Campus flower heart master

Chapter 876 Another daughter-in-law is pregnant?

"Oh, Tianyu also went with him? Let's rest assured!" Zhu Guiqin stopped talking about Lan Qian when he heard that his son also went with his wife.

"Looking at Xiaoqian's belly and complexion, she should be a girl!" Grandma Ji looked at her daughter-in-law for a long time, then said slowly.

"Grandma, how did you find out?" Ji Tianyu sat beside grandma curiously and asked.

Lan Qian has been refusing to go to the hospital for a sex test, and insists on waiting until the child is born to surprise everyone.If Dai Shuping was present at this time, things would be much easier.Dai Shuping's new ability is perspective!It is not difficult to see the objects on the other side through the objects, and look at the fetus in the womb!

Dai Shuping has the ability to see through, and can see things that others can't see. Grandma doesn't have it. How can she be so sure that the child in Lanqian's belly is a girl?

Ji Tianyu didn't believe that his judgment was wrong. In his feeling, the child Lan Qian conceived was a son!This feeling is so strong that Ji Tianyu can't believe any statement that the child is not a boy.

"The old man said, a boy with a pointed belly, a girl with a round belly, and a pregnant woman who becomes more beautiful than before must be a girl! Look at Xiaoqian's appearance, her complexion is much better than before , so it must be a girl." Grandma Ji said to her grandson with certainty.

"Grandma, this is not allowed! The old saying is superstitious!" Ji Tianyu chuckled, he thought grandma had any basis!From the perspective of becoming more beautiful, these women, no matter which one is pregnant now, are much more beautiful than before.The role of the spirit pill is indispensable!

"What do you know, child? When I was pregnant with your father and his brothers for five years, I saw it that way. Sure enough!" Grandma Ji retorted to her grandson.

"Grandma, if you like girls, you will definitely have a chance. This must be your son, I'm sure!" Ji Tianyu said with a smile.

"Yes, grandma, Xiaoyu is also pregnant, and you will be busy in the future!" Lan Qian told Dong Yu's pregnancy.

This news was like a heavy bullet, hitting the heads of Ji Haihai and the three of them.They were already secretly happy about Lan Qian's pregnancy, and they didn't expect that there would be a surprise for them.

"Tianyu, Dong Yu is still in school, will pregnancy affect her studies?" Zhu Guiqin asked worriedly.

The situation of Dong Yu and Lan Qian is not the same, Lan Qian can make decisions for herself!But Dong Yu can't, she is still an immature child, will her parents agree to Dong Yu's birth of the child?

"Stinky boy, I told you a long time ago, don't harm other little girls! Have you taken my words to heart? You already have Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian and the others, and you still go out to mess around!" Ji Dahai heard this The news, is mixed comedy.The joy is that, as an old man, I certainly hope that I have many descendants, but the worry is that Dong Yu's family will agree that Dong Yu, who is still studying, will give birth to Ji Tianyu's child?

In Ji Dahai's mind, Ji Tianyu's doing this was a serious apology for the behavior of the sisters of the Lan family. As an old man, he had to scold his son no matter what, so that his wife could feel more at ease.

"Dad, don't talk about Tianyu. Xiaoyu and Tianyu are also a couple who are in love. Having a child is a good thing. You and mother don't have to worry about other things!" Lan Qian comforted Ji Haihai and his wife, the fact is unchangeable Yes, no matter how much Mother Ji said, it would not have any effect.

"You are really my good son!" Ji Dahai said to Ji Tianyu, then turned and went back to the room.

Ji Tianyu shrugged his shoulders at Lan Qian, his father had gotten angry more than once because of his relationship with women.Although the anger became lower and lower every time, it still insisted on expressing Ji Dahai's protest complex towards Ji Tianyu.

"Tianyu, what are your plans? It will be unfair to Xiaoqian, Dong Yu, and the others if this continues! You will definitely marry Xiaoqian in the future, but Dong Yu and the others are all pregnant with your child." , how do you treat their mother and child? Have you thought about these things?"

Seeing her husband returning to the room, Zhu Guiqin coughed lightly and said to Ji Tianyu.This is the first time that Zhu Guiqin and his son have openly discussed this kind of issue about Ji Tianyu's woman.

"Mom, I've already made plans, don't worry, I won't treat them badly!" Ji Tianyu couldn't promise his mother right now that he could marry them all to the door of Ji's family in a year's time. matter!

It's not that Ji Tianyu doesn't trust his parents in his heart, but that this matter, if he really tells it, the impact on his parents is too great.With their ideas and ideas, it is impossible for them to become reality.Only when the future becomes a reality will they believe that this is not their imagination.

"Tianyu, when will we meet Dong Yu's parents! The girl is pregnant with your child, so you have to give her an explanation!"

Zhu Guiqin gave her son a blank look. Although parents are a little proud of their son having so many women, they are more embarrassed. How can I have the face to meet other people's parents!Whose girl doesn't feel pain in the palm of her hand, being taken advantage of by her own bastard, and still not getting a name, which parent can swallow this tone?

"Understood!" Ji Tianyu replied in response.Regarding the matter of Dong Yu's pregnancy, he only waited until Dong Yu came back to talk to Dong's father and Dong Yu's mother. By then, the child would have grown up, and if they had any opinions, there would be no further disturbances.

Ji Tianyu knew in his heart that Dong Yu's parents seemed to admit their relationship with Dong Yu, but that was on the boundary line of dating. If they were really told, their precious daughter would be pregnant right now when she was in college. Things, what kind of reaction will they have, will they accept the fact silently, or strongly oppose it?Ji Tianyu is not sure.

This time when he came back, Ji Tianyu also planned to move his parents. Now the family is still crowded in this old house. It’s okay if he doesn’t go home. If he goes home by himself, he can only live on the sofa in the living room.

"Tianyu, let's pick a house and let our parents move there! The house is too small now, and it will be inconvenient when we all come back in the future." Lan Qian had long planned to change houses for Ji Dahai and his wife, but How could Ji Dahai let Lan Qian spend this money?

In his heart, the Ji family is already sorry for Lan Qian, not only can't give her a title, let her have a child out of wedlock, if she spends Lan Qian's money again, Ji Dahai will be in front of Lan Qian, and will be forever I can't hold my head up.

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