Chapter 104

"Which wizard knows how to fight with a sword!"

Gandalf looked at the great sword stuck on the ground, and said with disdain.

"This sword looks pretty good!"

Touching the elven sword in his belt, Gandalf nodded in satisfaction. He has always been worried that using a staff to open a ladle for people will damage this thing, so he must be careful when fighting, or It is used to deal with opponents with fists, but now that he has a cold weapon in his hand, the white robe swordsmanship he has practiced for many years will have a place to use!

As for what he said 1 minute ago?
It was Gandalf in the past who said this, what does it have to do with Gandalf in the present?
There were more than two elven swords found in the troll cave. After Gandalf took one, Chen Mo threw the other one to Thorin's oak shield.

"I do not need this!"

Faced with Chen Mo's kindness, Sorin instinctively wanted to refuse.

"Take it, as the king of Durin, you have to look like a king, you can afford it, you can put it down!"

Chen Mo knew that the other party was not targeting himself, but the elves. Just like in most worlds, elves and dwarves are a pair of good friends who love and kill each other. Sometimes, a dog's brain can make sauce for you.

There have been many wars between the elves and dwarves in Middle-earth, but there is an iron rule that no matter how fierce the two sides fought before, as long as Orcs appear, the two sides will immediately join forces and beat the Orcs first.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, although the elves and dwarves are not the cubs of a god, the dwarves have also been affirmed by the creation god Iluvita. They are quality inspection products stamped by the great god, but Oak, this The thing is black and ugly, and it belongs to the three nothings. The dwarves and elves fight in the same room, but Oak, this is a species invasion, and they must be killed!
Sorin Oak Shield, who was told by Chen Mo, could only nod and put away the sword.

After cleaning the troll cave cleaner than a dog licks it, the death squad returned to the campsite satisfied and fell asleep.

And early the next morning, the dwarves in charge of sentry brought another bad news, and another group of warg cavalry chased after them.

"Let's play tower defense here, wave after wave?"

Chen Mo was still washing his face, and when he heard the news, he prepared to go to Gundaba, which is the base camp of Orcs, to come and greet him, but three or four dwarves held him tightly.

"Selent, forget it!"

"These Orcs are really not afraid of death!"

In fact, Chen Mo misunderstood, how could Oak not be afraid of death, it's just that these ugly and dirty guys don't understand how powerful a hunter is.

Because the first two groups of people died like cotton falling into the river without any waves, Azog, the Orc leader far away in Moria, directly sent [-] cavalry, which was five times as many as before. These cavalry traveled day and night, After exhausting themselves, they rushed to the previous battle area, only to find a dying man hanging from a tree.

The captain originally wanted to ask for information, but as soon as the other party opened his mouth, a ball of blood sprayed the captain's face, making the child look stupid. Dog head, throw it to your mount as a snack.

As for the attack on the opponent, the cavalry captain didn't mind at all. Those guys before were attacked because they were all fools. I brought 500 men under my command, while the dwarves were only about ten, five hundred vs. thirteen. The advantage lies in me. !
It's just that what the cavalry captain didn't know was that now he had to face not only dwarves, but also two wizards and a human.

After realizing that the orcs were chasing after him, Gandalf immediately decided to turn the tide of disaster, ah bah, it was the power of the elves for help, they were not far from the valley, so everyone packed up their things and ran decisively, but they didn't go far, and ran into Gandalf. Gandalf's friend of wine and meat, the brown-robed Redagast who is also a wizard, likes to hang out with birds and beasts. He looks a little crazy, but he is Gandalf's best friend. The white-robed mage, who wishes to remain anonymous, is targeting the latter, who especially likes to criticize the anonymous gray-robed and brown-robed, accusing them of smoking and drinking while the other is a Furuicong, insulting my image as a middle-earth wizard.

Although Chen Mo felt that Bai Pao was right, but the car of the old man in brown robe was so fast, so he had no choice but to support brown robe unconditionally.

Because the pony was not fast enough, the brown-robed mage whistled, and seven or eight sleigh carts were pulled in front of everyone by hares the size of a Shiba Inu. The car in which Gandalf was traveling broke away from the formation and ran in the opposite direction.

It's not that the two of them are going to fight one against a hundred, but that Gandalf wants to put the fact that the Orcs invaded on a large scale in front of the bosses of Middle-earth. Nothing is more convincing than hundreds of living wolf cavalry , so the brown robe drives the car, the gray robe guides the way, and Chen Mo is responsible for the output of the hatred pulling team.


"I saw!"

Because of the need to hold back the hatred, the brown-robed rabbit cart maintained a slightly faster speed than the wolf cavalry, so the left and right sides of the rabbit cart were quickly filled with howling wolf cavalry.

Chen Mo held both shotguns, and fired left and right without even looking at them. A wall of fire spewed out, and dozens of wolf cavalrymen rolled on their backs immediately.

And Gandalf, standing behind Chen Mo, held up his cross sword, waiting for Chen Mo to let him see a bad guy from time to time, and then he went down with a knife in his tall gray robe, and a chubby thing flew into the air. out.

The brown-robed Redagast's driving skills are extremely high. He shuttled back and forth on the plain, sometimes in S-shape, and sometimes in B-shape. The grassland was full of wolf cavalry shouts.

And after Gandalf chopped off a few heads, he felt that it was too slow to fight like this. He also took a shotgun, and after learning how to operate it, he stood in the car and beat him up.

"Redagast, my old friend, this thing is much easier to use than a staff!"

And the brown robe driving the car in front also let out a quack laugh, and occasionally took out the mushrooms he picked up and put them in his mouth. There is nothing happier than watching the orcs deflated!
After slipping the wolf cavalry halfway, Gandalf suddenly frowned. He saw the dwarves who had left before returning suddenly, thinking that something had happened, but then he heard a long horn.

Then more than a hundred riders waved the elven battle flag, and the elven woodland cavalry on horses appeared on the horizon side, following the dwarves.

"Ha, it's Elrond! The Lord of the Valley is here!"

Gandalf immediately straightened his black beard and robes that had been smoky from the gunfire, and prepared to go up to say hello.

(End of this chapter)

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