Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 251 The Fellowship of the Ring, whose painting style begins to distort

Chapter 251 The Fellowship of the Ring, whose painting style begins to distort

The return of the Supreme Ring has been sensed by Sauron of Mordor. In order to regain the Supreme Ring, he dispatched the Nazgul Knights with a brand new body.

When they entered Shire, they unexpectedly discovered that the aura of the ring was not deliberately hidden, but appeared in the suburbs of Shire ostentatiously.

The ring spirits didn't think there was a problem, they just thought it was the ring-bearer who was out of their minds, and immediately rushed over on the skeleton war horse, but when they rushed out of the forest and came down to the place surrounded by fog, they found that there was nothing wrong with standing there. It was not only Frodo alone, but a fellow they knew well, and whom they would never forget.

"The Hunter!"

Anyone who has been killed by headshots more than a thousand times on average will leave a very deep psychological impression, let alone the ring spirits. When they saw Chen Mo, all the ring spirits felt their hearts tense, and their crotch The dismounted horses began to get restless.

"one two three four five six seven eight nine!"

Chen Mo took out the lighter, lit the cigar dangling from his mouth, and counted with his teeth bared.

"There are nine of you, then I will let you nine steps! Who wants to be the first to come?"

The ring spirits didn't answer Chen Mo, but took the first step in unison, before the horses under them raised their legs again.

Then there was a crisp gunshot, and nine headless corpses appeared in front of Frodo.


Frodo was startled when he saw his head blooming for the first time, and the more terrifying thing was yet to come. The nine headless corpses could still move, but that was because Chen Mo gave each corpse a make-up. With one shot, the Holy Light Bomb reacted violently with their remnants, directly smashing the Nazgold's body to pieces.

"Finish work!"

Chen Mo took off the cigar, wiped out the sparks with his boots, and waved to Frodo.

"Come on, at least we won't have to worry about them for a while!"

The power of the ring spirits comes from Sauron. As long as Sauron does not die, they can be resurrected infinitely. However, Chen Mo also destroyed their bodies, so these resurrected ring spirits either wait for new bodies or use The spirit state strikes again, but no matter what, it will take time!

The two returned to the tree bag hole and continued to pack their luggage. Frodo, who was in a hurry, also met his good employee, the honest and honest Sam.

"It is my business to look after Lord Frodo!"

And after Chen Mo tasted the tea and grilled fish made by the other party, he also nodded in satisfaction, we old Chinese people, it's good to go out to fight.

"Now you have an extra Master Serente!"

Chen Mo conveniently threw a large piece of gold to the other party as the employment fee.

And Sam looked at Frodo in great trepidation, and nodded after seeing the frantic wink at Frodo to let him accept the gold.

"Mr. Salente is so generous!"

"Not only is he generous, he is also a strong fighter, Sam, we must not let him down!"

While Chen Mo was tasting delicious food, Sam and Frodo whispered about Chen Mo's deeds. When Frodo told Sam that the other party was the inventor of Wallace's fried chicken, Sam was even more excited. .

"I didn't expect Mr. Serente to be so great!"

"Wallace fried chicken is a popular delicacy throughout Middle-earth! Even the regent of Gondor eats authentic Bree fried chicken every day!"

Facing the flattery of the little hobbit, Chen Mo waved his hand modestly, saying that he had only made a trivial contribution.

After the two of them packed their things, they followed Chen Mo to the market again. The three of them picked a carriage that looked good, and then prepared to go to Bree Town.

But before leaving the Shire, the carriage was driving on the road, but two hobbits with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes jumped out, and immediately knocked Chen Mo's carriage, which cost a lot of ten gold coins, off the line.

Chen Mo originally planned to punish these two unscrupulous guys, and let them pay him a hundred gold coins for the carriage, but he stripped off the underpants of the two unlucky guys before shaking out three and a half steel coins.

"Then come and lead the horses for me!"

So the three-person team added a groom named Pippin and a groom named Merry. Unlike Frodo and Sam who could sit in the car, the two unlucky guys had to walk on the road honestly the whole time.

Since then, there is only one dwarf left in the team of the Guardian of the Ring, and the others have been taken under Chen Mo's command.

Although they are called grooms, the treatment of Mei Li and Pipin is quite good in fact. The condiments and snacks in Chen Mo's hands are not missing for the two of them, let alone the various prey they hunted along the way.

A group of people is like going on an outing every day, first finish breakfast, then move forward at a slow speed, start morning tea, then hurry, lunch, lunch break, hurry, afternoon tea, hurry, dinner, rest, supper, rest, for this The hobbit was very satisfied with his itinerary.

At first, Frodo thought that this kind of slow action would make Gandalf anxious, but thinking that it took the other party 17 years to check the information, maybe the other party hadn't left the house after they arrived. , then we don't have to rush!
So everyone walked more slowly every day, especially Chen Mo, who walked two steps and saw a hare on the side of the road, he would definitely stop, and then took the other three people to start cooking, roasting, boiling, frying, and stewing various tricks Change it.

They should have been able to cover the road in five days, but they still haven't reached the place in eleven days.

This made a certain strider who was waiting to join Frodo in Bree Town very anxious. This was not because he was worried about the safety of Frodo and others, but because he did not bring much money, and the Prancing Horse Tavern Wallace's fried chicken is too delicious. Three fried chicken meals a day is not a small burden for him. If he eats any more, he will use his weapon to give the boss credit!
"These... hobbit... people... can't... hurry up... blah blah..."

Strider, who was sitting in the tavern enjoying the delicious fried chicken wantonly, murmured to himself vaguely.

And on the 15th day, after Strider had already emptied his last copper plate, a carriage hung with various animal furs appeared unsteadily outside the town of Bree.

When the gatekeeper asked about his purpose, the hobbit with the horse said proudly.

"We are selling furs in the city, and these are all high-quality fur goods!"

The gatekeeper didn't hesitate when he saw the car full of furs, and put them into the city directly, still muttering, these furs are enough for an ordinary hunter to hunt for half a year!
 Blizzard, nmb, fq suit first class three, survival suit second class second, I'm going to play punishment ride

(End of this chapter)

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