Chapter 30 Grievances and Holidays
Ding Yi turned around and asked Li Zhongyi: "How many shots can this gun barrel fire?"

"If you fire continuously, you can fire about fifteen shots. If you want to fire and stop, it will take longer."

"After a long time, you can cut off the root seven or eight inches and reconnect the barrel."

It turns out that this Lumi gun has been fired too much, so it doesn't need to be scrapped directly, and it can be replaced with a section of the root barrel.

Of course, the replacement one is definitely not as good as the original one, and it will still be scrapped after a long time.

Ding Yi thought for a while: "Let's not try three-stage shooting for now. Everyone should be serious about shooting each shot. We only have these Lumi guns. We must do it well. Every shot can kill a Tartar."

"If you can't defeat the Tartars, everyone will die under the butcher's knife of the Tartars."

"It's okay for us soldiers to die on the battlefield, but if we lose, our family members will be slaughtered and our children will be killed. How can we face our ancestors?"

Everyone nodded desperately, their eyes seemed to be on fire.
In August of the sixth year of Tianqi, the Mao Wenlong Department stationed in Lushun reported the Li Yue brothers. Mao Wenlong ordered the arrest of the Li brothers. The two fled to Ningyuan and attached themselves to Yuan Chonghuan. Fuzuo incited the Li brothers to rebel, which is an unforgivable crime. The Li brothers and Xu Fuzuo should be punished.

Yuan Chonghuan pleaded first, but to no avail. Finally, he executed the Li brothers and saved Xu Fuzuo.

In the summer of the seventh year of the Apocalypse, Yuan Chonghuan sent Zhao You and Xu Fuzuo out to sea to discuss with Mao Wenlong about moving the town. As a result, the two passed by various coastal islands. Thousands of Liao people came out, Mao Wenlong was furious again, and immediately sent someone to intercept and kill Zhao You, and Xu Fuzuo fled back.

Mao Wenlong was still angry, and he claimed that Xu had arbitrarily coerced 2 strong men from Dongjiang (exaggerating the number several times), and that he was a candidate for the army, which greatly damaged Pidao's military strength. He demanded to kill Xu Fuzuo, but was arrested by Yuan Bao down.

Since then, Yuan and Mao have officially formed a relationship.

After the year of Chongzhen, Yuan was ordered to go to Beijing, and after five years of flattery in front of the emperor, he returned to Liaodong.

In March of this year, Yuan Chonghuan went to the Ministry of Military Affairs, requesting that the food and equipment sent to Dongjiang in the future should take a straight line from Denglai, Shandong to Dongjiang, and then go northeast from Denglai, first go to Shanhaiguan, and register at the governor's office. After the inspection, go north along the coast to Juehua Island, and go east via Lushun, including the grain and salaries shipped from Tianjin.

In this way, not to mention the detour from the original straight line, the procedures have become much stricter, and they have to be inspected before being transported to Dongjiang.

In the past, Denglai to Lushun could be reached in half a day if the west wind was blowing, but now the route is tortuous, and there is also a section of southwest wind. In addition, inspections can delay time, and sometimes it takes three or four days to arrive.

Mao Wenlong was furious again. He reported that the officers and soldiers of Phi Island were in a commotion, emotionally unstable, and some people robbed boats to kill people. He beheaded two people before suppressing them.

More questions: why is it difficult to abandon the near and seek the far?

But Chongzhen was trusting Yuan Chonghuan and waiting for his five-year plan to flatten the Liao Dynasty, so he approved Yuan's request.

Yuan had the upper hand in the dispute over diversion, but Mao was arrogant and domineering, and he was clearly justified, so why did the court help Yuan Chonghuan?
In April of this year, Mao Wenlong suddenly led Dongjiang soldiers and horses to appear in the sea of ​​Dengzhou. Among them were [-] warships with thousands of soldiers. Cannons were placed on the bows of the ships.

Denglai General Zhang Keda boarded the boat, met Mao Wenlong, and tried to persuade him, which probably meant that the generals of the imperial court were not allowed to leave the station without an order. This is tantamount to rebellion.

Mao Wenlong ignored him, went ashore by his own light boat, offered three pillars of incense in the Temple of Concubine Tian, ​​and then walked away.

Mao Wenlong's behavior is tantamount to supporting the soldiers with self-respect and not looking at the court, which shocked the court and the people and Chongzhen.

Yuan was patrolling outside at the time. After hearing the news, he immediately returned to Ningyuan and asked Mao Wenlong to meet.

Mao Wenlong was quite courageous at the time, and he rushed to Ningyuan Liaodong Governor's Yamen in person. Outsiders don't know what the two talked about at that time, but after the talk, Yuan Chonghuan's hatred for Mao in his heart further strengthened. He must feel that Mao has no more Salvageable.

On April 10th, Yuan Chonghuan reported to Chongzhen, proposing to go to Dongjiang to meet Mao Wenlong, and asked for [-] taels of salary, brought it to Dongjiang, and distributed it in person, Chongzhen agreed.

On May [-]nd, it was the afternoon when Ding Yi led people to Xu Dabao.

Governor's Yamen in Ningyuan and Liaodong.

Yuan Chonghuan looked at the front of the hall. There was a table in front of it with a wooden frame and a sword on it.

This sword is the Shangfang sword given to him by Chongzhen.

Yuan Chonghuan frowned, feeling irritable, walking up and down the hall from time to time while looking at Shang Fang's sword.

In the past two days, the military situation in the front was tense, many piers were breached by Hou Jin, and urgent documents flew in every day, which made Yuan Chonghuan extremely irritable.

Originally planned to go to Dongjiang on May [-], but after the Jin army suddenly invaded, he was afraid that his trip would be delayed.

He had originally made up his mind to go to Dongjiang. If the schedule was affected by the invasion of the Jin army, he was afraid that he would never have the chance to go to Dongjiang again.

"Report, Mr. Fang, the inspector censor, asks to see you." The soldiers outside suddenly shouted.

"Please." Yuan Chonghuan said immediately.

Fang Daren is the censor of the capital. He came to Ningyuan because he was out to patrol Shanhaiguan.

As soon as he entered the hall and saw Shang Fang's sword in the hall, Fang Daren sighed in his heart: "I pay my respects to the Master Supervisor."

"Master Fang, please excuse me, please take a seat."

The two guests sat down, and someone quickly brought tea.

After the servants retreated, Fang Daren said in a deep voice, "The supervisor is really going to Dongjiang?"

Yuan Chonghuan nodded heavily: "The head office has already reported to the Holy Majesty, why don't you go for the payment?"

It means that my money is about to come, and when the money arrives, I should set off immediately.

"Mao is fierce and lawless, arrogant and rude, just in case—" Fang Daren carefully reminded.

In fact, he had vaguely guessed what Yuan Chonghuan wanted to do, but he still couldn't believe it.

Yuan Chonghuan said loudly: "This department believes in one sentence, a man must not have murderous intentions, and he must not be without a murderer. If you go to Dongjiang, I will deal with it properly. Don't say any more."

Fang Daren was speechless, bowed his head and took a sip of tea.

"Report." There was another shout from outside: "Xu Dabao's good news."

"Go down." Yuan Chonghuan was furious. In the past few days, every fortress sent fast horses for help, and every fortress needed reinforcements and soldiers.

How about I come to give you this kind of soldiers?
The imperial court built the fort to let you stick to the pier and send people to ask for help every now and then, they are all bastards.

In one day yesterday, more than forty fast horses ran over from all directions, many of which were repeated.

For example, Xu Dabao and Zhang Cheng sent three servants and three fast horses just in case.

So Yuan Chonghuan read dozens of military newspapers a day yesterday, and some of them were repeated, which made his head get bigger and he was very annoyed.

He ordered early this morning that all military reports for help should not be sent directly to the governor's office.

The soldiers at the door were stunned, holding the military newspaper, wanting to retreat but dare not retreat, wanting to send but dare not send.

"Bang..." Yuan Chonghuan was in a bad mood right now, so he immediately complained.

The soldier was startled, his face turned pale.

"Master, it's good news." Fang Daren reminded in a low voice.

"?" Yuan Chonghuan was stunned for a moment, good news?And good news?
This good news will be placed in the hands of other general soldiers, and they may laugh right away, fearing that they will kill the good and pretend to be meritorious.

But with Yuan Chonghuan, no one dared to report military achievements in a hurry.

Afterwards, Yuan Chonghuan wanted to check the head.

When he first came, several generals in the fort made exaggerated false reports a few times, but after being checked, they even cut down two guards, and everyone was honest.

"My lord, it's good news." The soldiers outside said again.

"Is there any good news?" Yuan Chonghuan sneered: "The headquarters should take a look, that blind man dares to lie about the military situation."

(End of this chapter)

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