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Chapter 205 Please dispatch your cavalry!

Chapter 205 Please dispatch your cavalry!

The death of the demon spirit is called simply. The Dance of the Holy Seal is currently Chen Mo's most powerful attack skill. Every time he activates it, Chen Mo will be hollowed out in an instant, and he has to take out the potion afterwards to replenish it.

Needless to say, the power of the Holy Light comes with the attribute of destroying demons and evils. Almost in an instant, the body and soul of the demon spirit are torn apart. .

With the passing of the demon spirit, the shadows near the whispering hills receded quickly, and those civilians and animals who were tortured by the whispering could also sleep peacefully. As for the three who were cooking fresh human broth in the depths of the swamp, Witches are also very happy. For them, that damned demon spirit is here to smash their jobs. Those human villages that are kept in captivity near the swamp are the food of the three witches. !

Even the three witches have prepared gifts, and want to thank the warrior who killed the demon spirit. Of course, it must be nothing more than gold and silver treasures!

When Chen Mo returned to the baron's castle, Geralt hadn't come back yet. On the contrary, the baron had already started to train his men. These defeated soldiers are good at beating up old men and old ladies. One person can knock down an old man in a village in a day. Bring back a lot of food, but if you expect them to cut down water ghosts and ghouls, then forget it, but Chen Mo also said that after the removal of the three witches, the land of the swamp will be supported by the baron. Wake up, there will be new witches appearing!

In fact, besides training his subordinates, the Baron did not forget to send a request for help to the Nilfgaard garrison. The former is currently the nominal controller of Waylon. As the only way for the army to go north, some obstacles are inevitable. It needs to be cleared, but it is more troublesome to dispatch the army. A team of more than a dozen people is useless, and a team of hundreds of people is too cumbersome, so Commander Nilfgaard is still worrying about what he should do. Within a month, the army will not be able to catch up.

But Chen Mo didn't count on these Nilfgaardian cavalry, after all, they came here to be cannon fodder!

The decisive battle depends on the high-end combat power!
It took Geralt five full days to reach Novigrad, and then it took another three or four days to find Triss, who heard that Ciri was in trouble, and couldn't care less about what she had at hand. Job, without saying a word, opened the portal and flew to Waylon.

I still want to mention here that although Geralt's two old friends, Triss and Yennefer, both treat Ciri very well, Ciri's attitude towards them is different. More like sisters, while Yennefer acts like Ciri's old mother.

The witch who rushed to Velen acted swiftly, and was about to drag Geralt into the swamp to fight, but the witcher, who was not very physically strong, said that he had to take it easy, at least rest for a day!
So Triss took advantage of the situation and focused on Chen Mo!
And Chen Mo is very discerning. After a few words, he called Triss to her sister, and gave some healing ointment he brought as a gift, which is the kind produced by the factory in Yunnan Province. Looking at the environment, in the world of wizards, the recovery effect of topical healing ointments is even better than in the world of the League of Assassins. There are some scars on Triss's body, which are caused by the backlash caused by the release of powerful spells. After using the ointment, the scars faded Quite a few, she can wear those revealing coats that she didn't dare to wear before.

Triss even expressed in private that she was very optimistic about the development of Chen Mo and Ciri, and Geralt's objection was useless!

"This guy is nice!"

Seeing that Triss's butt was also crooked, Geralt's hand unconsciously touched the hilt of the sword again, and Chen Mo also gave him some ointment.

"Those scars on your body can also be eliminated!"

Looking at the sincere gift, Geralt finally put down his right hand, and then he pointed at Chen Mo.

"The scars on my body are the achievements of men. I don't need this kind of thing, so don't give it away next time!"

So that night, Chen Mo saw Geralt sneaking into the bathhouse, and soaking in it all night long!

The next morning, the other party happily changed into a white shirt and walked out with a beautiful ponytail.

Seeing Chen Mo brushing his teeth at the door, Geralt paused for a few seconds, and then said that the best antidote for a witcher's fatigue is to take a bath, and he has to clean himself up when he goes out to hunt monsters. Difficult words.

And Chen Mo could only nod his head, saying that your old man is right!
And then, when a Nilfgaardian heavy cavalry of more than 100 people arrived at the baron's castle, this witch crusade team was fully formed. Together with the baron's more than [-] men and some hired hunters, this team The crusade team officially began to march towards the depths of the swamp.

The commander of the Nilfgaardian army may have received some orders, and he executed Geralt's orders meticulously, but he could see from his eyes that he was dissatisfied with this mission. After all, this cavalry team was placed on the frontal battlefield. , can defeat a regular army of hundreds of people, but the higher-ups ordered them to chop some dark creatures. For these cavalry, they feel that they are really overqualified!
Then in the swamp, these heavy cavalry suffered!

It's not that Chen Mo asked them to charge in the swamp on horseback. In fact, heavy cavalry are also very powerful when dismounted. Their thick armor and long-handled weapons can deal with many enemies, but they can't hold back the monsters running around in the swamp and throw mud!

The swamp in Waylon is very large, occupying nearly half of the area. Besides all kinds of wild animals, various monsters also emerge in endlessly, such as an ugly thing called a swamp witch. Corrosive liquid, can paste people with mud, and command the surrounding water ghosts to besiege the enemy, so when the cavalry captain led his men to rush forward bravely, they were greeted by dozens of stinky and sticky Black mud, in addition to the crazy gnawing of hundreds of water ghosts.

"These pompous fellows!"

Geralt felt dizzy for a while. He didn't know the art of war, so he didn't have the nerve to command, but he couldn't ignore it.

It's just that before he drew his sword, Chen Mo had already changed into Moon God and started calling the water ghosts.

In less than 20 seconds, all the water ghosts who besieged the Nilfgaardian cavalry had their heads blown off. Broken corpses were everywhere, and those swamp witches were no exception. Chen Mo directly tore these monsters apart with multiple shots. It became two pieces.

Then Chen Mo said to the shocked Nilfgaardian officer.

"Captain, you have done a good job, let you take the lead next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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