Campus flower heart master

Chapter 850 Entering the Kurano House

"Let's find a way to escape too! The devil is back, and we will die!"

"I'm afraid it's too late to go now, the elders have already acted!"

"Are we just waiting to die here?"

"Don't worry, although the evidence is not against us, Xiao Kurano escaped from Kurano's house first! The matter of chasing and killing Kurano has nothing to do with us! Is it, third brother?"

The three brothers were really talented, and in desperation, they came up with such a way to push all the faults on the escaped Ogura.

It was a wise choice for them not to learn from Xiao Kurano and escape from the Kurano house.Xiao Kurano is the only son of Kurano, even if he has done something outrageous, the four elders will think he is the only son of Kurano, and they will give him three points.

But their three brothers are not.Although the elders knew in their hearts that among these people, they had their own hands, but because there was no evidence, they let them go at ease.

If they also flee in panic, then waiting for their end is a serious punishment!

Conspiring against the patriarch is a crime that can be punished by death in a big feudal family like the Kurano family!

Back at Kurano's house, Kumiko announced to the clan that Kurano needs to rest because of an injury outside, and family members, etc., can go to the elders or answer by themselves if they have anything to do.

Although the elders didn't understand what Kumiko did, they still didn't ask Kumiko why she did it in front of everyone.

Ji Tianyu was directly arranged by Kumiko to Kurano's original residence.

"Kumiko, is it the patriarch's intention that you do this?" The elder looked at Ji Tianyu who was sitting in the living room with a big horse and a golden sword, and asked Kumiko.

Kumiko is not only favored by Kurano, but also loved by the four elders.The well-behaved, sensible, gentle, and kind Kumiko is Kurano's favorite child, and the fourth elder is not completely ignorant of what Kurano is up to.There is no precedent for a female patriarch in the family, and Kumiko's honest and benevolent character is not suitable for leading the Kurano family!

Because Kurano has never formally put forward this opinion, the four of them have the right to assume that they don't know Kurano's idea.

"Elder, haven't you noticed that your father is different from before?" Kumiko asked back.

"The patriarch seems to be even more arrogant when he returns this time!" The second elder looked at Ji Tianyu for a few times and said.

In the Kurano family, the position of the patriarch is paramount, even the elders of the elders of the family should respect the patriarch.So when the four elders saw that Ji Tianyu ignored them, they didn't pay too much attention to the abnormal situation.Hearing what Kumiko said at this time, he felt that something seemed unusual.

"Elder, isn't father even more arrogant? He lost his memory!" Kumiko explained awkwardly.

"Amnesia?" The four of them were startled. "Can't remember anything?"

"Father doesn't even remember me! If my brother hadn't sent people to hunt us down, father wouldn't have come back with me!" Kumiko briefly explained what happened.

Of course, after she was frightened and passed out, she couldn't tell the details of what happened. According to Miyo, at that time, her father was like a demon possessed, and he singled out more than forty people without losing. .

After listening to Kumiko's brief statement, the Fourth Elder was even more grateful for his choice!Such a brave Cangye, compared with Xiao Cangye's uncle and nephew, the return of Cangye is more conducive to the development of the family.

"Patriarch, do you still remember me?" The Great Elder approached Ji Tianyu and asked while looking at Ji Tianyu.

"Who are you? I don't know you!" Ji Tianyu glanced at the First Elder, then immediately turned his gaze away.The wrinkles on this old face can kill any lost mosquitoes. With such an unkind face, how many more times do you want Ji Tianyu to look at it?That's abusing one's own eyes!

"Kumiko, the patriarch only knows you now, and you take care of the patriarch's daily life! We will immediately contact the famous brain experts in the country to examine and treat the patriarch, and strive to restore the patriarch to normal as soon as possible!"

Stimulated by Ji Tianyu's unfriendly eyes, the first elder hurriedly confessed to Kumiko, and walked out alone without waiting for the other three elders to follow.

After the four elders left, Kumiko stood beside Ji Tianyu and said to Ji Tianyu softly.

"Father, you may have forgotten the elders, but they are the elders of our family. Even if you forget who they are, you can't treat them like this!"

Kumiko couldn't forget the resentful look in the Elder's eyes.Although the former Kurano was arrogant, he still had some basic manners, and he didn't show his disgust so obviously.

"I'll try to be nice to them! I can't remember who they are, and I can't feel good about them!"

"Father, I understand how you feel. In this way, I will help you recall, so that maybe you can recover your memory faster!" Kumiko thought of the way it was often played on TV, and came up with the same idea.

"Kumiko, only you can help me now, and I also want to restore my memory sooner. This kind of life without past memories makes me very painful!"

If Ji Tianyu wants to carry out his own plan, he must have someone who can help him, and in the Kurano family, Kumiko is the perfect candidate!This kind, beautiful girl knows everything about the Kurano family, and she was also Kurano's favorite daughter before. Her love for her also made her understand Kurano a little better than others.

"Father, don't worry, I will try my best to help you recover your memory!" Of course, Kumiko hoped that Kurano could return to normal. She would feel more secure at Kurano's house at that time.

In this world, the person who truly loves her is this cold-blooded and heartless man in the eyes of others!

Kumiko took Ji Tianyu to get acquainted with Kurano's residence.Japanese-style buildings have a large interior space without too many decorations. What separates the space is not Chinese-style walls, but sliding doors.

After following Kumiko around, Ji Tianyu found that there was no bedroom in Kurano's house, because he didn't see where the bed was at all?

Although Ji Tianyu was curious, he was too embarrassed to ask this question.If you forget what you have experienced, do you even forget your living habits?Ji Tianyu doesn't know if the real amnesiacs even forget the appreciation of life!

"Master, master..." A woman's cry came to Ji Tianyu's ears.Following the sound, a burst of fine footsteps came in.

Ji Tianyu looked up, and a Japanese woman with heavy makeup came in.

"Master, you're back! They all said you're gone! I'm crying so hard!" the woman said softly, leaning against Ji Tianyu's body.

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