Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 28 Killing Generals!

Chapter 28 Killing Generals!

Even though the camp started to riot due to the fire, Chen Mo still didn't rush up, he still walked around the camp patiently, and the submachine gun still had a [-]-round magazine, although it wasn't enough to send the guys in the camp to the sky one by one, but it was enough He opened a breach in ten seconds.

When surrounding the camp, Chen Mo did not forget to repeatedly seduce the defenders of the camp to fire. This is not because Chen Mo is sick, but because he is waiting for the opponent to finish firing the ammunition on his body. If you finish the bullets, you are already worthy of the meager salary you get.

But now, these native soldiers who had finished shooting bullets became Chen Mo's best shield. Taking advantage of the commotion in the camp, Chen Mo steered the white horse to turn around and charged towards the opponent.

In the eyes of the native soldiers, the white shadow came rushing, like a god of death urging them to die. The bolder ones dropped the weapons in their hands and started to flee to the rear, while the timid ones just lay on the ground motionless and pretended to be dead.

Chen Mo didn't shoot, the bullets were so precious, he wanted to save them for those who needed them, he just put on the saber that came with the horse, waved it a few times, let the rout soldiers in front run faster, and then threw the saber on the ground. If it is on the ground, chopping it immediately is also a technical job, and he doesn't know how to do it at all.

The expulsion was very effective. The Germans' already poor defense line was smashed to pieces by the rout. Several non-commissioned officers beat the rout with gun butts while trying to reorganize the defense line.

But then they were knocked down one by one by flying bullets. The beheading tactic has been tried and tested for thousands of years.

Chen Mo didn't stop at all, but kept accelerating. He and the enemy were already in close combat. If he stopped for a second, he would be smashed into a hornet's nest by bullets. It would be beneficial for him to use high-speed penetration to make the camp more chaotic.

The submachine gun bullets have been finished, Chen Mo threw the gun away, then leaned over, picked up a rifle from the ground, pulled the bolt to confirm that there were bullets in it, Chen Mo waved the gun without looking.

He is already familiar with the multi-target shooting of the pistol. When he was a bounty hunter in Red Dead, he often rode a tall horse and shot at the target. In a certain way, the firepower density is not inferior to the current situation.

Even though he lowered his body as close as possible and relied on the occlusion of his vision, Chen Mo still couldn't help being shot twice, but it was only at this moment that he discovered the beauty of the iron sheet.

The full-power rifle bullet hits the body of a person without death or paralysis, but Chen Mo only felt a slight sting, the wound did not affect his movements, and even the blood bubbling out quickly stopped.

Chen Mo really didn't expect the effect of the iron sheet to be so good, but it's right to think about it, this skill was obtained by defeating Zhui Zhui, here Chen Mo has to thank his dear friend.

Chen Mo, who is like a god of death, walks through the flames, and he is even more unstoppable after switching back to the two guns. If the other weapons are just extras, then the two guns are Chen Mo's body. The hammer bounces up and down, and the cylinder rotates. Chen Mo, who seemed to be aiming with his own hands, didn't even need to aim, he just needed to point the muzzle at the target, and then pull the trigger with his feeling.

After drinking another bottle of snake oil to replenish his exhausted energy, Chen Mo looked at the big tent in the center of the camp. It was the only place that was not affected by bullets and was guarded by soldiers. Seeing Chen Mo's death circle in the camp, many German soldiers guarding the center of the camp were killed and injured, and there was a loophole in the defense line, so it was time for the other party to worry.

Donovan was really anxious. He couldn't figure out how the other party turned the entire camp into a pot of porridge. He had never heard of sharp marksmanship. In the era when snipers were not yet standardized, if there was such a guy with godly marksmanship , There must be some information, but the other party seemed to appear out of nowhere, he couldn't wait to leave, but the guards asked him to stay here.

"We are many, sir, and you will be safe!"

Then he lost nearly [-] guards, and the corpses fell in pieces around the tent. Blood spattered on his tent, but the other party was still alive and kicking.

"I'm leaving, I refuse to stay here!"

Seeing another corpse break through the tent and fall to the ground, Donovan couldn't bear it anymore. He growled and ordered the guards to take him out.

The captain of the guard could only obey the order, and surrounded Donovan with a few of his men, covering the approach to the parking lot at the corner of the camp. There was a Mark IV tank there, although the driver was caught by Chen Mo immediately. The head exploded, but the inside of the tank is still very safe, as long as it is dragged until dawn, there is still a chance!
The vigilant guards pushed away the rout soldiers blocking the way, the surrounding tents and supplies were burning, the high temperature scorched their skins, and flying sparks fell on their bodies.

Donovan looked at the red world vigilantly. The figure of the other party still disappeared, but he knew that the other party must be staring at him, ready to appear at any time.

"Da da, da da..."

In the sound of crackling wood, Donovan seemed to hear something, and the rhythm of horseshoes hitting the ground was approaching.

"He's right here!"

The guards immediately raised their weapons and looked around. Their rifles were also equipped with bayonets to prevent possible cavalry assaults.

The sound of horseshoes became more and more clear, and a white shadow appeared in the smoke and fire.

"He's there!"

The leaping white horse broke through the smoke, and Chen Mo, who was riding on the white horse, raised his pistol.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, Chen Mo in mid-air pulled the trigger, the gun flames spewed out, and the flames burst.

The guards around Donovan were shot one after another, and their weapons hadn't been lifted yet.

The captain of the guard pushed Donovan away, raised his rifle, and pulled the trigger. He saw blood burst from Chen Mo's shoulder, and he also saw the flame from the muzzle of the gun.

After killing the captain of the guard with the last shot, Chen Mo picked up the opponent's rifle. He didn't pull the bolt to load it, but gripped the handle of the gun tightly, like a knight raising a spear, and steered his horse forward.

Donovan's figure was already close at hand, and the other party also saw Chen Mo chasing him. He raised the Walter ppk pistol in his hand and pulled the trigger tremblingly. The bullet grazed Chen Mo's cheek, but his speed was not as fast as A slight slowdown.

The white horse brushed past Donovan's body, and then stopped abruptly. Chen Mo turned the horse's head with nothing in his hands. Donovan's dirty white suit was rapidly dyed red, and a sharp bayonet tip protruding from his chest.

After taking a few unsteady steps, Donovan fell to the ground with a thud, the rifle stuck straight into his back.

(End of this chapter)

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