Following behind a few people, Ji Tianyu started to act when he reached the bustling place!He took the packing box from the person in front of him,

The other party glanced at Ji Tianyu, seeing that he was his teammate, he happily handed over the things to Ji Tianyu.

Ji Tianyu's thoughts flickered, and the box in his hand disappeared out of thin air!

Using the same method, Ji Tianyu put the boxes of the people who walked in front of him into the Qiankun Cauldron.His movements were so fast that these masters didn't even notice that the thing they were escorting disappeared.If he wasn't afraid of making too much noise at the beginning and attracting everyone's attention, Ji Tianyu didn't have to do this, he only needed to think about it, and he could do it.

And the largest packing box was half the height of a person. Even these guys with superhuman abilities couldn't lift such a big box alone.

Although I don't know what is in this box, Ji Tianyu can be sure that this thing must be a good thing!Ji Tianyu, who was ready to run away, saw the dead man's clothes turned into ashes in a blink of an eye, but Ji Tianyu's own clothes inside were not burned at all.

If someone with knowledge notices this scene, they will be amazed at Ji Tianyu's proficiency in using the fire ability.

Getting ready to hide, Ji Tianyu's thoughts turned, the box that was too bulky to lift was lifted by the two of them, and it really disappeared!

"Ah? Where did it go?" Such a huge monster suddenly disappeared in front of everyone. Such a change made these people scream in surprise.

Ji Tianyu, who was hiding in the crowd, wouldn't want to see what these people were screaming, passed through the crowd, and left the scene of the incident.

Walking on the streets of Tokyo, Ji Tianyu was in a very happy mood.He didn't expect this mission to be completed so smoothly!Thinking about the few items he got, Ji Tianyu realized that something was wrong.

According to the items that Xiao Cangye and the others stole from Dragon Soul, there were a total of [-] items. When they were in New York, Ji Tianyu and Wang Huanshi took back three items, and later, Long took back two items in the turbulent flow.

There are three pieces that Ogurano donated to the Museum of M in the name of Siri.Two more pieces were listed in the auction company. In this way, there are at most three pieces in the hands of Ogurano and Aida.But now I actually received five boxes!

Ji Tianyu already has plans for the future.He decided to stay in Tokyo first and report his whereabouts to Long and Lanqian.At this time, Ji Tianyu wanted to find a private place to take a look at the things he had brought in.

When he put in the last box, he already felt the Qiankun Cauldron in his body showing signs of being active.This was the first time Ji Tianyu felt a strange situation after taking the Qiankun Ding into his body.

When Ji Tianyu inspected the five-element air mass in his body, he didn't disturb the Qiankun Ding when he searched his body like that.In order to avoid Ji Tianyu's thoughts in the body to detect, it also thoughtfully hid under the soles of its feet, giving way to the route of the air mass.

This time, just when the last box was taken in, Ji Tianyu felt that the Qiankun Ding in his body was about to burst out.

In this Tokyo street full of cars and people, Ji Tianyu will not let his wish come true no matter what!Suppressing Qiankun Ding's frivolity, Ji Tianyu found a nearby hotel, opened a room with the ID card he had just picked up from the man next to him on the street, and lived in.

Locking the door behind him, Ji Tianyu breathed out, the Qiankun cauldron was also violently convulsed, it tossed so badly in his body that he poured the contents inside it directly into Ji Tianyu's body.Ji Tianyu suppressed its churning and tried his best, but he could barely do it.

What's happening here?What was it that he finally put into his body?Why did Qian Kun Cauldron have such a big reaction after accepting it?

Ji Tianyu didn't release the Qiankun cauldron as soon as he entered the house. He searched the house and found no monitoring equipment, so he released the Qiankun cauldron in his body that was eager to rebel.

Without Ji Tianyu's suppression, the Qiankun Cauldron rang out cheerfully, and a nearly two-meter-high cauldron fell to the ground.

The loud noise that worried Ji Tianyu did not happen, Ji Tianyu was ready to catch the whereabouts of the Qiankun Ding, lest it make a loud noise when it landed and disturb other people.

The Qiankun Ding is indeed spiritual. When the huge tripod legs fell, it was quiet without any sound. This scene that violated the laws of physics made Ji Tianyu blink his eyes.

This guy is about to become a jing!It's obviously a dead thing, but it's full of spirituality.

The Qiankun cauldron came out of Ji Tianyu's body, the body of the cauldron shook, and a box was spat out.Ji Tianyu saw that it was the box that he put into the Qiankun Ding at the end!

The performance of Qiankun Ding at this time confirmed Ji Tianyu's guess that the items in this box must be closely related to Qiankun Ding!

When the body of the Qiankun Cauldron vibrated more and more violently, the box in front of him also vibrated violently, as if it was catering to the Qiankun Cauldron.

Such a strange thing made Ji Tianyu unable to sit and watch any longer.Ji Tianyu tore open the package of the box, and was only taken aback when he saw the contents.

The item in the box is nothing but a small tripod that is very similar to the Qiankun tripod!The so-called small refers to the super large stature of Qiankun Ding.

What's happening here?Father and son?Ji Tianyu thought to himself.No wonder Qiankun Ding was so excited, it seemed that he had met his long-lost son!

Like a human being, the huge body of Qiankun Ding moved to the front of this small tripod, and this small tripod also shook happily.Just when Ji Tianyu thought they were going to have a warm hug, a strange scene happened!The cover of the Qiankun cauldron was suddenly removed, and the small cauldron was sucked into its body by the Qiankun cauldron like a long whale sucking water!

Why was it taken back?If you want to take it back, why spit it out?Ji Tianyu wondered.It seems that although this thing has a spirit, it is a dead thing without wisdom after all.There is no way to compare with the human mind.

Ji Tianyu didn't understand what these two tripods were going to do, so he just sat on the sofa beside him and watched what they were going to do?

Ji Tianyu wants to watch the excitement leisurely, but he doesn't want to be disliked by some people!

After Qiankun Ding inhaled this small tripod, a thought suddenly appeared in Ji Tianyu's mind: Unleash the spiritual power!

Ji Tianyu wondered why he had such an idea?

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