genius, only six months old, he already has ideas!And express their anger!Seeing Ji Tianyu's sad expression, Lan Qian couldn't help laughing.

"Wife, are you laughing?" Ji Tianyu was frightened by Lan Qian's big laugh. Even though Lan Qian would become much gentler when facing her, it was the first time for Ji Tianyu to laugh so unscrupulously. See you!

"Leave me alone, you should communicate with your son! You've offended him!" Lan Qian gradually stopped laughing, stroking her belly with both hands.

Ji Tianyu saw with his own eyes that the irritable little guy slowly calmed down under his mother's palm.

Ji Tianyu stared blankly at Lan Qian and her stomach, "Honey, I can feel this kid's emotions..." Ji Tianyu looked at Lan Qian eagerly.If this kid wasn't his own son, Ji Tianyu would definitely treat him as a goblin.

Whose child can express his emotions like this when he is only six months old?Should it still be ignorantly nesting in the mother's womb waiting to grow up?Why is your own child so weird?

"I feel it too!" Lan Qian affirmed Ji Tianyu's statement. "He's angry! Now he's calmed down and acting like a baby!"

Ji Tianyu sighed, "Honey, this kid is going to rebel! He dared to oppose his father before he was born!"

"If you didn't tell him to get rid of him, how could he be so angry?" Lan Qian didn't think there was anything abnormal. In her mind, it was something to be happy that her son was so smart!

"Is there anything else to reason about? I am obviously the one who cares about him, but he doesn't appreciate it, and is still angry with me!" Ji Tianyu snorted and turned his face away.Stop looking at Lan Qian and her round belly.

"It's normal for a son to kiss his mother!" Lan Qian showed off proudly.He said as if he was afraid that he would not be angry with Ji Tianyu.

Ji Tianyu didn't speak, nor did he look at Lan Qian.

"Tianyu, are you really angry?" Lan Qian came to Ji Tianyu's side and grabbed Ji Tianyu's arm.

"I care about him, he doesn't remember, and he is still angry with me." Ji Tianyu threw a sentence to Lan Qian, and Lan Qian was shocked by Ji Tianyu's words for a moment.

"How can you be angry with your child? He is so young, how can he understand the overall meaning of our conversation? It is already very good to understand a little bit! You are his father!" Lan Qian couldn't help herself son speaks kind words.

"Whenever he knows that Dad loves him too, I'll forgive him!" Ji Tianyu seemed to be holding back his temper and getting serious with the child!

Lan Qian was really dumbfounded, how could Ji Tianyu be like this?How could he, who has always been mature and stable, suddenly care about his unborn child—or his own son?

"Tianyu, are you serious?" Lan Qian asked Ji Tianyu tentatively.

"I'm serious! If he doesn't apologize to me, I won't forgive him!" Ji Tianyu gave Lan Qian an answer.

"How can he apologize to you? He can't speak! Tianyu, why don't you plan to forgive him?" Lan Qian asked after calming down her emotions.

"Until he doesn't apologize to me, I will never look at him again!"

"He's in my stomach, how can you see it?" Lan Qian felt like she had returned to her childhood, speaking childish words.

"I don't look at your stomach!"

Lan Qian was a little confused. "Tianyu, what do you mean you don't look at my stomach? Don't you see my stomach when you see me?"

"Then I won't look at you!" Ji Tianyu turned around to get off the bed in order to express his determination.

"You... what are you doing?" Lan Qian hurriedly grabbed Ji Tianyu's hand.

"The little kid dared to challenge my authority. When he grows up, he will be fine? If he doesn't apologize to me today, I will never forgive him!" Ji Tianyu said resolutely without turning his head.

"Tianyu, aren't you embarrassing me? He is so young, how can he apologize to you?" Lan Qian was just barely forced to cry by Ji Tianyu.

"Son, why are you losing your temper when you have nothing to do? Dad is angry. You are hiding in your mother's stomach. Didn't you pass the trouble on to your mother?" Lan Qian angrily reprimanded the child in her stomach.

Ji Tianyu let Lan Qian hold his hand without saying a word or looking back!

Ji Tianyu and Lan Qian stood in a stalemate until they felt a wave of apologetic consciousness rushing into their minds at the same time.

Ji Tianyu won!When Lan Qian felt her son's weak, intermittent apology reached her mind, she couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks.

"Are you satisfied now? By forcing the child to apologize to you, your authority as a father has been consolidated?" Lan Qian was furious!Mothers always dote on their ions, and those who make their children wronged, even the father of the child, will make the mother feel bad in her heart!

What's more, what happened this time was indeed Ji Tianyu's unreasonable trouble.A very big person is actually serious with a child, and it is still an unborn child!

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