"I'm also guessing. Whether this is the case or not, I'm not sure! But one thing, he said that someone took the initiative to send things to him. I don't believe it, although he has spent a lot of time these years. It's a small old thing, but his eyesight is not good enough to determine the authenticity at a glance, and his reputation is not so loud that people can come here admiringly!"

"Grandpa, what you said makes sense, so I'll send someone to investigate first. If it's really what Second Uncle said, it's not too late to inform Brother Yu."

Grandpa Ji nodded and had no objection to his grandson's actions.Even if the second son is unworthy, but he is always his own child, he will lose face if he is arrested in the classroom.

When I arrived at Huangtian, I saw that Dong Guoxun hadn't left yet, and was enjoying the massage parlor with Sha Liang comfortably.

"Dong Gong, come to my place later, let's chat!" Ji Tianyu stood at the door, looking at Dong Guoxun and Sha Liang's bare backs, letting the two little girls pinch each other.

"Boss, why are you here?" Dong Guoxun was taken aback when he heard Ji Tianyu's voice, then he reacted and asked with a smile.

"I have something to talk to you about! Let's talk about Tianjiao!" After speaking, Ji Tianyu closed the door and left, leaving Dong Guoxun with a surprised face.

"Dong, what's the matter? Tianjiao, isn't that the boss's sister? Is the little girl still in school? What does it have to do with you?" Sha Liang turned his face and asked Dong Guoxun curiously.

"It's okay, the boss may just say that, what can you tell me about the little girl?" Dong Guoxun laughed dryly twice, the unease in his words, even a rough old man like Yi Shaliang could feel it.

"Dong, did you give the boss's sister to that?" Sha Liang looked at Dong Guoxun with a smirk on his face, and even reached out and poked Dong Guoxun's arm.

"Get out! Good words will turn bad even if they get in your mouth! You're thinking in your head. These days, you haven't secretly hooked up with the girls on the top floor behind Xiaoxue's back, have you?" Although Dong Guoxun was worried, he was in Sha Liang's eyes. In front of him, but not to be outdone, he retorted.

"Don't talk nonsense, if Qin Xue hears it, make trouble with me, I'll never end with you!" Sha Liang quickly reprimanded Dong Guoxun when he heard Dong Guoxun brought up this topic, and carefully looked at the door.

Ever since getting married with Qin Xue, Sha Liang has rarely hooked up with other women, but in this environment, especially Sha Liang, a man who wants nothing but love, if he is really peaceful If you keep yourself safe and don't get close to other women, then it's better to eunuch him as soon as possible!

"You, change it, Xiaoxue is so responsible now, it is not easy for you to get to where you are today! Cherish it! You also know the relationship between Xiaoxue and Xiaoyu. If you let Xiaoyu know that you have failed Xiaoxue, what will happen? I can't imagine it." Dong Guoxun turned the topic to Sha Liang, trying to divert his attention in this way.

In fact, I don't need to worry too much, Ji Tianjiao will not tell her brother about this kind of thing.The boss told him that he must have other business to talk about!Dong Guoxun ignored Ji Tianjiao who named Ji Tianyu by name.

"Okay, you guys go down!" Sha Liang sent the two girls away.

"Dong, don't lie on your stomach, get up and get dressed, the boss must have something urgent to come to you at such a late hour!" Sha Liang lifted the towel covering his body, got out of bed, grabbed his own clothes and put them on.

"How can there be anything, brother Liang, let's take a break!" Dong Guoxun didn't want to see Ji Tianyu immediately, he felt that what Ji Tianyu wanted to tell him must be something he was worried about.One point for hiding is one point!

"Dong, you must have done something to be afraid of the boss! Tell me, did you put Tianjiao to sleep?" The more Sha Liang saw Dong Guoxun flinched and refused to get up, the more he felt that there was a certainty in it. There is something wrong.

"Get lost! Do you think that everyone is like you, that when you see a woman, you want to hug her to the bed?" Dong Guoxun scolded Sha Liang angrily, but the image of Ji Tianjiao who hadn't pulled up her pants in time came back to her mind. The touch of black in the middle of that white skin is a memory that Dong Guoxun can't get rid of no matter what.

Pooh!Dong Guoxun secretly spat at himself, he is also someone who has experienced women after all!How can I never forget a little girl's film!I like to fool around with mature women, so a young girl like Ji Tianjiao is not to my liking at all!

"Dong, what's on your mind? You're winking!" Seeing Dong Guoxun, Sha Liang was annoyed, angry, and sometimes yearning, which made the thick-lined Sha Liang unable to understand what he was thinking!

"What are you thinking? What can I think about? Get up, I'm going to get dressed!" Dong Guoxun pushed away Sha Liang who was standing next to his bed, got up and put on his clothes.

It's a blessing or a curse, it's a disaster that can't be avoided, no matter what the result will be, I can't escape Ji Tianyu anyway.Dong Guoxun is quite resigned to his fate, who made himself rush into the toilet without knocking on the door?

Dong Guoxun bit the bullet and went to find Ji Tianyu, taking one step and three steps back, thinking about how to deal with Ji Tianyu's questioning while walking.

It doesn't matter, anyway, I saw it accidentally, so I just confess it!I, who didn't intend to take advantage, will always get Ji Tianyu's sympathy, right?Dong Guoxun made up his mind, the government also pays attention to being frank and lenient. If you confess yourself, you will always be forgiven, right?

"Boss..." Dong Guoxun knocked on the door, put his head into the room, and saw Ji Tianyu sitting on a chair, facing the direction of the door, as if he was waiting for his arrival.

"Dong Gong, thank you for taking me home today!"

"Hehe, Boss, why are you so polite? Thank you so much again, I will feel embarrassed!" Seeing that Ji Tianyu didn't get straight to the point and brought up Ji Tianjiao's matter, Dong Guoxun breathed a sigh of relief, but still didn't dare Careless.

"Of course I should thank you! After this matter is over, let's talk about other things! Dong Gong, when you went to the bathroom at my house, did you encounter anything special?" Ji Tianyu looked at Dong Guoxun expressionlessly , looking directly into Dong Guoxun's eyes, seeing neither joy nor anger, such Ji Tianyu made Dong Guoxun extremely uneasy.

"Boss, just say what you want to say, don't go around like this!" Dong Guoxun knew it was going to be bad, and hearing Ji Tianyu's tone, he obviously knew what happened with Ji Tianjiao in the bathroom.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Ji Tianyu to come to Huangtian at such a late hour!

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