Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 116 Freedom Blessing!

Chapter 116 Freedom Blessing!

The new mayor acted vigorously and held a town meeting overnight to announce the news that the former mayor ran away with money. The townspeople were relieved after hearing the news.

They have known for a long time what kind of piss the former mayor is. If the other party is serious about preparing for war, everyone will feel that something is wrong. Now that the other party runs away, the townspeople feel a sense of relief, and for the new mayor Bud, everyone has nothing to do. Opinion, the other party is usually kind and generous. If there is nothing to do, he will go to a few widows' houses to help loosen the soil and turn over the ground. He never owes money for playing cards and drinking in taverns. Let's grow!

Thousands of people in Changhu Town moved overnight. The residents brought food and clothes and lit torches and lined up to move to the walled Hegu City. Chen Mo lent his horse to an old lady with her granddaughter, and followed Behind Gandalf, the blessing of spells for those with limited mobility, the importance of the blessing of freedom is undoubtedly revealed at this moment. Although the duration is only half a minute, it does not cool down. So everyone saw a flash of golden light, and then the old people who walked and worked slowly on weekdays walked like flying, carrying big bags and small bags and running faster than young people.

Overnight, thousands of people in Changhu Town were transferred, and then they began to repair the city wall and search for weapons depots non-stop under Bud's command, striving to provide enough weapons for all combatants.

At this time, Chen Mo, who had not slept all night, returned to Changhu Town after eating a bowl of barley porridge, and started to set up the battlefield. In fact, there was nothing to set up, just to clean up the shooting area, clean up and deal with obstacles, and then plan several transfers route.

The dwarves also started to act after receiving the signal. They would enter the Lonely Mountain, wake up Smaug, and then lead him to Long Lake Town.

The plan went well, until a raven flew over to deliver a message, and at some point a breastplate was cast on Smaug's chest, which looked like it was done by Orcs.

"Your uncle Sauron!"

Who else but Sauron can do this?
Chen Mo rubbed his head. Fortunately, Bud was not asked to help. The only remaining black arrow is not of much use, so let's keep it for defending the city!

Not long after, there was a loud noise from the direction of Gushan, and with a high-pitched dragon cry, an evil dragon roared and flapped its wings and flew into the blue sky.


Chen Mo picked up the binoculars to observe his target. The armor on the opponent's chest was hung up one by one, just like putting a scarf on Smaug. It is not difficult to hit, and the whole piece can fall off by breaking the link.

"Come on then!"

Chen Mo took a deep breath, then took out his own flare gun, loaded it with a red flare, and shot into the sky.


The red flare rose slowly in the air, and instantly attracted Smaug's attention. The dragon with an IQ comparable to Sherlock Holmes immediately concluded that the enemy was attracting him!
And then it's on!

The dragon that was skimming down at high speed narrowed its eyes, searching for signs of suspicious activity, and then it saw an extremely arrogant guy standing on the tallest building in the town, and raised a strange thing in his hand to himself.


Chen Mo tentatively fired the first shot at Smaug's scales. The bullet hit the scales and sparked, but the damage was not as good as Gua Sha. Chen Mo reckoned that in order to penetrate, at least an anti-material weapon of 14.5mm or more was needed. As for the famous Barrett, he can be choked, after all, the body armor on his body is the style that can resist Barrett's direct shots.

However, anti-tank missiles or anti-air missiles should be able to drink a pot for this guy, but Chen Mo didn't bring them. There is a tank killer in the storage space, but the hit rate of uncontrolled rockets hitting low-altitude aircraft is better than that of lovers. It's just a little bit off the single height on the day of the festival.

"Weak and weak!"

The grinning Smaug felt the opponent's attack, but just like before, he couldn't break through the defense. The evil dragon laughed at Chen Mo triumphantly, then exerted force in his throat, and a flame appeared deep in his throat.


Chen Mo put away his weapon and whistled. Putao, who had been waiting in the distance, ran over in small steps. Then Chen Mo jumped off and landed on the horse's back. With his left hand, he released the blessing of freedom. Putao ran away immediately. The water path runs all the way.

Smaug's dragon's breath followed in the next second, and the powerful dragon flame swept across, turning a row of houses into burning ruins.

With the cover of the building, Chen Mo shifted to the second shooting position, took a deep breath, this time he was aiming at the ropes connecting those armors, Chen Mo did not rush to hit his eyes, that might make Smaug escape, without Before he was sure of a one-hit kill, all he had to do was look for opportunities a little bit.

At a distance of thousands of meters, it is really difficult for Chen Mo to see a piece of iron chain that is not as thick as a human finger. In order to ensure that the gun is not empty, Chen Mo even has to put the distance within 1000 meters, and this distance is for Smaug. In other words, it's just a matter of ten seconds.

Before the other party was about to spray out dragon flames, Chen Mo finally saw the location of the iron chain, and then he fired three shots in a row, the first two shots attacked the scales, the third shot attacked the iron chain, and under the cover of the first two shots that were harmless However, Smaug didn't realize that there was a problem with his armor.

But Chen Mo still drove the grapes out of the range covered by the dragon flames just a second before the hellfire fell.

Because of opening Death Eye and Freedom Blessing for a long time, Chen Mo's energy value was lost very quickly, and he couldn't pull it up just by continuing to smoke cigars. bottle.

After switching to several shooting positions one after another, the temporary armor on Smaug's chest was already crumbling, and Smaug, who lost his patience in chasing the big show, simply blocked Chen Mo's way out, trapping him on the burning bell tower.

"Human, do you really think that your ridiculous toy can hurt me?"

Chen Mo didn't say anything, but shot Smaug twice in the nostrils, giving him a bang-bang shaved nose hair.

The two shots into the nostrils actually wounded Smaug, and it really showed him how outrageous this human weapon was.

Feeling the threat from Chen Mo, Smaug decided not to delay any longer, and tried to kill Chen Mo as soon as possible, but when it swooped down again, he heard Chen Mo's voice.

"Do you know what it means to gather three flowers at the top?"

At this moment, the evil dragon was distracted, and then it saw several flames light up in the opponent's hand again, and when the bullet hit his body and felt a change in the touch, Smaug realized what the opponent had done!
 Everyone should be holding hands in the hotel on Valentine’s Day and reading novels while shy
(End of this chapter)

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