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Chapter 107 I see it this way!

Chapter 107 I see it this way!

"I knew I couldn't trust wizards!"

Chen Mo touched his red and swollen face with a gloomy expression on his face. Although he is handsome and Miss Elf is also very happy about art, it is too early to dedicate herself to art. There are only works of art, which can only be seen but not bump.

Fortunately, he is handsome, and there is no gendarmerie in Yougu, otherwise Chen Mo guessed that he might have been hung on the old crooked neck tree.

"Probably because of the hair problem!"

Chen Mo took a selfie of himself, making sure that there was nothing wrong with his appearance.

Since there is no problem with appearance, it can only be a problem with hair. Elf likes the kind of long hair that does not wash?

After comparing his appearance with Aragorn's, Chen Mo felt that he had found the reason, and fortunately Aragorn was not around, otherwise Chen Mo would teach him a good lesson tonight, telling him the dangers of not washing his hair.

When Chen Mo was depressed, he happened to meet Gandalf Thorin and Elrond, Lord of the Valley, and they were going to decipher it for Thorin.

Chen Mo wanted to follow him to have a look, but he had just been slapped by Miss Elf, he was really guilty, not because he was afraid that Elrond would jump and send him to the west, but because he was afraid that Gandalf would laugh at him.

So he simply went back to his room and continued to meditate. For some reason, the more orcs he killed, the purer the holy light that Chen Mo felt during meditation. Light rewards.

And Chen Mo also discovered an interesting fact, the Holy Light is racist, and Chen Mo's feedback from killing ten German soldiers is even worse than killing an Orc.

Of course, this racism cannot be said nonsense. Chen Mo thinks that the bigger reason lies in the camp to which the creatures themselves belong. Orcs are inherently evil. Every breath they breathe, every drop of blood flowing, is a blasphemy against this world.

If Chen Mo kills Oak, not only will he not be charged with indiscriminate killing of innocent people, on the contrary he will be rewarded!
After a night of meditation, the understanding of the Holy Light has become more refined. The flash technique learned with Gandalf before is automatically advanced to the blind light, which integrates lighting, dispelling, and confusing the enemy. One spell, three effects, and the golden light, Bigan Dolph's white light didn't know where it was going.

After washing up, Chen Mo went out, just in time to see Gandalf walking over in a hurry.

"Morning, Gandalf, to breakfast?"

"No time to eat, we have guests!"

Gandalf grabbed Chen Mo's hand and forcibly dragged him to Elrond's back garden.

In the garden, Elrond respectfully waited beside a figure in a cloak. When he saw Gandalf and Chen Mo, he nodded slightly and said something to the cloaked man in a low voice. Opening the cloak, revealing a graceful and extremely beautiful face.

"Mythrandil, long time no see!"

"Lady Galadriel?"

A surprised expression appeared on Gandalf's face, but it quickly turned into joy. The unhappiness that happened before seemed to be swept away in this instant, and then he was a little panicked. After all, he was in a hurry to go out in the morning. No teeth cleaning or brushing.

But Queen Galadriel didn't mind him being unkempt. Instead, she kindly took his hand and invited him to sit down. By the way, she looked at Chen Mo with a smile.

"Who is this?"

"Selente, a very good human warrior, comes from another land!"

Chen Mo also hurried forward, took a deep breath, and said hello to the other party in Quenya, which is the language of the Noldor elves.

"It's an honor to meet you, Lady Galadriel, Your Excellency Elrond and His Excellency Saruman in White Robe!"

After listening to Chen Mo's greeting, Gandalf realized that there was still an old man in white robe with a stinky face sitting in the corner.

Why don't you remind me?

Gandalf gestured to Chen Mo with his eyes.

I reminded you, but you can't see it even if your back is turned to me!

Chen Mo rolled his eyes, obviously Gandalf stared at Gai Nai after entering the door, how could it be my fault?

Fortunately, Gandalf is also a mature gray robe, and immediately lowered his posture and said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here, Saruman in the white robe!"

At this time, the white-robed wizard who had not yet become Sauron's lackey looked better, after all, the other party emphasized the word white-robed.

So he simply criticized Gandalf for a few hundred sentences, and this matter is over!

"Your eyesight is even worse than that of a child!"

Gandalf could only nod his head again and again to show that he was open-minded to be taught, and he would definitely learn from the wise and mighty white robe in the future.

A group of Middle-earth bigwigs gathered in Rivendell not for breakfast, but because of the recent chaos in Middle-earth. The bigwigs are mainly divided into two factions. Gandalf the Gray thinks that Sauron is coming back, and we must pay attention to it. Pao Saruman thinks that Sauron has lost his braids, and that humans who have learned a few tricks of black magic are pretending to be gods and tricks. Don't worry too much. The only ones who leaned back involuntarily were Chen Mo and Elrond, trying to pretend to be a sculpture, and Elrond even made room for Chen Mo.

The dispute between the two lasted for a long time, and when the stalemate was about to continue, Queen Galadriel looked at Chen Mo.

Oh shit, it's over!
Chen Mo wished he could slap himself twice. You said you were fine and made up rumors. They were all children's nonsense, so you can't take it seriously!
Although his heart was overwhelmed, Chen Mo still stared straight ahead, and kept hypnotizing himself.

"Selent, you and Gandalf have taken risks all the way, and have gone through many battles, what do you think?"

However, Gai Nai still spoke.

"I, I..." Chen Mo was quick to think, and wanted to say that he hadn't eaten breakfast, but just as he was about to say something, he saw Galadriel's face became even more smiling.

"I think what the white-robed Saruman said is very reasonable, but we must not be careless when it comes to the thousands of creatures in Middle-Earth. Therefore, my opinion is..."

Chen Mo cleared his throat and continued.

"We should check it out. If it is fake, it will prove that the white robe mage is correct, so that the gray robe will understand what mistakes he has made. If it is true, the safety of Middle-earth Continent will be at risk if the white robe takes action." There is a guarantee, what do you say?"

"Look, you're not even as good at talking as a child!"

Although Saruman felt that something was wrong, but Chen Mo took a white robe, so flattering him, an old man, he was embarrassed, so he didn't care about it any more, and Gandalf's goal was achieved, so he didn't care about right or wrong up.

(End of this chapter)

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