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Chapter 262 I'm Struggle!

Chapter 262 I'm Struggle!
In this way, amidst the explosions that sounded on time every day, the Fellowship of the Ring came a little closer to the Lothlorian forest, which is also the territory of the elves. Elrond's mother-in-law, queen of the elves, and Galadriel's territory is here.

And the attack of the orc self-demolition soldiers did not stop as everyone approached Rosslorian, and even blind self-destruction soldiers ran to blow up the elf patrol.

How should I put it, among the elven forces in Middle-earth, Rosslorian's elven army may not be the most powerful, but its status is the most noble, and a wave of self-destruction raids by the orcs just took away a dozen This unlucky elf brother, this has already made Celeborn, the elf lord of Lothlorian, cry with distress.

Celeborn cared about her people, the Elf Queen cared about her husband, and the Fellowship of the Ring was just passing by, so the Elven Queen simply vented her anger on Saruman of Isengard.

So Essinger was beaten up by the water spell from the elf queen after Chen Mo washed the ground with cannon fire. After all, she is a powerful woman who holds the ring of water Nanya, and Gandalf who holds the ring of fire is worthy of a pair ...a good pair!

Chen Mo has learned his lesson this time, he dare not think about anything, the elf queen is so weird!

After Essinger's factory was tossed and tossed by flooding and ice, Baipao finally realized the reality. Without enough numbers, his orcs were chickens.

But here comes the problem, the forging factory has been destroyed by Chen Mo, and Essinger's orcs don't have enough weapons, so it's impossible for those orcs produced to fight with bare hands, right?
When White Robe was disheartened, Sauron, who was far away in Mordor, took the initiative to extend a helping hand to him, but the premise was that White Robe would respect Sauron from now on.

White Robe was naturally furious about this, and then issued a big order of [-] sets of ordnance. He thought that Sauron would refuse, but he didn't expect the Dark Lord to agree.

And Saruman was also quite frightened. One hundred thousand ordnance was not a small number. The combined standing and regular armies of Gondor and Rohan were not as large as this number. As a result, Mordor easily took out one hundred thousand.

What does it mean?
Sauron has been waiting for this day for a long time!

The Dark Lord is outspoken.

His craftsmen and miners are engaged in a non-stop arms race at Mordor Volcano. The war materials accumulated over decades and hundreds of years are countless, just like the neon men used to make pots and pans during World War II Same with weapons.

With the supply of countless supplies, the white robe immediately expressed his loyalty to Sauron, but after the magic communication ended, the white robe showed disdain.

I turned my face when I took the supplies, and let Sauron fuck me if I have the ability!
But this is actually within Sauron's expectation. He has long known that Saruman is a rebellious guy. If he wants to truly subdue the opponent, he has to surpass him in strength, but this is enough. What Sauron wants is Saruman. After Luman got the weapon, he began to attack all the forces of order around him. To put it bluntly, it was to attract firepower and dispatch troops for Mordor to weaken the order side.

The location of the Mordor volcano is actually very close to Gondor. Both sides are on the Great Plains. There is only a river and a destroyed Gondor city Osquilias in the middle. This was once the capital of Gondor, but in After Mordor was established, Gondor moved its capital to White City.

Afterwards, Gondor and Mordor fought repeatedly with Osquilias as the battlefield. Until not long ago, the ruined city was half recovered by the army led by the big pineapple. The defenders of Gondor and Mordor relied on The river is guarded. Every day, the two sides either throw stones and shoot bows and arrows, or beat gongs and drums. Although it is a small fight, the flames of war have never subsided.

Sauron is already planning to attack Gondor, so it is necessary to cut off all support for Gondor, whether it is the elves, Rohan, or guerrillas everywhere.

And Roselorian, who is not too far from Gondor, naturally also counts, but Saruman also knows that the elf queen is not easy to mess with, so he just let his orcs wander outside, and did not launch another attack on this elf paradise , he was scared and anxious, the elf queen ran out and beat him!
And the Guardians of the Rings team can breathe a sigh of relief. Although most of the battles were handled by Chen Mo, the members of the Guardians of the Rings team also resisted a lot of pressure in the face of the screaming self-destructing orcs, especially the big pineapple. He looked at the orcs that exploded, and panicked. If the defenders of Gondor were replaced, they might not be able to withstand such a terrifying attack!

So after arriving in Roselorian, Big Pineapple immediately found Chen Mo, hoping to let Chen Mo negotiate with the elves to see if he could send the sample of gunpowder and how to use it to Gondor by messenger to warn his regent father and general brother.

"Look at you, you look like a straight single guy with low EQ, the kind who can't find a partner!"

Chen Mo shook his head, with a look of hatred.

And Big Pineapple is also a little confused. He is the son of the regent and a war hero. There are countless girls in Gondor who want to marry him. Why does Chen Mo still say that he can't find a match?

"You are the general of Gondor, how can you find me when you serve Gondor?"

Chen Mo gave the other party a sexy mustache, and then pointed to Aragorn who was interacting with the elf brothers in a friendly manner.

"You must know who the other party is!"


The big pineapple's mood suddenly became a little depressed. This was not because he felt sorry for his father's regent position, but because he was brooding over Aragorn's failure to return to Gondor for a long time.

The fire will be extinguished, but the king's shadow cannot be seen in his seat.

"Although Aragorn has not returned, his contribution to Gondor is no less than yours. Go ahead and discuss this matter with your boss!"

"But I accused the other party before!"

Big Pineapple was in a bit of a dilemma. I just scolded Aragorn not long ago, and then went to beg him. This seems unreasonable!
"Well, that's true!"

Chen Mo nodded, and asked the elf waiter beside him for a frying pan.

"Then I'll teach you one more thing. If you want to conquer a man, you must first conquer his stomach!"

Chen Mo took the big pineapple to find a quiet place, and then took out a bunch of odds and ends, such as bread crumbs, eggs, and their own seasonings.

"Isn't this Wallace fried chicken?"

Just after Big Pineapple finished speaking, he remembered that the person in front of him was the God of Fried Chicken Wallace, and the fried chicken that must have come from the hands of God must be more delicious!

"This is the condensed work of thousands of years of ingenuity. It is a peerless delicacy that can only be enjoyed every Thursday. Don't underestimate it!"

Chen Mo took out the chef's hat and put it on for himself, then seriously massaged the chicken wings.

"It's time for you to see what craftsman spirit is!"

(End of this chapter)

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