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Chapter 298 Another Strong Immediate Sense!

Chapter 298 Another Strong Immediate Sense!

The first thing he did when he got home was to take a bath, soaking in the oversized German imported steel enamel bathtub that he bought earlier that could accommodate five people, Chen Mo breathed a sigh of satisfaction.

The bathroom on the fourth floor should be said to be Chen Mo's most steadfast support. The huge floor-to-ceiling windows can see the busy traffic on the road not far away. As for whether it will be seen by others, you can see the fourth floor of other people's houses. He also said that he is not a pervert, uncle policeman, this is the guy!
After taking a sip of cold juice, Chen Mo silently activated the massage function of the bathtub, and then checked the system while enjoying the impact of the water.

The experience bar is still the same. After a pass, it is finally fixed at level 74. Starting from level ten, Chen Mo's experience will increase by 74% every time he upgrades. And before he returned to Middle Earth, the experience bar was only at In the position of [-], he has soared to [-] in one fell swoop, which also shows his rich harvest in Middle Earth.

Although Orcs are not considered intelligent creatures, and they don't even have as much experience as a rabbit, but they can't stand Chen Mo killing too much, let alone the big head provided by Morgoth.

And the physical bonus brought by the upgrade to Chen Mo, Chen Mo can't feel any effect anymore, his body is still the same, although Superman can't be killed with one punch, but Batman is not a problem, and Martha should be strong enough, but this You can't say it in front of two people. If you say it, then pray that your mother is also called Martha!

In fact, now Chen Mo's upgrade is more important to grasp and comprehend the Holy Light. Just like before Chen Mo left, he gave Chen Mo an advanced method of meditation. Chen Mo tried it, and felt that the situation was not good.

After meditating, he was a little ecstatic, not like flying leaves and flying high, but he couldn't feel his own quality, as if he was going to soar.

Chen Mo even found that he was able to achieve short-term holy light transformation, or elemental transformation, but he didn't dare to experiment any more. After all, although his house has been around for some years, it is not easy to live in Jincheng, which is located in the Central Plains. In terms of place, it is close to ten million. Chen Mo worried that if he could not control himself and demolished the house, it would be bad!

But when it comes to demolishing houses, Chen Mo really needs a more secretive and spacious place, preferably in an abandoned factory in the mountains. After all, he is not bad at the moment, and Chen Mo wants to try to make the armor made by Aoli first. Fix it, you can't go out with a red cloak and red pants, and you can wear a desert-colored tactical vest!

These days, if you don't wear some fancy clothes, you don't dare to say that you are a boss. Those who dress tactically like Chen Mo are all cannon fodder in TV dramas that can't survive three episodes.

Anyway, with money in hand, Chen Mo inquired about buying an abandoned factory building in the mountains. This factory used to be a supporting facility for a metal smelter, but was abandoned due to various reasons. Chen Mo bought the factory building and It's not that he is bragging, but that Chen Mo really intends to build one. After all, when he has no chance to play real iron, he is also an avid fan of water bombs.

The advantage of doing this is that there is no need to make major modifications to the factory building. It only needs to strengthen and repair the original building, and then connect water and electricity. Of course, operating a water bomb field naturally requires qualifications. Chen Mo thought it was troublesome, so he went to Ye Qi directly. Help, he will pay for it.

And Ye Qi also wished that all of Chen Mo's banknotes would be wasted, so that the other party could obediently eat her own soft food, and also dealt with all kinds of documents and procedures very quickly with great care.

In less than a month, Chen Mo still built his own small warehouse underground in the factory.

As for his own armor, Chen Mo doesn't have a big direction. He doesn't think about people like Iron Man. What Chen Mo wants is multi-functional combat consumables, which can quickly advance, be invisible, and preferably have high mobility, such as Say things like jetpacks that can take off for a short time and hookshot guns that can go back and forth between tall buildings.

Chen Mo has all these items, and Kerry made it in Yishui. I still want to thank Brother Ronan, his wave of heads is really enough for Chen Mo to eat for a lifetime!

However, with so many electronic devices installed, Chen Mo still lacks a powerful processing system. In the end, he had no choice but to dismantle the main control chip of the Kerry fighter he had at hand, and there was no need to recompile it. Just let the system take over the control of those devices!
Although Chen Mo was born in liberal arts, he is not bad at mathematics, especially geometry. Otherwise, why would he be able to ricochet so smoothly? In addition, Cree Technology has indeed taken care of those technical scumbags, basically It is equivalent to doing everything well, Chen Mo only needs to press the switch button.

Working is a state of forgetting to eat and sleep. At first, Chen Mo only wanted to add ordinary functions, but later he wanted more and more things. After two weeks of busy work, he finally got the propulsion system, and then Chen Mo couldn't wait to wear it. The upper armor ran against the wall and double-jumped in the air wantonly on the wall of the factory building.

"Uh, what does it feel like, I seem to be short of something!"

Chen Mo, who didn't wear a helmet, thought for a while, took out the fan iron pilot he bought to restore the helmet one by one, and then took out his cos pulse knife.


Looking at his own body shape in the mirror, Chen Mo can only say that it is not 100% similar, but 90.00% [-] is no problem. The suit of his armor and the Iron Pilot helmet are flawless. Orbital Sniper is more like it!
Then Chen Mo injected his own holy light into the armor, activated the runes that Aoli set on it, and then condensed a semicircular holy light barrier in front of him.

"It's exactly the same!"

Chen Mo couldn't help but give himself a thumbs up. Now that he has the phase shield and the propulsion system, the only thing missing is invisibility, phase shuttle and self-aiming!
"Uh, no, I don't need the self-aiming pistol anymore, I bring it with me! I also have the invisibility paint, so, the only thing left for me to become an iron pilot is the phase shuttle?"

At this moment, Chen Mo suddenly felt unexpected ecstasy, but Tieyu's equipment is a complete set, and his own is still in the state of splicing, and it will take a lot of effort to fully put it into use!
However, the first fifty steps have already been taken, and there is no rush for the next fifty steps!
"No, it's still urgent!"

Chen Mo was scratching his head like scratching his head, and he didn't think that he could get a phase shuttle equipment somewhere, but after thinking of his short-term partial holy light before, Chen Mo frowned, feeling as if he had found a way.

(End of this chapter)

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